PER/PELJ - Pioneer in peer-reviewed, open access online law publications
Author Casper Lötter
Affiliation North-West University, South Africa
Date Submitted 10 June 2022
Date Revised 7 February 2024
Date Accepted 7 February 2024
Date Published 22 March 2024
Section Editor Dr A Storm
Journal Editor Prof C Rautenbach
How to cite this contribution
Lötter C "The Constitutional Case Against the Mandatory Vaccine Policy — An Interdisciplinary South African Perspective" PER / PELJ 2024(27) - DOI
In this article, I rethink the perceived/received wisdom of the |
Mandatory vaccine policy; constitutionality; curative medicine; preventive strategies; critical public health; social sciences complementarity; erroneous approach; South Africa/Africa.
On a state visit to the Ivory Coast on Thursday, December 2, 2021, South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa condemned world reaction to the newly evolved so-called Omicron virus strain as "health apartheid".
Casper Lötter. PhD (UFS). Post-doctoral research fellow in the School of Philosophy North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa. Email: ORCID: 1 Anon 2021
After South African scientists identified a mutated version of the COVID-19 virus, many countries closed their borders to flights to and from South Africa, shattering an already struggling hospitality industry.
Even though Ramaphosa was spot-on in his synopsis of an emerging health apartheid at the time, ironically, he was also painfully wrong in his subsequent support of local vaccine mandates – or enforced vaccination – which in themselves amount to a form of health apartheid. It is doubly ironic that the relatively new mutated strain of the COVID-19 virus greatly increased calls for enforced vaccination when mounting evidence was indicating that it was markedly less severe than the previous strain.
Ramaphosa was painfully correct in recognising the issue of health apartheid, something which the vaccine drive was perpetuating. Steven Friedman
2 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 4, 6-8, 12, 24. 3 Center for Critical Public Health date unknown 4 Center for Critical Public Health date unknown
As Friedman essentially embraces a critical public health paradigm (without identifying it as such), it is worth noting that he isolates at least five serious
if not fundamental mistakes in the South African government's approach to the COVID-19 scourge, which I enumerate below:
5 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 123, 125.
6 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 95, 97.
7 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 97.
8 Bernault 2020; Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 124; Patterson and Balogun 2021 African Studies Review.
9 Bank 2021; Bank 2021; Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 117, 126-127.
10 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 114, 125; Kent 2021
11 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 105-106.
12 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 113-116.
One reason for this lamentable state is the fact that the debate about the approach to COVID-19 was dominated by conventional medicine to the exclusion of the valuable contribution of the social sciences. Friedman
13 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 32. 14 Emphasis added.
My contribution to the debate involves exploring the input of several social sciences (notably anthropology, history, politics, philosophy, and criminology) in the context of an exploration of the constitutionality of the vaccine mandate. In particular, I argue that certain questions in constitutional law, notably whether or not a mandatory vaccine policy passes constitutional muster, must be framed and answered in a broader framework of the social sciences.
I attempt to explore the case against vaccine mandates from various perspectives (in the social sciences) employing a critical public health framework as suggested by Sarah S Willen, Abigail Williamson, Colleen Walsh, Mikayla Hyman and William Tootle Jr,
15 Willen et al 2022 SSM - Mental Health. 16 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 32-33.
parallel example, I also reference Angela Davis's very readable work, Are Prisons Obsolete?
17 Davis Is the Prison Obsolete?
She poses the question about the extent to which Big Pharma's
18 Big Pharma is a reference to the pharmaceutical industry as a whole and in particular its "negative public image" (notably aggressive pricing) and lack of "prioritizing socially responsible practices" (Chen 2021
Taking our cue from Angela Davis's provocative line of argument, we might expand her thought to ask to what extent, if any, the drive for vaccine mandates was motivated by irrational, unstated and certainly unexamined motives. Even though the State of Disaster was officially rescinded by the South African government in early April 2022, vaccine mandates have remained in place in some workplaces and at several universities throughout South Africa. A number of minor remnants from Level One COVID-19 restrictions — such as the requirement to wear masks indoors and a reduced capacity for mass gatherings — remained undisturbed for a considerable period. In this vein, I should stress that I am not in the least concerned with an examination of the argument for voluntary vaccination against COVID-19, which may or may not be constitutionally justified or, said in another way, which passes constitutional muster under South African law, but I do not express a view on this score unless it impacts my theoretical framework or paradigm, which is critical public health. But the issue of a vaccine mandate has already impacted South Africans in several important ways. The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration has ruled in more than one case that an employee who refuses to subject her- or himself to vaccination may be lawfully terminated.
19 Bessick v Baroque Medical (Pty) Ltd (WECT 13083 of 21) [2022] ZACCMA 1 (9 May 2022). 20 Olivier 2021 Phronimon 21.
their arguably authoritarian governments dictate … and those who appeal to their constitutionally embedded right to choose what to do about the so-called 'pandemic'".
Government clearly had its eye on the management of future pandemics. Xi Yinping, for example, has staked his legacy on eliminating COVID-19 in China.
21 Li 2022 22 Lötter 2022 Phronimon. 23 Olivier 2021 Phronimon 20.
I shall first consider my methodology and theoretical framework before going on to briefly traverse the argument against the vaccine mandate in general terms – since the counterargument that it happens to be "safe and effective" is too vague and unsubstantiated – before considering its constitutionality along three axes. These are pronouncements by the US Supreme Court on the Biden mandates (one for medical workers funded by the federal government and the other for general workers), rulings by the New Zealand High Court and finally the position under South African
constitutional law. A critical discussion precedes the conclusion and recommendations.
24 Olivier 2015 Alternation. 25 Olivier 2015 Alternation 349. 26 Lacan, Derrida, Rancière. 27 Hurst Thinking about Research 7, 9-10.
I argue that the value of adopting an eclectic approach (which the situation calls for) rather than employing a monochromatic theoretical lens, is a profound consideration in favour of adopting post-structuralism as a methodology. The former has a decided preference for methodological pragmatism over (unexamined) dogmatism in its scholarly work. Another reason that poststructuralism ties in well with my subject matter is that it lends itself to accommodating a nuanced narrative. Faye Sayer,
28 Sayer 2021 29 Duckworth Grit 137.
admit death into its midst."
30 Payne "Introduction" 10.
My methodology must obviously also meaningfully complement my chosen theoretical framework, which is critical public health. As Friedman
31 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 42. 32 Bank 2021 33 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 44, 94. 34 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 108. 35 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 92.
By way of example, the medical profession's insistence on flattening the curve rather than smashing it, which was informed, at least in part, by the erroneous assumption that a serious pandemic in South Africa was unavoidable, as well as their fascination with Western curative medicine (noted above) led to untold misery and death in this country. The curative approach was described by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,
36 Ghebreyesus 2020
the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in central Africa, as being "wrong and dangerous".
These remarks tie in well with the proposed use of a critical public health theoretical framework and against this background I proceed to consider the argument against a mandatory vaccination policy.
The argument which I explore in this paper is the following: could the "need" to reinvent apartheid thinking (the infamous "versus them" narrative) also have driven the mainstream narrative around vaccine mandates? Davis
37 Davis Is the Prison Obsolete? 50. 38 Olivier 2021 Phronimon 21. 39 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 30.
Even if one accepts that vaccines are in principle safe and effective, concerns have been expressed. This point is poignantly illustrated by the fairly recent case in 2021 of an office party for the (only) vaccinated in Norway which was attended by 120 office workers and which turned into a super-spreader event.
40 Erdbrink et al 2021 &instance_id=46990&nl=evening-brie. 41 Lovelace 2021
This raises the question of how credible the mainstream narrative is. To this question one may add the rider that the Omicron variant which entered the fray in November 2021 and the additional sublineages of the Omicron variant (of which BA.4 and BA.5 appear to be the latest) represent a much-diluted form of the circulating virus, even if more contagious. Accordingly, I argue that there is certainly even less cause for a call to make the vaccine mandatory.
The problem with an unqualified or undebated vaccine drive is that evidence is coming to light that the vaccine offers little protection against self-infection or infection of others. Also, there have been some worrying reports in the US of a rash of side-effects presenting in vaccinated individuals from a diverse range of communities, according to molecular biologist Dr. Aditi Bhargava,
42 Bhargava 2021
It has been suggested that the above-mentioned damage could be because of the spike protein embedded in the vaccine acting as a "promiscuous key" and unlocking access to many organs in the human body. Its fine-tuned ability to cause human devastation certainly highlights the case that the COVID-19 virus could well be a natural virus culled from bats or an intermediate host such as pangolins, and was subsequently manipulated in a laboratory environment to ensure its capacity for human infection in particular.
43 Kormann 2021
The problem/issue of significant and widespread vaccine injury is compounded by the fact that a fairly recent Harvard study
44 Ross and Klompas 2010 publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf.
well have been a good 8 million in total, if the unreported cases were also considered. This is in the US alone. In South Africa a COVID-19 vaccine compensation scheme was hurriedly introduced in April 2021 to provide a no-fault compensation for anyone suffering "serious" injury as a result of receiving a vaccine, a precondition set by vaccine manufacturers Johnson & Johnson, as well as Pfizer, for the vaccine roll-out.
45 Khoza 2022
The VAERS is a passive surveillance system monitoring vaccine injuries and deaths and requiring doctors and other physicians to report vaccine injuries. Despite their official position regarding the efficacy and/or safety of the "vaccines", the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
46 CDC 2021
Covid-19 vaccines are effective. However, a small percentage of people who are fully vaccinated will still get Covid-19 if they are exposed to the virus that causes it. These are called 'vaccine breakthrough cases.' This means that while people who have been vaccinated are much less likely to get sick, it will still happen in some cases. It's also possible that some fully vaccinated people might have infections, but not have symptoms (asymptomatic infections).
If the vaccinated are prone to spread the virus amongst themselves, how can the discrimination and marginalisation against the unvaccinated be rationally justified? These considerations are important from a constitutional law perspective since, as I argue below, unless the mandate can be shown to be both reasonable and justifiable, it will not pass constitutional muster under South African positive law. The threat of discrimination and stigmatisation is highlighted by Ramaphosa's "health apartheid"-statement and represents a real danger for people who prefer to think for themselves, question inconsistencies in the official narrative and demand a say in their bodily integrity. In this regard, section 19 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act entrenched the right against discrimination and is a worthy instrument to protect against authoritarianism in that country.
Considering Big Pharma's long and dirty history, fuelled by profits
47 Moynihan 2021 48 Chen 2021
The industry is known to dominate medical science. Ray Moynihan,
49 Moynihan 2021
In 2013, Johnson & Johnson paid out US$2.2 billion in civil and criminal fines for putting 'profit over patients' health. The company had illegally promoted powerful anti-psychotic drugs as behaviour control for the elderly and most vulnerable, overstating benefits and playing down dangerous side effects, including stroke.
Other court documents around the same time exposed how the giant global company Merck used dirty tricks to try and defend its controversial anti-arthritis drug Vioxx. Merck created a fake medical journal and drew up secret lists of academic critics to 'neutralize' and 'discredit'. In the end, Vioxx was taken off the market because it was causing heart attacks, with estimates in The Lancet suggesting it may have led to 140,000 cases of serious coronary heart disease.
The problem of Big Pharma's less than impeccable record is compounded by the fact that universities and other think-tanks on public medical policy are heavily invested in by Big Pharma and other business interests. As a result, more often than not these role players neglect to declare conflicts of interest when making pronouncements on the efficacy and/or the safety of the vaccines which they punt to an unsuspecting and largely credulous public.
50 Classen 2021 Trends Int Med; Merchant 2021 J Pharm Policy Pract. 51 Schafer 2004 Journal of Medical Ethics 8.
52 Jureidini and McHenry Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine. 53 Weijer 2020
Vested interests are also discernible in the prison industry which, curiously, overlaps with Big Pharma's agenda. In her book mentioned in the introductory remarks the (in)famous prison abolition activist, Davis,
54 Davis Is the Prison Obsolete? 29-36.
Apart from Big Pharma's undeniable vested interests in driving and otherwise perpetuating a vaccine mandate, it is also worth asking whether humanity is facing a mere epidemic rather than a pandemic. The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
55 Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary date unknown
An epidemic is defined as 'an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many individuals at the same time.' A pandemic is a type of epidemic (one with greater range and coverage), an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population. While a pandemic may be characterized as a type of epidemic, you would not say that an epidemic is a type of pandemic.
Clearly, if we are dealing with a mere epidemic rather than a pandemic, the call for a mandate loses a great deal of its currency. I argue, as does Bert Olivier,
56 Olivier 2021 Phronimon. 57 Olivier 2021 Phronimon 7. 58 Hdogar 2021 59 Mark 2020 60 Shipman 2014 61 Hodge 2022 62 Anon 2022
By way of example, South Africa had almost double the number of cases and three and a half times the number of deaths of Morocco, which was ranked as being the worst affected country in Africa after South Africa.
63 Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center 2021
Africa had 33 times as many cases and 93 times as many deaths as that country.
64 Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center 2021
On this note, China's insistence on so-called "zero-Covid" under Xi Yinping has been compared with Mao's disastrous "zero sparrow" campaign of 1958, in which at least 2 billion sparrows were killed in China at the Communist Party's whim (although it should be added that Mao was and still is seen as a Chinese God and certainly acted as an emperor).
65 Li 2022 66 Li 2022
In particular, one needs to question the effectiveness of pharmacovigilance if vaccine injuries and statistics are shrouded in secrecy and counter-narratives are routinely stigmatised and de-platformed. In this regard, Hong Kong-based journalist Verna Yu
67 Quoted in Žižek Pandemic! 7, original source not available to me.
Our guiding principle should be the ideal of critical rationality, once advocated by that famous philosopher of science, Karl Popper,
68 Popper Logic of Scientific Discovery.
Against this background, which emphasises the value of being able to think for oneself, a notion which was advocated by the famous German philosopher Kant, I would briefly like to explore the case regarding the vaccine mandate from a constitutional law perspective, first from an American constitutional law angle and then from a New Zealand constitutional point of view, before ventilating the matter from a South African perspective.
The constitutional pronouncements on mandatory vaccine mandates by the Supreme Court of the United States have been bifurcated between health workers subsidised by the federal government and other general workers employed by private employers in America.
On the one hand, in National Federation of Independent Business v Department of Labor,
69 National Federation of Independent Business v Department of Labor (Supreme Court of the United States) Case No 21A244 (13 January 2022) I(B) and II(A).
On the other hand, in Biden v Missouri
70 Biden v Missouri (Supreme Court of the United States) Case No 21A240 (13 January 2022) II(A).
All this is perhaps why healthcare workers and public-health organizations overwhelmingly support the Secretary's rule. See id., at 61565–61566; see also Brief for American Medical Assn. et al. as Amici Curiae; Brief for American Public Health Assn. et al. as Amici Curiae; Brief for Secretaries of Health and Human Services et al. as Amici Curiae. Indeed, their support suggests that a vaccination requirement under these circumstances is a straightforward and
predictable example of the 'health and safety' regulations that Congress has authorized the Secretary to impose.
Harmonising the two rulings, as the writer for the New York Times
71 Liptak 2022
The challenges posed by a global pandemic do not allow a federal agency to exercise power that Congress has not conferred upon it. At the same time, such unprecedented circumstances provide no grounds for limiting the exercise of authority the agency has long been recognised to have.
This was despite the clear conservative bend of the US Supreme Court and its insistence, at least on the part of general employees who do not benefit from federal funding, that personal choice in matters of medical treatment ought to be respected. These remarks make for interesting reading alongside the constitutional deliberations of another liberal constitutional democracy, namely that of the New Zealand High Court.
72 One of my reviewers has usefully pointed out that New Zealand's judiciary, unlike those in South Africa and the United States, is still in the unique position of being subject to parliamentary sovereignty rather than having constitutional independence. My criticism of the NZ High Court decisions should accordingly be understood in this context.
New Zealand initially earned the reputation of containing or smashing the COVID-19 virus very successfully,
73 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 82.
In considering the latest six rulings of the New Zealand High Court on mandatory vaccine policy, it is striking how the court seemed to constrain itself in its interpretations so as not to find the government's moves wanting. In NZDSOS Inc & NZTSOS v Minister for COVID-19 Response & Attorney
74 NZDSOS Inc & NZTSOS v Minister for COVID-19 Response & Attorney General [2022] NZHC 716 (8 April 2022). 75 Four Midwives NZDSOS and NZTSOS v Minister for COVID-19 Response [2021] NZHC 3064 (12 November 2021). 76 KBLN v Minister of COVID-19 Response [2021] NZHC 3012 (8 November 2021). 77 Nga Kaitiaki Tuku Iho Medical Action Society v Minister of Health [2021] NZHC 1107 (18 May 2021). 78 GF v Minister of COVID-19 Response [2021] NZHC 2526 (24 September 2021).
Finally, the overview of these New Zealand High Court decisions on the mandatory vaccine policy presents a few points of light and hope. By way of example, in two judgments Cooke J was prepared to place limits on government's administrative action in response to COVID-19 and to lend judicial protection to the rights to refuse medical treatment and against discrimination.
79 Sections 11 and 19 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, 1990.
perceptively called "health apartheid", as noted in my introductory remarks. I turn now to a consideration of the vaccine mandate from a South African constitutional law framework.
Having regard to a limited purview of constitutional views in two other liberal democracies, as constitutional challenges in South Africa are entitled to do in formulating their take on the constitutionality of a matter, I am now in a better position to consider the constitutionality of mandatory vaccinations under South African law than I would have been if I not taken the wider view in exploring the case for them.
A South African perspective on the constitutionality of mandatory vaccines appears to be much closer to the New Zealand bench than that of the Supreme Court of the United States, even though New Zealand's laws labour under parliamentary sovereignty and not constitutional supremacy (as mentioned above). In a memo to fellow judges in the Gauteng Division of the High Court, Deputy Judge President Judge Roland Sutherland
80 Quoted in Staff Writer 2022 562366/vaccine-mandates-in-south-african-workplaces-where-we-are-heading/, original source not available to me. 81 One of my reviewers queried the nature of Sutherland DJP's memo, namely whether it was "simply one judge sharing a judicial opinion with colleagues, or is this the DJP using the seniority of their [sic] position to influence colleagues to rule on cases that come before them in a particular way?" The answer, in my view, in the context of the debate/confusion surrounding the issue of vaccination at the time that the learned judge chose to circulate his memo, is probably both.
There has been, as yet, only mild protest that this [adopting a no-vaccination-no-entry policy] violates freedom of choice… in my view this is the wrong question. The proper question is whether or not an individual is sufficiently civic minded to appreciate that a duty of care is owed to colleagues and others with whom contact is made to safeguard them from harm. If one wishes to be an active member of a community, then the incontrovertible legitimate interest of the community must trump the preferences of the individual.
Sutherland DJP's views on the matter should not be accepted uncritically, though. In terms of the wording of section 36 of the South African Constitution, fundamental rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights might be limited only under the following circumstances:
Limitation of rights: -
(1) The rights in the Bill of Rights may be limited only in terms of law of general application to the extent that the limitation is reasonable and justifiable in an open and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom, taking into account all relevant factors, including-
(2) Except as provided in subsection (1) or in any other provision of the Constitution, no law may limit any right entrenched in the Bill of Rights.
This test case was set to reach the Constitutional Court in Braamfontein, Johannesburg, at some point, but this now seems trite in view of subsequent developments. This turns on two key issues. Firstly, section 36 of the South African Constitution allows for a right to be limited if such a limitation is reasonable or justifiable in an open and democratic society. I suggest that even the most committed "vaxxer" would agree that something is amiss with the mandatory vaccination drive, in that the unvaccinated do not pose a threat to the vaccinated or, alternatively, that the threat is evenly spread between the two groups.
A vaccine mandate, therefore, is unreasonable. Germany and Austria have, however, issued nation-wide vaccine mandates and US President Joe Biden's national vaccine mandate for health workers was approved by the US Supreme Court. The question arises as to why governments would want to push segments of their populations through something for which there is no credible evidence. In fact, the evidence points in the opposite direction.
Big Pharma's unwillingness to take a balanced or comprehensive view of the pros and cons of the vaccine is unscientific – and certainly indicative of its vested interests. One could also argue that conventional medical science certainly does not have all the answers to the so-called pandemic, which is precisely my argument in this article, and that the social sciences have an invaluable contribution to make in the broader context of a critical public health (theoretical) perspective. In addition, Friedman
82 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 32-33. 83 Habermas Knowledge and Human Interests preface, 68ff.
idea that only science can peddle worthwhile and credible knowledge to the exclusion of other branches of knowledge as "scientism" and this mantra is as erroneous as it is misleading.
Secondly, the curious fact that conventional medicine in South Africa trumped valuable African experience in the management of previous pandemics, noted above, because it (wrongly) assumed that a serious pandemic was inevitable, yet again underscores the tremendous value of the social sciences in combatting pandemics. This assumption was expressed by no less a doyen of the medical fraternity than Professor Salim Abdool Karim, the chairman of the Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC). The idea underpinning this disastrous policy is probably hidden from view and a cursory examination of this, namely the idea of guilt so deeply embedded in the Abrahamic tradition of religions
84 Judaism, Christianity and Islam. 85 Žižek Pandemic! 14.
Philosophy's gloss on the spurious reasoning that informed policy formulation during the pandemic also underlines the benefit of a critical public health paradigm informed by the social sciences.
Thirdly, section 12(2) of the Constitution forbids the violation of bodily integrity (and by implication guarantees patient autonomy), which a vaccine mandate threatens to do. This section of the Constitution reads as follows:
(2) Everyone has the right to bodily and psychological integrity, which includes the right-
(h) to security in and control over their body; and
(e) not to be subjected to medical or scientific experiments without their informed consent. [emphasis added]
As far as the issue of informed consent is concerned, it is worth noting the extensive definition thereof:
86 HPCSA 2016 20%26%20Ethics/Booklet%204%20Informed%20Consent%20September%20%202016.pdf?msclkid=ba7b9b31ba4111ecb1e22c378c715614.
3.1.1 Patients have a right to information about their condition and the treatment options available to them. The amount of information that must be given to each patient will vary according to factors such as the nature of the condition, the complexity of the treatment, the risks associated with the treatment or procedure, and the patient's own wishes. For example, patients may need more information to make an informed decision about a procedure which carries a high risk of failure or adverse side effects, or about an investigation for a condition which, if present, could have serious implications for the patient's employment, social or personal life.
3.1.2 The National Health Act requires patients to be given information about:
… The patient's right to refuse health services and explain the implications, risks and obligations of such refusal.
… Advice about whether a proposed treatment is experimental; How and when the patient's condition and any side effects will be monitored or re-assessed… A reminder that patients can change their minds about a decision at any time …
87 Emphasis added.
Just as I argue with regard to the New Zealand High Court's pronouncements on the mandate, I submit that since the vaccine is still in an experimental stage, it is not possible to obtain informed consent of any meaningful sort from any prospective patient. With further regard to the questionable efficacy and safety of the vaccines, it certainly requires a stretch of the imagination to conceive how the mandatory COVID-19 -vaccination programme could even be considered constitutional in principle.
At the outset of this discussion, I should make it clear that the central concern with mandatory vaccination is governments' uncritical collusion with
Big Business – and this certainly includes Big Pharma – in the formulation of domestic public policy. Colin Crouch
88 Crouch Post-Democracy 4. 89 Leys "The Cynical State" 118, 129. 90 Friedman One Virus, Two Countries 76. 91 Davis Is the Prison Obsolete?
These institutional deformations are evident in government's collusion with Big Business in the furtherance of their special interests and certainly not in the general interest, which is the result of "systematic communicative distortions", in Habermas's celebrated phrase.
92 Habermas 1970 Inquiry, in general. 93 Quoted in McCarthy Critical Theory of Jürgen Habermas 265-266, the latter's translation, the original source being unavailable to me.
the diagnostician of the present assumes the fictive standpoint of an evolution-theoretic explanation of a future past … . As a rule, Marxist explanations of developed capitalism also share this asymmetric position of the theoretician who analyses developmental problems of the contemporary social system with a view to structural possibilities that are not yet institutionalized (and will perhaps never find an institutional embodiment).
One way to understand Habermas's concern with a reconstruction of the past is to consider his interest in projecting a more just, sustainable future. Said in another way and to invert Habermas,
94 Habermas Legitimation Crisis 113-114.
generalised to repress genuine general interests. I noted above that Schafer
95 Schafer 2004 Journal of Medical Ethics.
Regarding the furtherance of generalised interests, Sweden's refusal to follow the mainstream narrative relating to wide-spread lockdowns led Tim Lister and Sebastian Shukla
96 Lister and Shukla 2020
Sweden's actions are about encouraging and recommending, not compulsion. Two days after Spain imposed a nationwide lockdown on March 14 [2020], Swedish authorities were encouraging people to wash their hands and stay at home if sick. On March 24, new rules were introduced to avoid crowding at restaurants. But they very much stayed open.
The well-known French philosopher Francois Lyotard
97 Lyotard The Differend 9.
A case of differend between two parties takes place when the 'regulation' of the conflict that opposes them is done in the idiom of one of the parties while the wrong suffered by the other is not signified in that idiom.
Following Lyotard, I argue that the official narrative presents itself as such a differend in closing off open debate on the origin, veracity and legitimacy of the vaccine and especially the vaccine mandate. Similarly, Bert Olivier
98 Olivier 2021 Phronimon 21-22.
It is also worth noting that in mid-2021, 10 000 Canadian doctors
99 Canadian Physicians 2021
historical Nuremberg Code
100 Breaking News-CA 2021
The "vaccine" is by definition a medical "experimental" vaccine since it is and remains in a trial stage and fails to meet the following five requirements: that it
Provides immunity to the virus. This is a "leaky" gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims to reduce symptoms yet double-vaccinated are now 60% of the patients' requiring ER or ICU with covid infections.
Protects recipients from getting the virus. This gene-therapy does not provide immunity and double-vaccinated can still catch and spread the virus.
Reduces deaths from the virus infection. This gene-therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Double-Vaccinated infected with Covid have also died
101 This is probably a reference to the existing less virulent strain of the virus.
Reduces circulation of the virus. This gene-therapy still permits the spread of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.
Reduces transmission of the virus. This gene-therapy still permits the transmission of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.
102 Breaking News-CA 2021
Apart from this fairly convincing demonstration that the so-called "vaccine" does not meet the requirements of a genuine vaccine, it also fails nine of the ten articles of the Nuremberg Code (save for article 8), which are briefly listed below:
Nuremberg Code #1: Voluntary Consent is Essential
Nuremberg Code #2: Yield Fruitful Results Unprocurable by Other Means
Nuremberg Code #3: Base Experiments on Results of Animal Experimentation and Natural History of Disease
Nuremberg Code #4: Avoid All Unnecessary Suffering and Injury
Nuremberg Code #5: No Experiment to be Conducted if There's Reason to Think Injury or Death Will Occur
Nuremberg Code #6: Risk Should Never Exceed the Benefit
Nuremberg Code #7: Preparation Must Be Made Against Even Remote Possibility of Injury, Disability or Death
Nuremberg Code #8: Experiment Must Be Conducted by Scientifically Qualified Persons
Nuremberg Code #9: Anyone Must Have the Freedom to Bring the Experiment to an End at Any Time
Nuremberg Code #10: The Scientist Must Bring the Experiment to an End at Any Time if There's Probable Cause of it Resulting in Injury or Death.
103 Breaking News-CA 2021
Considering the wording of Section 12(2) of the South African Constitution, quoted above, the breaches of both the Nuremberg Codes and the five criteria for a medically approved vaccine should result in the vaccine's outright failure of constitutionality under South African law. In the words of Peter Doshi,
104 Doshi 2018 BMJ 3.
When do public health officials have a duty to warn the public over possible harms of vaccines detected through pharmacovigilance? How much detail should the public be provided with, who should provide it, and should the provision of such information be proactive or passive? If history were to repeat itself, does the public have a right to know?
A critical public perspective, however, is not the only concern. In this regard, Critical Criminology's primary objective has been the identification of the state's "criminalization and marginalization practices"
105 McLaughlin "Critical Criminology" 167.
I disagree with Habermas's argument
106 Habermas Between Facts and Norms Preface and 352.
form of the unvaccinated). Instead, Angela Davis,
107 Davis Is the Prison Obsolete? 25. 108 Braithwaite "Inequality and Republican Criminology" 289-294. 109 Klein This Changes Everything 6-7. 110 Lötter Reintegration of Ex-offenders in South Africa 47-48.
Finally, Nils Christie,
111 Christie Crime Control as Industry 4.
By analogy, I argue that COVID-19 has provided even the most progressive governments, the South African ruling party being a case in point, with a perfect pretext for a power rush. As Christie points out, the greatest danger at this point in time is the tendency towards totalitarian developments. One may ask whether this danger is not compounded by the ANC's loss of face in the recent local government elections where the ruling party received less than 50% of the municipal vote for the first time in its 25-year stretch in power.
Before proffering a conclusion, I pause to highlight the merit of my methodology and theoretical framework in having allowed me to explore the puzzle in a nuanced fashion, considering often contradictory perspectives, to reach my conclusions.
In conclusion, I have attempted to demonstrate that critical thinking is crucial in examining the agenda-driven "vaccine mandate". This ties in with the criminological idea that governments will latch onto any crisis as a pretext to advance authoritarian rule. In particular, my aim with this contribution has been to demonstrate that certain questions in constitutional law, notably the
issue of a mandatory vaccine policy, have to be framed and answered in a wider social sciences framework.
I argue that mandatory vaccinations cannot pass constitutional muster under South African law and that this is so for several reasons. Not only is the so-called vaccine mandate in all its different guises still in an experimental form which means that the therapy offered does not qualify as a vaccine, but informed consent as is required by the Code of Ethics by the South African Health Care Professions Council is necessarily impossible to obtain. The official narrative that the vaccine is both safe and effective has also been shown to be problematic. It certainly fails the test of the Nuremburg Code and section 12(2) of the South African Constitution.
In terms of international constitutional law, the US Supreme Court has ruled in the majority opinion of National Federation of Independent Business v Department of Labor that the vaccine mandate (as opposed to a voluntary approach) would significantly and unjustifiably affect the lives of millions of people in significant ways and has also pointed out that everyone is not at equal risk of infection. My overview of the New Zealand High Court's decision on the mandate has brought to attention the value of the fundamental right section 19 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act (the right against discrimination) – which is exactly what any Constitution should guard against. But the most significant lesson for the post-pandemic world lies, as Žižek
112 Žižek Pandemic! 7.
This recalls the consideration that, by its very nature, law is a conservative discourse and is easily manipulated by the powers-that-be to forge such criminalisation and marginalisation practices as the market might dictate. Health apartheid bestowed on the so-called unvaccinated is a case in point. The situation is indeed complex in the sense that the argument that communal rights must trump individual rights cannot be sustained if the claims in favour of a mandatory vaccine policy – that, for example, it is the
most effective measure against the virus or that the vaccine itself is a good thing – cannot be justified.
Perhaps President Ramaphosa could benefit more by brushing up on his critical thinking skills rather than from promoting the jab. It might also be a healthy idea to drop the label of "health apartheid" when one is not immune to it oneself. In fact, it is deeply ironic that a post-apartheid South African government would see it fit to introduce apartheid thinking in the form of mandatory vaccines as a legitimation for the pandemic of the unvaccinated, namely "health apartheid" by any other name. Finally, it is certainly a great irony that amid South Africa's decolonisation craze, the country's COVID-19 strategy was an abysmal failure because of adopting a First World curative technology-based mindset and fixing its hopes on a vaccine, while extensive African wisdom and experience in the combatting of past pandemics was overlooked.
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List of Abbreviations
British Medical |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Health Care Professions Council of South Africa |
J Pharm Policy Pract |
Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice |
Trends Int Med |
Trends in Internal Medicine |
US |
United States of America |
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System |
World Health Organisation |