A Comparative Critique of the Cybercrimes Act 19 of 2020: Positioning South Africa vis-à-vis Australia

C Lötter*

PER/PELJ - Pioneer in peer-reviewed, open access online law publications

Author Casper Lötter

Affiliation North-West University, South Africa

Email casperlttr@gmail.com

Date Submitted 16 October 2023

Date Revised 4 February 2025

Date Accepted 4 February 2025

Date Published >13 March 2025

Editor Ms Nomthandazo Mahlangu

Journal Editor Prof Wian Erlank

How to cite this contribution

Lötter C "A Comparative Critique of the Cybercrimes Act 19 of 2020: Positioning South Africa vis-à-vis Australia" PER / PELJ 2025(28) - DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2025/v28i0a17035


DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2025/v28i0a17035

Proceeding from the twin premises that international cooperation


Online ISSN 1727-3781

Proceeding from the twin premises that international cooperation


Cybercrimes; South African regulatory framework; Budapest Convention on Cybercrime; the African Union's Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection; Australian experience; international cooperation; comparative study; proactive approach.


Everyone has skin in the game regarding Australia's cyber security. If you use the internet, have a smart device in your home, or have a perspective on what Australia's cyber security should look like, I encourage you to get involved as the Expert Advisory Board seeks views throughout the Strategy's development. 1

 Casper Lötter. PhD (UFS). Post-doctoral research fellow in the School of Philosophy North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa. E-mail: casperlttr@gmail.com. ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7787-1419. This contribution is dedicated to Amanda Emmanuel, whose guidance and mentorship were instrumental in the development of my first three papers on regulatory frameworks in cyber criminology: The Social Media Bill, GILAB (General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill) and the Cybercrimes Act (the focus of this paper). I am profoundly grateful for your patient and insightful guidance.

1 Australian Government 2023b https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/reports-and-pubs/files/2023-2030_australian_cyber_security_strategy_discussion_paper.pdf.

(Clare O'Neil, Australia's Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security)

1 Introduction

The snowballing rate of digitisation or digital transformation globally has led to businesses and governments increasingly falling victim to cyberattacks. Unless we are to revert to typewriters and paper files (which is a highly unlikely scenario for the foreseeable future), storing critical data and information on the cloud is the way to go. Cross-border banking and the digitisation of banking services (also known as online banking [apps]), for example, have greatly exposed the financial sector to huge losses because of their unpreparedness for cyberattacks 2

2 Muendo 2019 https://theconversation.com/whats-been-done-to-fight-cybercrime-in-east-africa-127240.

(essentially, crimes committed in cyberspace). 3

3 Snail ka Mtuze 2022 Obiter 540.

The Council of Europe, 4

4 Council of Europe 2023b https://www.coe.int/en/web/cybercrime/home; Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime (ETS No 185) (2001) (the Budapest Convention) Ch II – Measures to be taken at the national level, Section 1 – Substantive criminal law, Title 1 – Offences against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems, Arts 2-8.

the drafters of the Budapest Convention and its Protocols, defines cybercrime in terms of Title 1 (Offences against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems), as

Article 2 – Illegal access

Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences under its domestic law, when committed intentionally, the access to the whole or any part of a computer system without right. A Party may require that the offence be committed by infringing security measures, with the intent of obtaining computer data or other dishonest intent, or in relation to a computer system that is connected to another computer system.

Article 3 – Illegal interception

Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences under its domestic law, when committed intentionally, the interception without right, made by technical means, of non-public transmissions of computer data to, from or within a computer system, including electromagnetic emissions from a computer system carrying such computer data. A Party may require that the offence be committed with dishonest intent, or in relation to a computer system that is connected to another computer system.

Article 4 – Data interference

1) Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences under its domestic law, when committed intentionally, the damaging, deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of computer data without right.

2) A Party may reserve the right to require that the conduct described in paragraph 1 result in serious harm.

Article 5 – System interference

Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences under its domestic law, when committed intentionally, the serious hindering without right of the functioning of a computer system by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data.

Article 6 – Misuse of devices

1) Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences under its domestic law, when committed intentionally and without right:

a) the production, sale, procurement for use, import, distribution or otherwise making available of:

i) a device, including a computer program, designed or adapted primarily for the purpose of committing any of the offences established in accordance with Articles 2 through 5;

ii) a computer password, access code, or similar data by which the whole or any part of a computer system is capable of being accessed, with intent that it be used for the purpose of committing any of the offences established in Articles 2 through 5; and

b) the possession of an item referred to in paragraphs a) i or ii above, with intent that it be used for the purpose of committing any of the offences established in Articles 2 through 5. A Party may require by law that a number of such items be possessed before criminal liability attaches.

2) This article shall not be interpreted as imposing criminal liability where the production, sale, procurement for use, import, distribution or otherwise making available or possession referred to in paragraph 1 of this article is not for the purpose of committing an offence established in accordance with Articles 2 through 5 of this Convention, such as for the authorised testing or protection of a computer system.

3) Each Party may reserve the right not to apply paragraph 1 of this article, provided that the reservation does not concern the sale, distribution or otherwise making available of the items referred to in paragraph 1 a) ii of this article.

These statements are common cause.

Consider, for example, the inherent/cyber implications of the recent closer rapprochement between Russian president Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, as well as their symbolically significant face-to-face meeting on September 13, 2023, in the Russian city of Tsiolkovsky. The meeting was ostensibly arranged for Russia to obtain much-needed artillery shells for its war against Ukraine 5

5 Baker 2023 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/13/us/politics/north-korea-weapons-russia-ukraine.html.

but, as Robert M Dover, an expert in intelligence and national security, argues, both these countries "are highly capable cyberwar and cyber intelligence nations: they can disrupt or break key infrastructure and steal sensitive government information". 6

6 Dover 2023 https://theconversation.com/russian-and-north-korea-artillery-deal-paves-the-way-for-dangerous-cyberwar-alliance-213583.

The FBI 7

7 FBI 2023 https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/fbi-identifies-lazarus-group-cyber-actors-as-responsible-for-theft-of-41-million-from-stakecom.

has identified North Korea's Lazarus Group (also known as APT38) as having been responsible for the online hacking and theft of many millions in crypto-currencies while Russia's cybercriminal group named Zarya, in tandem with their spy agency FSB, has been accused of attempting to take over critical infrastructure in the West (notably Canada, the UK and the US) by way of remote cyberattacks. 8

8 Sabbagh 2023 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/apr/19/russian-hackers-want-to-disrupt-or-destroy-uk-infrastructure-minister-warns.

Oliver Dowden, the UK Cabinet Office minister, recently issued a national alert against and warned at a cyber event in Belfast against what he called "ideologically motivated, rather than financially motivated" criminal hackers. 9

9 Sabbagh 2023 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/apr/19/russian-hackers-want-to-disrupt-or-destroy-uk-infrastructure-minister-warns.

"Ultimately", suggests Dover, "this deal paves the way for more dangerous technology transfers and it connects the Eastern European conflict more directly with tensions in Asia". 10

10 Dover 2023 https://theconversation.com/russian-and-north-korea-artillery-deal-paves-the-way-for-dangerous-cyberwar-alliance-213583.

What interests me in this contribution, however, is exploring the extent to which companies and entities comprising critical infrastructure in South Africa (Eskom, Transnet, South African National Defence Force, South African Police Services, etc) 11

11 The latter two of these government arms have both been successfully hacked, with the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) the more recent of the two. In the case of the SANDF hack, preliminary results seem to indicate that an insider

are prepared or had been prepared to combat

threat was at play. SANDF maintains it was not hacked. It claims an inside operation instead, which shows its ignorance. Goba 2023 https://www.msn.com/en-za/news/other/sandf-maintains-it-was-not-hacked-claims-it-may-be-an-inside-operation-instead/ar-AA1gazoh.

the rising threat of cybercrime in the shape of cyberattacks. 12

12 Singh 2021 https://theconversation.com/south-african-enterprises-cant-ignore-the-risk-of-cyber-attacks-the-threat-is-on-the-rise-166133.

This is often but not always related to the concomitant threat of insider collaboration. 13

13 Lötter 2023a https://mg.co.za/thoughtleader/2023-06-08-sleeping-with-the-enemy-the-rise-of-the-insider-threat-in-cybercrime/; Lötter 2023b https://mg.co.za/thought leader/2023-09-04-cybercrime-the-silent-spectre-of-insider-threats/.

Mtuze's 14

14 Snail ka Mtuze 2022 Obiter 560.

remark, albeit in another context, that it is "useful for understanding the risks associated with the use of computers", should be understood in this context: cyberspace is here to stay for the foreseeable future and is unlikely to go away during the Information Age.

South Africa is not in good cyberspace and is more vulnerable than it could or should be. On the National Cyber Security Index (NCSI) 15

15 NCSI 2023 https://resources.cdn.seon.io/uploads/2023/04/Cybersecurity_countries-min.pdf.

scale, which is a measure to gauge the vulnerability or otherwise of national jurisdictions against the scourge of cybercrime/attacks, South Africa ranks 59 (out of 93) 16

16 A position claimed by Afghanistan.

with a cyber-safety score (CSS) of 57.71 (on a par with Costa Rica and Bangladesh, namely other inhabitants of the Third World) for 2023, on a scale of most secure to most vulnerable. These data, however, should not be seen in isolation. I suggest that it is valuable to consider these observations in the context of South Africa's astonishing 7th place (out of a total of 193 countries, ranked from worst to least affected) on the Global Organised Crime Index 17

17 Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime 2023 https://globalinitiative.net/analysis/ocindex-2023/.

for 2023. In terms of its report, the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime generates a heatmap indicating that South Africa has a score of 7.18 (out of 10) and notes further that South Africa has the highest score for criminality in Southern Africa (first out of 13) and third (out of 54) in Africa. 18

18 Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime 2023 https://globalinitiative.net/analysis/ocindex-2023/.

This score increased from 6.63 in 2021, i.e. two years ago.

Returning to the topic of cybercrime, Singh highlights the growing menace of ransomware, which he defines as "the infiltration by malicious software of a computer or network. The aim is to limit or restrict access to critical data by encrypting files – effectively locking them – until a ransom is paid". 19

19 Singh 2021 https://theconversation.com/south-african-enterprises-cant-ignore-the-risk-of-cyber-attacks-the-threat-is-on-the-rise-166133.

Australia appears to be making significant progress in handling demands

for ransom and it is innovative strategies such as theirs that I contend could greatly enhance and fortify the South African cyber ecosystem. Bearing in mind that there is no single definition for a cyberattack, the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (ECTA) 20

20 Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 (ECTA).

has defined cybercrime as

any criminal or other offence that is facilitated by or involves the use of electronic communications or information systems including any device or the internet or any one or more of them. 21

21 As quoted with approval by Watney "Cybercrime" 477.

In this contribution, I aim to assess the strengths and weaknesses of South Africa's Cybercrimes Act 22

22 Cybercrimes Act 19 of 2020.

in a comparative, international context, with particular reference to Australia. Even though the enactment of the Act was an attempt to deal exclusively and comprehensively 23

23 By way of example, in Okundu v S (CA&R117/16) [2016] ZAECGHC 131 (22 November 2016) para 40, the court found it necessary to consider the fraud provision created in terms of s 86(4) of ECTA, which has now been reenacted and is equivalent to the offence stated in s 8 of the Cybercrimes Act 19 of 2020 (the Cybercrimes Act).

on a legislative level with cybercrime and related issues, 24

24 Snail ka Mtuze 2022 Obiter 541.

I argue that there is a need for such an assessment since cybercrime and the loss of personal data by malicious means 25

25 In this regard Snail ka Mtuze 2022 Obiter 539 refers to "malicious damage to property in the form of malicious code such as viruses, worms and Trojan Horses, as well as unlawful monitoring and interception of data messages". The case law set out in fn 25 of his contribution is illuminating in respect of the common law situation. The authorities he refers to include S v Van den Berg 1991 1 SACR 104 (T); S v Harper 1981 2 SA 638 (D); S v Manuel 1953 4 SA 523 (A) 526; and State v Howard (Johannesburg Regional Magistrates Court) (unreported) case number 41/258/02. Case law discussed prior to the enactment of the ECTA includes Narlis v South African Bank of Athens 1976 2 SA 573 (A); R v Douvenga (District Court of the Northern Transvaal, Pretoria) (unreported) case number 111/150/2003 of 19 August 2003; Jafta v Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife (D204/07) [2008] ZALC 84 (1 July 2008); and S v Motata (Johannesburg District Court) (unreported) case number 63/968/07.

(two distinct areas of the law) have become eminently possible both because of the nature of cyberspace as well as because of the borderless landscape of the internet. 26

26 Watney "Cybercrime and the investigation of cybercrime" 470–472.

The globalised nature of cyberspace demands not only international cooperation but also that cyber environments urgently learn from one another. Notably in Fourie v Van der Spuy and De Jongh Inc 27

27 Fourie v Van der Spuy and De Jongh Inc 2020 1 SA 560 (GP) para 2.

the court held that in a claim for damages due to a cyber hack the claimant was partially responsible for its occurrence due to a lack of diligence and an absence of cyber preparedness. Apportionment of damages was accordingly held to be in order. As such, I argue that conducting an international assessment of the Cybercrimes Act is essential. This assessment should include an interrogation of the lessons learned from jurisdictions that have faced similar, related or advanced issues or

challenges. Such insights are crucial for enhancing our domestic legislation as well as the resilience of our cultural and technological framework. Australia is chosen for exploration in this contribution because of the great, innovative ideas generated by Clare O'Neil's Ministry of Home Affairs and Cyber Security, but other jurisdictions and influences are equally worthy of consideration. Other topics which immediately come to mind are the cooperation between the "quad" (Japan, Australia, the US and India), the National Institute of Standards and Technology framework generated under Obama in the United States, India's initiatives and China's, 28

28 Hillman Digital Silk Road in general.

which are serious attempts to make their cyberspace foolproof. To this end my methodology of choice (poststructuralism) is bound to add value.

Our complex, postmodern world demands a nuanced approach 29

29 Sayer 2021 https://theconversation.com/nigerian-museums-must-tell-stories-of-slavery-with-more-complexity-and-nuance-169785.

to theory appropriation, and poststructuralism's inclusive "both/and" methodological approach rather than the "either/or" prioritised by traditional methodologies has the great advantage that it allows the researcher to even consider contradictory data next to unproblematic evidence. 30

30 Olivier 2013 http://thoughtleader.co.za/bertolivier/2013/05/24/modernismpost modernism-and-poststructuralism-the-difference/.

Against this background and given the need for an international perspective and a preliminary view of how vulnerable South Africa's businesses and infrastructure is, it is worth keeping in mind that the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime as well as the African Union's Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection are the two most relevant international treaties on cybercrimes and personal data protection vis-à-vis South Africa and it makes eminent sense to start the discussion by situating Australia within this ongoing, globalised debate. Beginning with an overview of the terms and objectives of these international instruments and South Africa's position in respect thereof, I proceed to consider the international scene. For this purpose I subject to scrutiny the Cyber Security Strategies of Australia intertwined with a constructive critique of the Cybercrimes Act (and related legislation), in the context of the insights gained from the international overview suggested. Finally, building on the insights gained from this analysis, I advance several suggestions or recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of this domestic legislative instrument before concluding the contribution with a few thoughtful takeaways.

2 What is South Africa's position concerning the Budapest Convention, facilitating international cooperation?

The question is often asked if South Africa is a signatory to the Budapest Convention, with the implied question of whether or not the country is actively contributing to international cooperation. The answer to this question is that the RSA is indeed a signatory to the Budapest Convention (ETS No 185) and its Protocols 31

31 Council of Europe 2023a https://coe.int/en/web/cybercrime/the-budapest-convention.

and, more to the point, has been invited (together with other countries, such as Ireland, Cameroon and New Zealand) to accede, but has not yet done so. 32

32 The reason why South Africa has not done so might be partially related to the fact that the Budapest Convention requires Parties to declare against xenophobia, which the South African government is apparently reluctant to do because of the political mileage domestically it has been able to extract from this abhorrent phenomenon. Lötter and Bradshaw 2022 Acta Academica 33-35.

That said, I should like to suggest that, irrespective of South Africa's signatory status or its adherence to the institute's mandate, the crucial issue is whether its legislative framework enables effective contributions to international cooperation. Said differently, is the legislative framework in the RSA effective enough to combat cyberattacks given the great benefit of international cooperation this offers? On 17 November 2021, following further negotiations between the parties, the Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime 33

33 Council of Europe Second Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime on Enhanced Co-operation and Disclosure of Electronic Evidence (2021).

was opened for signature. This international conference was held in Strasbourg on 12-13 May 2021 and was devoted to the topic of enhanced international cooperation and disclosure of electronic evidence in cybercrime. The Council of Europe addresses the issue of cybercrime along the three-pronged, inter-related approach noted below: 34

34 Council of Europe 2023b https://www.coe.int/en/web/cybercrime/home.

1) the common standards of the Convention on Cybercrime [also known as the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, established in November 2001], together with the African Union's Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection, are the most relevant international criminal justice treaties on cybercrime and electronic evidence, [as noted above]. It is supplemented by a First Additional Protocol on Xenophobia and Racism via computer systems. A Second Additional Protocol has recently been adopted;

2) the Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) consisting of representatives of the Parties to the Budapest Convention and responsible for assessing the proper implementation of the Convention, preparing Guidance Notes and additional legal instruments, and facilitating cooperation among the Parties;

3) capacity building projects by the dedicated Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe (C-PROC) to assist countries worldwide to strengthen their criminal justice capacities for the investigation, prosecution and adjudication of cybercrime and other cases involving electronic evidence in line with the Convention and recommendations of the T-CY.

I should like to comment on this last observation that Australia's de-emphasis on the prosecution and punishing of cyber criminals (often harboured in enemy territory) in favour of the proactive disruption of their activities is much preferable to this great stress on criminal prosecution. South Africa, sadly, seems to have gone the Budapest rather than the Australian route. It is, of course, much easier to do damage control than to engage with cyber criminals proactively. Nevertheless, the African Union's Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection 35

35 African Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection (2014).

could be "Africa's overarching policy guideline on cybercrime". 36

36 Muendo 2019 https://theconversation.com/whats-been-done-to-fight-cybercrime-in-east-africa-127240.

To assess this question intelligibly a brief overview of the terms and objectives of the Budapest Convention, as noted in the first objective above, is necessary. I intend to interweave this treatment with a critical discussion and assessment of the Cybercrimes Act.

The main objective of the treaty is "to pursue a common criminal policy aimed at the protection of society against cybercrime, especially by adopting appropriate legislation and fostering international cooperation". 37

37 Council of Europe 2001 https://www.coe.int/en/web/conventions/full-list?module=treaty-detail&treatynum=185.

By the same token I ask the question whether or not South Africa has adopted appropriate legislation "aimed at the protection of society against cybercrime", thereby promoting and encouraging international cooperation. The objective of this overview is to tease out provisions which might be of use to enhance South Africa's Cybercrimes Act, assuming for the moment that there is indeed a need to do so. A brief overview of the Convention insofar as it is deemed relevant to assess the Act follows.

1. Articles 2-13 of the Protocol provide for a common, minimum standard for crimes in respect of cybercriminal activity so as to promote for "this kind of harmonisation [which] alleviates the fight against such crimes on the national and on the international level as well". 38

38 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b.

Furthermore, this article also sets out the requirements for the international framework of "double criminality" (meaning an accused of cybercrime could be charged either in the country where the crime was committed or where the effects of the activity were felt, which need not be in the same jurisdiction). This is similar to the provision created in Article

28(1) of the African Union's convention and protocols on cyber security. 39

39 African Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection (2014).

The latter article also encourages the "regional harmonization of these measures". Criticism against the idea of promoting the principle of so-called "double criminality" and related ideas as embodied in this instrument is that it places too much store in the notion of reactionary strategising rather than proactive engagement, as Clare O'Neil argues in the Australian context.

2. Article 39 requires the element of criminal intent for liability (such as deriving an economic advantage from the conduct), 40

40 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 8.

but note the observation referred to above and expressed by Oliver Dowden, the UK politician and government minister, concerning "ideologically motivated, rather than financially motivated" criminal hackers.

3. Articles 2-11 do not make provision for the criminalisation of trademark violations such as cyber-squatting. 41

41 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 8.

The Report states that "Cyber-squatters have no intent to make active use of the domain name and seek to obtain a financial advantage by forcing the entity concerned, even though indirectly, to pay for the transfer of the ownership over the domain name. At present this conduct is considered as a trademark-related issue." 42

42 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 8.

4. The enumeration of offences represents "a minimum consensus not excluding extensions in domestic law". The aim of Section 1 of the Convention (Articles 2-13) is to provide a minimum forum containing prohibitive legislation to prevent or suppress computer-related crimes.

5. The Section lists five types of cyber offences. These range from offences "against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems" to crimes of "content", a term which relates to the unlawful production and distribution of child pornography (considered to be "one of the most dangerous modus operandi in recent times".) 43

43 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 7.

Titles 2-4 relate to attacks against established legal interests which are already protected by domestic criminal law. A suggestion that the distribution of racist propaganda also be prohibited was defeated because of the concern that it might infringe on the so-called right of expression.

6. Notably, the Convention uses "technology-neutral language so that the substantive criminal law offences may be applied to both current

and future technologies involved". 44

44 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 7.

This is a great provision and ties in well with Australia's national cyber security strategy aimed at harnessing new technologies and growing "critical technology industries [such as protective cyber security technologies] and the resilience of supply chains". 45

45 Australian Government 2023b https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/reports-and-pubs/files/2023-2030_australian_cyber_security_strategy_discussion_paper.pdf.

In this respect, the Report notes the following important ideas: 46

46 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 21.

The ever-expanding network of communications opens new doors for criminal activity with respect to both traditional offences and new technological crimes. Not only must substantive criminal law keep abreast of these new abuses, but so must criminal procedural law and investigative techniques. Equally, safeguards should also be adapted or developed to keep abreast of the new technological environment and new procedural powers.

7. The requirement that the conduct complained of must be done "without right" also encompasses conduct in pursuit of lawful government authority to secure public order, 47

47 Perlroth This is How They Tell Me the World Ends 33 observes significantly that "Snowden would later say he leaked the NSA data to draw the public's attention to what he viewed as unlimited surveillance. The most troubling of his revelations seemed to be the NSA's phone call metadata collection program — a log of who called whom, when, and how long they spoke — and the lawful interception programs that compelled companies like Microsoft and Google to secretly turn over their customer data" (emphasis added).

the investigation of criminal activity or national security objectives. This is a relevant consideration given the criticism against the South African Police Service (SAPS) as the reporting authority for cyber incidents 48

48 Section 54(1) of the Cybercrimes Act.

in the context of their well-entrenched culture of corruption 49

49 See generally Grobler Crossing the Line.

and the fact that they have been successfully hacked. 50

50 Van Niekerk 2017 African Journal of Information and Communication 118.

In 2013 the SAPS was hacked by the group Anonymous and details of 16,000 whistleblowers and victims were released. The concern is certainly whether they can be trusted with such valuable information and if companies would be encouraged to confidently disclose cyber incidents to this government department.

8. Under Article 2 mere access without permission is illegal as it can lead to more serious complications, as in the introduction of technical tools such as bots or cookies which are meant to retrieve information on behalf of a hacker.

9. Section 3 criminalises illegal interception 51

51 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 10-11.

whereas Section 4 declares the act of data interference 52

52 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 11.

such as the introduction of Trojan Horses

or computer viruses into a system or a computer to be an illegal activity.

10. Article 6 prohibits the possession of so-called "hacker tools" also with the further aim of suppressing "the creation of a kind of black market in their production and distribution", 53

53 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 12.

which excludes dual-use devices, thereby cementing the "subjective element of the intent of committing a computer offence". 54

54 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 13.

11. The ECTA creates new crimes, "Computer-related forgery" and "Computer-related fraud", to cover those situations where traditional legal interests are not adequately protected against these new forms of computer-generated "interference and attacks". 55

55 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 14.

These provisions also feature in the Cybercrimes Act. As for positives regarding the promulgation of the Cybercrimes Act, Mtuze remarks that: 56

56 Snail ka Mtuze 2022 Obiter 549.

It is therefore submitted that the legislature has apparently considered the various eventualities of interference as tested by the courts and reported by law enforcement agencies, and accordingly resolved to provide a comprehensive definition for "interference" in this particular context.

An example of this is the clear, reworked and tailor-made definition of "interference" in section 5(2) and section 6(2) of the Act. Furthermore Mtuze 57

57 Snail ka Mtuze 2022 Obiter 550.

suggests that the Act has improved on the wording of the ECTA in having "cured possible deficiencies" in the latter legislation. Indeed the Act considerably extends the common law definition of guilt by providing in section 11 for an aggravated offence where the perpetrator "knows or ought reasonably to have known/suspected that the computer system is restricted". A "restricted computer system" is any data or computer system (the definition is very wide) exclusively used by any financial institution or organ of the state as encompassed by section 239 of the Constitution. 58

58 Section 239 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 provides for: "'organ of state' means – (a) any department of state or administration in the national, provincial or local sphere of government; or (b) any other functionary or institution – (i) exercising a power or performing a function in terms of the Constitution or a provincial constitution; or (ii) exercising a public power or performing a public function in terms of any legislation, but does not include a court or a judicial officer."

12. The theft of intellectual property (literary, photographic, musical, audio-visual), notably copyright, is one of the most common cybercrimes committed. The report comments that "the ease with which unauthorised copies may be made due to digital technology and the

scale of reproduction and dissemination in the context of electronic networks made it necessary to include provisions on criminal law sanctions and enhance international cooperation in this field". 59

59 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 17.

The escalation of infringements of copyright on an international level represents one of the most widespread forms of computer-related crimes.

13. All parties to the Convention (of which South Africa is not yet one), are obliged under Paragraph 1 to create criminal offences relating to the aiding or abetting of the commission of any of the offences listed under Articles 2-10. 60

60 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 19.

Intention to commit the offence is a prerequisite for criminal liability, which is why a service provider, as a conduit of traffic, has no duty to monitor for affected content.

14. Paragraph 4 states that corporate liability does not exclude personal liability and includes criminal, civil or administrative sanctions. 61

61 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 20.

15. Paragraph 1 lays down four conditions which need to be met before liability attaches to a legal person. 62

62 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 20.

Of these, it is required that the offence was committed by a natural "person who has a leading position" and based on his/her official position within the organisation has "a power of representation or an authority to take decisions or to exercise control". Bear in mind, however, the ruling in Fourie v Van der Spuy and De Jongh Inc, 63

63 Fourie v Van der Spuy and De Jongh Inc 2020 1 SA 560 (GP).

noted above, where a South African court found contributory negligence for a cyber hack on the part of the plaintiff (the victim) and apportioned damages.

16. A further offence is created under Paragraph 2, which is meant to be understood as committed by either an agent or an employee of the legal person but on condition that such was committed within the scope and duties of his/her employment or "acting under its authority". The three conditions required to ensure liability are

(1) an offence has been committed by such an employee or agent of the legal person;

(2) the offence has been committed for the benefit of the legal person; and

(3) the commission of the offence has been made possible by the leading person having failed to supervise the employee or agent. 64

64 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 20.

17. By the same token, Article 13 makes provision for "effective, proportionate and dissuasive" sanctions for natural persons convicted

of any of the offences created in Articles 2-11, which, in these cases, refers to incarceration where applicable. 65

65 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 20.

The concern with this and those outlined in the previous paragraph is the emphasis on aftercare rather than proactive engagement. A shift in mindset is highly recommended.

18. Although the Convention leaves open the possibility of a Party's adopting the recommendations as to criminal procedure (Article 39, paragraph 3), Section 1 makes provision for the procedure of criminal investigation as well as the collection of evidence in electronic form. 66

66 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 21.

19. The challenge of identifying the perpetrator is that it requires speed and secrecy, a requirement which deviates from the usual nature traditional criminal investigation (notably the types of computer data: traffic data, content data and subscriber data) and the possible forms in which it might be encountered (stored or in the process of communication). 67

67 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 21.

20. Domestic law may require that certain types of data, such as personal data, held by particular types of holders must be deleted (and not retained) if the business purpose for the retention of the data has become obsolete. 68

68 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 25 #154.

This is a wise provision and also ties in well with the Australian requirement 69

69 Lapham 2022 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11-13/medibank-data-breach-cybersecurity-latest/101648178.

that data not immediately necessary for use be deleted without delay. In the recommendations at the end of this contribution, I identify this aspect as a weakness in the Cybercrimes Act.

21. Data preservation is an important new investigative tool in addressing cybercrime, although in many jurisdictions it is a brand-new procedure in their domestic law. 70

70 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 25 #155.

The reasons for this are threefold. Firstly, by their very nature computer data are easily changed or deleted. Secondly, traffic data regarding past communications often contain evidence of crimes committed (such as illegal content, namely child pornography or computer viruses or other adverse instructions [Article 17]) or the commission of conventional crimes, such as fraud or drug trafficking. Thirdly, the preservation of critical evidence is obviously important for successful (criminal) prosecutions. 71

71 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 26 #155.

22. Conceivably, in appropriate circumstances, such as where the custodian of the computer data is untrustworthy, it would make better sense to seek and obtain an order for search and seizure rather than a preservation order that might be ignored. 72

72 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 27 #161.

23. Paragraph 3 imposes a useful duty of confidentiality, not only to assist criminal investigation but also to secure the privacy of the person involved. 73

73 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 27 #163.

This provision could be very useful as far as the obligatory reporting under the Cybercrimes Act is concerned. If an obligation to preserve confidentially is imposed on the reporting authority (presently the SAPS), this might be a strong encouragement for victims of cyber incidents to honour the obligation to report. Anonymising cases for heuristic purposes could be a powerful idea.

24. It might be critical to examine the stored traffic data to determine their source or destination, and hence the integrity of the data is vital (Article 17). 74

74 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 28 #166.

25. Since it is not known at the time of the service of the order on a particular service provider, whether or not one or more service providers are involved in the transmission of the communication, it is incumbent upon the aforementioned service provider to disclose enough of the data to enable the competent authority to "identify any other service providers and the path through which the communication was transmitted". 75

75 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 28-29 #169.

26. The requirements for obtaining an order to search for electronic evidence are the same as those for traditional tangible evidence and must be in respect of evidence (data) that already exists and which could provide evidence of the commission of a specific crime. 76

76 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 32 #186.

27. However, in the case of searching for computer data, additional measures are necessary "to ensure that computer data can be obtained in a manner that is equally effective as a search and seizure of a tangible data carrier". 77

77 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 32 #187.

There happen to be three reasons for this development. Firstly, the evidence (the data) is intangible. Secondly, the data need to be copied onto a disc or flash drive before they can be taken away, unlike physical, tangible evidence. The report comments that "a copy of the data remains in the computer system or storage device. Domestic law should provide for a power to make such

copies". Thirdly, because of the connectivity of computer systems, the data in question might not be stored on the specific computer system, which is addressed in the search and seizure warrant, but could well be stored and be accessible in an "associated data storage device that is connected directly to the computer, or connected to the computer indirectly through communication systems, such as the Internet". For this reason, domestic law should make provision for an extension of the powers to search and seize to ensure that the criminal investigation is not redundant because it is too closely tied into the conventional criminal procedure for search and seizure of tangible evidence.

28. The existence of a wide area network or Internet within the same territory allows for the definition of a "computer system" in Article 1 to refer to "any device or a group of inter-connected or related devices" and Parties to the Convention are encouraged to empower and allow law enforcement to search and seize data along these lines, as suggested. 78

78 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 32 #188.

The same point applies to "the execution of a computer search [which] requires both the search of the computer system and any related computer-data storage medium (e.g., diskettes) near the computer system". 79

79 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 32 #189.

Due to this intimate relationship between the computer and its external storage space, paragraph 1 provides for this comprehensive legal authority.

29. Since Article 19 applies only to stored computer data, the question arises whether or not an unopened email counts as stored computer data or data in transit (also known as data in transfer). If the latter, the power of interception rather than search and seizure should apply and in this respect parties to the Convention are advised to consider how their domestic law needs to be adjusted to accommodate this anomaly. 80

80 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 32 #190.

In the case of South African criminal law, procedure and evidence must pass constitutional muster to be considered valid and enforceable, which is an important consideration and will be reconsidered in the context of South Africa's Cybercrimes Act. In this regard Mtuze 81

81 Snail ka Mtuze 2022 Obiter 543.

makes a useful if often unappreciated distinction between the commission of cybercrime, on the one hand, and the protection and regulation of data protection. In the apt words of Australia's Federal Police Commissioner, Reece Kershaw, "personal information is being used as currency". 82

82 Judd and Walker 2022 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11-11/afp-reveal-more-information-on-medibank-hacker/101643794.

As the ECTA has now been superseded by the Cybercrimes Act, Mtuze remarks that "[i]n its place,

the Cybercrimes Act is now the key legislation that creates offences and penalties for cybercriminality". 83

83 Snail ka Mtuze 2022 Obiter 545.

30. The same considerations apply to the maintenance of the "integrity of the data" or maintaining the "chain of custody" of the data to avoid these pieces of evidence from being ruled inadmissible. 84

84 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 33 #197.

31. The important distinction between the search of stored data and the interception of flowing data (which may be surreptitious [Articles 20 and 21]), raises the issue of notification to interested parties and its settlement is left up to the drafters of domestic law. 85

85 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 34-35 #204.

32. Content data is distinguished from traffic data in that the latter refers to the information generated by the chain of communication (origin, size, destination, route, time, date, etc). 86

86 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 35 #209.

Similarly, where a service provider is absent or unable to record or collect the data, law enforcement should be able to do so themselves. 87

87 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 38-39 #223-224.

That said, it is of course an open question how members of the SAPS will manage higher grade work if many of these persons struggle to complete an affidavit. I suggest that this consideration motivates the assignment of a specialised task force filled with experts on cybercrimes, as the Australian experience shows.

33. With many computer crimes, the transmission or communication of data is an integral part of the commission of the offence, such as the distribution of viruses or child pornography. 88

88 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 39-40 #228.

34. Article 22 creates a range of criteria to establish obligatory jurisdiction over offences enumerated under Articles 2-11 of the Convention as the commission of a cybercrime or hack could affect many victims in many different countries. 89

89 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 40 #232-233.

Once again, as I note below, the Australian experience provides valuable guidance on this point in its absolute prohibition of the payment of ransom for hacked data, but robust international cooperation is of course necessary to ensure this initiative's effectiveness. International cooperation is after all a team sport.

35. There will be occasions where more than one Party has jurisdiction over many or all of the accused and in cases such as these "[i]n order to avoid duplication of effort, unnecessary inconvenience for

witnesses, or competition among law enforcement officials of the States concerned, or to otherwise facilitate the efficiency or fairness of the proceedings", parties will consult on either one venue for prosecution or which country will prosecute which accused. 90

90 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 41 #239.

36. The Report comments that "[p]aragraph 2 [of Article 27] requires the establishment of a central authority or authorities responsible for sending and answering requests for assistance". 91

91 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 47 #265-266.

This is a useful provision for consideration in the context of South African legislation. I would, however, add the proviso of an independent body.

37. Paragraph 8 allows for a Party to include in its request a further appeal that "the fact and content of the request be kept confidential". This is an equally useful provision which could be applied in the South African context since organisations are often reluctant to comply with the requirement of the mandatory reporting of cyberattacks as this may lead to reputational damage. The fine proposed (R 50 000) for failure to report 92

92 Section 54(3) of the Cybercrimes Act.

is ineffective, if not meaningless, since companies would in general rather pay this sanction than suffer the reputational pushback by reporting successful cyberattacks on their systems. Similarly, "If the requested Party cannot comply with the request for confidentiality, it shall notify the requesting Party, which then has the option of withdrawing or modifying the request." 93

93 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 49 #273.

This is a good idea for (re)consideration in the context of the Cybercrimes Act.

38. Since computer data are highly volatile, meaning they could be altered or deleted or (re)moved at will, thereby destroying evidence of the identity of the perpetrator or evidence of guilt, Article 16 provides for the introduction of legislation at the domestic level which would allow for "the expeditious preservation of data stored in the territory of the requested Party". 94

94 Council of Europe 2014 https://rm.coe.int/16800cce5b 50 #282.

In addition to these useful and thought-provoking provisions in the Budapest Convention, South Africa also stands to learn lessons from other African countries.

3 The African Union's Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection as well as the East African experience

Many African countries have adopted and benefitted from the African Union's Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection. 95

95 African Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection (2014).

For example, Rwanda National Computer Security and Response Centre (inaugurated in 2015) detects, prevents and responds to cyber security threats (quoted in Muendo [2019] - the source is unavailable to me). Its National Cyber Contingency Plan, on the other hand, handles cyber crises (also quoted in Muendo [2019] - the original source is unavailable to me). In addition, cyber security awareness is taken very seriously in Rwanda. A cyberattack on Equity Bank, which relies heavily on digital, cross-border banking services, 96

96 Muendo 2019 https://theconversation.com/whats-been-done-to-fight-cybercrime-in-east-africa-127240.

was prevented in November 2019 acting on a tip-off from a member of the public after the syndicate successfully hit branches of the same bank in Kenya and Uganda. 97

97 Wambui 2019 https://nation.africa/kenya/news/Rwanda-busts-bank-hackers-ring-targeting-Equity-Bank/1056-5332858-ehye3p/index.html.

Similarly Kenya launched its National Cyber Security Strategy in 2014 to raise cyber security awareness and equip the country to face cyber threats. Generally, remarks Mercy Muendo, "Kenya has a robust cyber security policy which includes a legal and regulatory framework. The result has been that impending cyber attacks [sic] are discovered before massive damage is done and ongoing attacks are rapidly arrested." 98

98 Muendo 2019 https://theconversation.com/whats-been-done-to-fight-cybercrime-in-east-africa-127240.

Uganda for its part has a national computer emergency response team 99

99 Uganda Communications Commission 2023 https://ug-cert.ug/.

in place in addition to a National Information and Technology Authority 100

100 NITA Uganda 2023 https://www.nita.go.ug/.

that provides cyber security training as well as technical support on a national level. These measures, among others, have boosted the country's cyber security strategy and safety. Muendo 101

101 Muendo 2019 https://theconversation.com/whats-been-done-to-fight-cybercrime-in-east-africa-127240.

suggests in a thoughtful piece that while Africa's digital infrastructure is on the whole poorly equipped to face the continent's intensifying cyber-security threats and risks, 102

102 Serianu 2017 https://www.serianu.com/downloads/AfricaCyberSecurityReport 2017.pdf.

Kenya and Rwanda, for their parts, "are two of the top three cyber secure countries in Africa". 103

103 ITU 2018 https://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-d/opb/str/D-STR-GCI.01-2018-PDF-E.pdf.

On the face of it these observations reflect poorly on South Africa,

which is not only the second largest economy on the continent (after Nigeria) but also the most developed country in Africa.

Against the backdrop of this very fruitful discussion on what we stand to learn from the Budapest Convention and the African Union's Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection, I shift the focus to another jurisdiction, namely Australia, to assess what could be learned from its cybersecurity culture to possibly enrich South Africa's approach as embodied in the Cybercrimes Act and related legislation. In other words, how does South Africa's cyber security culture measure up against the exemplary legal and policy framework outlined below? 104

104 Muendo 2019 https://theconversation.com/whats-been-done-to-fight-cybercrime-in-east-africa-127240.

I accordingly proceed to consider the matter from a South African perspective vis-à-vis Australia.

4 What's happening in Australia?

Just as South Africa's unique energy needs produced a government minister for electricity, Clare O' Neil became Australia's Minister for Cyber Security (although her portfolio was combined with that of Home Affairs). In what follows I consider her outstanding contribution to Australia's cybersecurity culture, and in doing so I am particularly interested in what South Africa can learn from this strategy.

Three of the most innovative reforms which she highlights 105

105 Lapham 2022 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11-13/medibank-data-breach-cybersecurity-latest/101648178.

are the formation of a proactive new (federal) task force (comprising 100 of the top cyber experts in Australia) by the federal government (to essentially "hack[ing] the hackers"), making payment of a ransom demand illegal and ensuring that the retention of sensitive personal data be curtailed as much as possible (to prevent its exposure after a hack). For example, in the case of the Medibank hack, Medibank being the Australian health insurer, that affected almost 10 million customers, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) managed to disrupt the Russian group responsible (possibly "REvil", which is protected by Putin himself and operates as a business entity. When their demands were not met those responsible proceeded to publish this highly sensitive hacked data on the Dark Web. 106

106 Judd and Walker 2022 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11-11/afp-reveal-more-information-on-medibank-hacker/101643794.

Together with the Optus incident, these two cyber breaches present "two of the most significant data breaches in Australia's history". 107

107 Australian Government 2023b https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/reports-and-pubs/files/2023-2030_australian_cyber_security_strategy_discussion_paper.pdf 14.

O'Neil emphasised that the best outcome should not be the imprisonment of cyber criminals but rather a robust strategy for proactively disrupting their operations. These groups or hacking farms or individuals are often shielded by unfriendly foreign governments. In this respect it is worth noting that AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw confirmed that "the AFP was scouring the internet and dark web for those accessing the information and attempting to profit from it [the data illegally stolen by way of the Medibank hack]". 108

108 Judd and Walker 2022 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11-11/afp-reveal-more-information-on-medibank-hacker/101643794.

My view is that the threat of punishment has its limitations and that there is an urgent need for innovative strategies to proactively combat cyber threats (my emphasis).

Finally, on 8 December 2022 Clare O' Neil announced a blueprint for the development of the country's 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy. 109

109 Australian Government 2023b https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/reports-and-pubs/files/2023-2030_australian_cyber_security_strategy_discussion_paper.pdf.

Public submissions to the discussion paper were invited and the window ran from 27 February 2023 to 15 April 2023. 110

110 Australian Government 2023a https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/reports-and-publications/submissions-and-discussion-papers/alternative-commonwealth-capabilities-for-crisis-response-discussion-paper.

Once again this highlights the valuable contribution of the public in improving national cyber security culture.

In terms of the strategy, the national government has an obligation to envision a secure cyber space for a resilient online business community as its vision for 2030. 111

111 Australian Government 2023b https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/reports-and-pubs/files/2023-2030_australian_cyber_security_strategy_discussion_paper.pdf 11.

To build collaborative cyber resilience as part of its national security, three matters deserve attention. These are: "governments protecting against sophisticated cyber threats, businesses protecting their customers, and the community making cyber-aware choices". 112

112 Australian Government 2023b https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/reports-and-pubs/files/2023-2030_australian_cyber_security_strategy_discussion_paper.pdf 12.

Effective cyber security demands that reporting obligations 113

113 Section 54(1) of the Cybercrimes Act.

must be taken seriously. 114

114 Australian Government 2023b https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/reports-and-pubs/files/2023-2030_australian_cyber_security_strategy_discussion_paper.pdf 17.

The reason for this, of course, is to ensure that the cyber security task force is aware of new developments in the form of novel or innovative cyber breaches or attacks and the sharing of the "root cause findings from investigations of major cyber incidents so that we can all

benefit from these learnings". 115

115 Australian Government 2023b https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/reports-and-pubs/files/2023-2030_australian_cyber_security_strategy_discussion_paper.pdf 20.

But there are very real problems or challenges with this notion in the South African milieu. A very relevant idea is the suggestion that the government's departments and agencies should serve as a model for best practices in respect of a safe cyber security culture and responsible risk management planning. 116

116 Australian Government 2023b https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/reports-and-pubs/files/2023-2030_australian_cyber_security_strategy_discussion_paper.pdf 19.

How feasible the application of this magnificent initiative would be in the current South African context is of course an open question. In building a resilient and secure cyber secure ecosystem, remediation (effective post-incident review) and exploring opportunities to enhance support to victims of cybercrime are essential cornerstones. 117

117 Australian Government 2023b https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/reports-and-pubs/files/2023-2030_australian_cyber_security_strategy_discussion_paper.pdf 21.

Finally, emerging technologies such as quantum communication technologies, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence have already impacted on or are bound to impact on and disrupt the cyber security landscape shortly and it is vital to keep track of these developments. 118

118 Perlroth This is How They Tell Me the World Ends generally.

Against the background of the international cyber security culture, as evidenced by generally accepted best practices embodied in the legislative framework and/or practice in Australia, I accordingly proceed to critique the South African Cybercrimes Act as follows.

5 A comparative/constructive critique of the Cybercrimes Act 19 of 2020

Although the Act commenced on 1 December 2021 by Presidential decree, certain sections of the Act are not yet operational.

In concluding his overview of the Cybercrimes Act, Mtuze remarks that:

[t]he Cybercrimes Act, in regulating the entire terrain of cybercrime as it is perceived currently, offers greater legal protection for victims of cybercrimes, guidance to law enforcement agencies and legal certainty for the courts. The creation of specific offences as well as sentences is a move towards more efficient cybercrime regulation than was previously afforded in terms of the common law and ECTA. 119

119 Snail ka Mtuze 2022 Obiter 559-560.

That might be so, but as I argue below, there is still considerable room for improvement to make South Africa a robust, cyber-secure space. Even though Sizwe Snail ka Mtuze may not be quite an objective observer and

commentator (he was involved in advising for and drafting the Act), it is nonetheless true that the new Act is a considerable improvement on the piece-meal provisions and the less than satisfactory wording of its predecessors, which preceded the promulgation, albeit not the inauguration, of the Act as a whole. I will attempt to demonstrate the need for some of the more pressing concerns to be addressed, along the following lines:

1. The preparedness/effectiveness of SAPS to handle complex cybercrime/investigations should be thoroughly examined. Australia's federal cyber task force (packed with 100 of the country's top cyber experts) option appears to be the best practice and should be adopted. Crucial questions to be considered relate to SAPS's potential deficiency in managing cybercrime reporting, which may potentially impede investigations, given that the Cybercrimes Act is heavily dependent on competent enforcement authorities.

2. Is there a special task force in place within SAPS to handle cyber incident reporting? If so, does the task force have the necessary specialised skills and resources to enforce the Act? The answer to these questions is a resounding negative and, considering the wealth embedded in the Australian experience of the value of such a task force, this appears to be a drawback that demands rectification.

3. Will this obscurity compromise criminal procedure and aspects thereof? This is almost a foregone conclusion and requires careful deliberation to ensure smooth prosecutions.

4. Critics have argued that the definition of "cybercrime" within the Act is far too broad and this raises concerns that legitimate activities may fall under this broad definition, leading to legal uncertainties.

5. Does South Africa, like the US and Australia, have a national cybersecurity strategy which the Act can be integrated into, to ensure effective and robust cyber resilience – in both the public and the private sector? Obama was clear when he mentioned that national and economic security depends on the sound reliability of a nation's critical infrastructure. 120

120 CISA 2013 https://www.cisa.gov/resources-tools/resources/executive-order-eo-13636-improving-critical-infrastructure-cybersecurity.

6. One of the most cogent points of criticism is failure to engage in enhancing international cooperation. Does the Act contain a framework for international cooperation? I argue that it does not. It does reference provisions for extradition and mutual legal assistance but seems to lack specificity. In the absence of an effective mechanism

to foster international cooperation, this represents a serious lack. How effective is the Act in this regard? Clare O'Neil has mandated the outlawing of ransom payment for data recovery from hacking, but South Africa's legislation contains no such provisions. This will require buy-in from the private sector, advocacy groups, policymakers and the public at large.

7. The Act notably neglects crucial aspects of cybersecurity awareness and training, which is pivotal when it comes to protecting the integrity of our organisations and national security. Both the East African and the Australian experiences have demonstrated how valuable cybersecurity awareness is. It is worth noting that effective cybercrime prevention hinges on educating both the public and the private sectors.

8. It is also important for the Act to make a paradigm shift from punitive to proactive prevention and disruption, as the Australian experience has so pointedly shown. Following instead the Budapest Convention's emphasis on punitivity as the Act does is a mistake.

9. The issue of an obligation to report cyber breaches to the SAPS remains a sensitive point. I suggest an independent agency which would agree to confidentiality unless the identity of the victim is essential for the case to be used for heuristic purposes. In Black Sash Trust v Minister of Social Development the court ruled: 121

121 Black Sash Trust v Minister of Social Development 2017 3 SA 335 (CC) 337 para 10.

SASSA is under a duty to ensure that the payment method it determines … contains adequate safeguards to ensure that personal data obtained in the payment process remains private and may not be used for any purpose other than payment of the grants or any other purpose sanctioned by the Minister … precludes a contracting party from inviting beneficiaries to "opt-in" to the sharing of confidential information for the marketing of goods and services.

By analogy, a confidentiality clause would encourage victims to report, but the point of reporting, as the Australian experience shows, is precisely to learn from cyberattacks. It does not seem as though the rationale for reporting has made an impact on the South African cyber environment, which renders the requirement moot. In the perceptive words of Singh, 122

122 Singh 2021 https://theconversation.com/south-african-enterprises-cant-ignore-the-risk-of-cyber-attacks-the-threat-is-on-the-rise-166133.

"[b]oth listed companies and state-owned enterprises face an evergrowing [sic] risk from cyber-attacks [sic] because of their increasing reliance on digital transactions". This is, of course, as true of South Africa as of anywhere else in the world but, as I argue in the introduction to this paper, South Africa is particularly at risk of cyberwarfare. Furthermore, it is important to note that a successful attack could have one or more of the

following consequences for the affected company or state-owned enterprise:

1) the jeopardising of a company's access to essential processes integral to operations and the loss of sensitive data;

2) the loss of intellectual property and trade secrets through theft;

3) reputational damage; and

4) significant financial losses. 123

123 Singh 2021 https://theconversation.com/south-african-enterprises-cant-ignore-the-risk-of-cyber-attacks-the-threat-is-on-the-rise-166133.

Finally, to its credit, the legislature proceeded to insert section 18 of the Act, 124

124 Section 18 of the ECTA.

which provides that where the evidence does not prove the commission of a particular offence but instead of another, the principle of substance over form in criminal proceedings shall prevail, which is a principle well entrenched in our law. 125

125 In Van der Walt v S 2020 11 BCLR 1337 (CC) para 23 the court held that "an accused is not at liberty to demand the most favourable possible treatment under the guise of the fair trial right. A court's assessment of fairness requires a substance over form approach. The State correctly submits that the question is accordingly whether the Regional Magistrate committed irregularities or deviated from the rules of procedure aimed at a fair trial, and if so, whether they were of the kind to render the trial unfair".

6 Conclusion

Cybercrime is an urgent global challenge, and the Act does not adequately address the crucial issue of international cooperation. As my overview of the Act and of the related legislative instruments has shown, the South African legislative framework to prevent cyberattacks is somewhat inadequate and requires significant enhancement for South Africa to be a serious global player in the fight against cybercrime. Measures have been suggested and motivated to substantially improve this state of affairs. Collaborative efforts are essential to combat cyber threats effectively, and South Africa must work more closely with international partners. The goal is to enable jurisdictions to join hands in rejecting ransom demands outright and in encouraging companies and government departments to delete non-essential data and proactively disrupting hackers' activities, as Clare O'Neil and the Australian Specialised Federal Cyber Task Force have set out to do. Furthermore, both the East African and Australian experiences have demonstrated the great benefit of involving the public in general in cyber security and crime awareness. I argue that this illustrates the point that legislative measures alone are insufficient to secure robust cybersecurity spaces.

I suggest that exploring and learning from the Australian model is immensely valuable and may address shortcomings or deficiencies in the Budapest Convention, on which the Cybercrimes Act was largely based, such as an oversized confidence and overreliance on punitive measures.

A need to support victims of cyber incidents has also been identified and measures suggested to remedy this situation. To this end, poststructuralism assisted me greatly in its attenuation of nuance and contradiction. Finally, and in a broader context, the comparative analysis highlights the benefits derived from learning from other cyber security ecosystems. It is my hope that this contribution will encourage other researchers and in particular cyber criminologists to explore other profitable angles in a comparative context. The lessons learned, if widely disseminated, can only benefit the collective advancement of cyber security.



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R v Douvenga (District Court of the Northern Transvaal, Pretoria) (unreported) case number 111/150/2003 of 19 August 2003

S v Harper 1981 2 SA 638 (D)

S v Manuel 1953 4 SA 523 (A)

S v Motata (Johannesburg District Court) (unreported) case number 63/968/07

S v Van den Berg 1991 1 SACR 104 (T)

State v Howard (Johannesburg Regional Magistrates Court) (unreported) case number 41/258/02

Van der Walt v S 2020 11 BCLR 1337 (CC)


Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Cybercrimes Act 19 of 2020

Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002

International instruments

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Council of Europe Second Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime on Enhanced Co-operation and Disclosure of Electronic Evidence (2021)

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List of Abbreviations


Australian Federal Police


Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency


Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002


Federal Bureau of Investigation


Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation


International Telecommunication Union


National Cyber Security Index


National Information and Technology Authority


Republic of South Africa


South African National Defence Force


South African Police Service


United Kingdom


United States