Five Shaky Pillars – A Criticism of the Reasoning on Which the Stay at South Point Properties v Mqulwana (SCA) Decision Rests

S Fick*

PER/PELJ - Pioneer in peer-reviewed, open access online law publications

Author Sarah Fick

Affiliation University of Western Cape, South Africa


Date Submitted 02 November 2023

Date Revised 26 November 2024

Date Accepted 26 November 2024

Date Published 18 March 2025

Editor Prof Anél Gildenhuys

Journal Editor Prof Wian Erlank

How to cite this contribution

Fick S "Five Shaky Pillars – A Criticism of the Reasoning on Which the Stay at South Point Properties v Mqulwana (SCA) Decision Rests" PER / PELJ 2025(28) - DOI



In July 2023 in the case of


In July 2023 in the case of


Eviction; home; student accommodation.


1 Introduction

In July 2023 in the case of Stay at South Point Properties (Pty) Ltd v Mqulwana 1

* Sarah Fick. LLB LLM PhD. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of the Western Cape, South Africa. E-mail: ORCiD: A version of this paper was presented at the South African Property Law Teachers Colloquium held at the University of Cape Town from 2-3 November 2023. Thank you to the participants for their valuable feedback on this topic. Also, the author expresses gratitude to the anonymous peer reviewers for their insightful comments and constructive feedback, which significantly contributed to the refinement of this manuscript. Their thoughtful recommendations have greatly enhanced the clarity and rigour of the analysis.

1 Stay at South Point Properties (Pty) Ltd v Mqulwana (UCT Intervening as Amicus Curiae) (1335/2021) [2023] ZASCA 108 (3 July 2023) (hereafter Stay at South Point).

the Supreme Court of Appeal (the SCA) found that student accommodation does not constitute a "home" in terms of section 26(3) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (hereafter the Constitution). 2

2 Stay at South Point para 17.

Section 26(3) of the Constitution provides that "[n]o one may be evicted from their home … without an order of court made after considering all the relevant circumstances." The students' "residence" was not their "home". This meant that they could not rely on the protection provided by section 26(3) of the Constitution or the legislation giving effect to this right, the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998 (hereafter PIE). 3

3 Stay at South Point para 18. Since the court had interpreted the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998 (PIE) to apply only to homes due to its giving effect to s 26(3) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (the Constitution). See Ndlovu v Ngcobo, Bekker v Jika 2002 4 All SA 384 (SCA) para 20.

This note identifies five shaky pillars that the decision rests on and argues that these pillars may be too weak to uphold the judgment. Importantly, the note does not aim to determine whether a residence should in fact be considered a home. Rather the note intends to highlight the problems with the reasoning of the court in coming to its conclusion.

The note first discusses the facts and the decision of the case. Then it identifies and critically analyses the five shaky pillars of the case. Based on this discussion, the note subsequently explores four broader questions raised by the case. Finally, the note concludes.

2 Facts

The matter involved an eviction application of university students from student accommodation known as "New Market Junction". 4

4 Stay at South Point para 2.

The appellant is the owner of the residence and leased the building to Cape Peninsula

University of Technology (CPUT) to be used for student accommodation. 5

5 Stay at South Point paras 2-3.

The respondents were ninety-nine students who were allocated accommodation in the residence for the 2020 academic year. 6

6 Stay at South Point para 3.

Of the ninety-nine students, twenty-one were also allowed to reside in the accommodation for the 2021 academic year. 7

7 Stay at South Point para 3.

All of the respondents were required to vacate the residence by end of November 2020. 8

8 Stay at South Point para 3.

This included those with permission to reside there in 2021, since maintenance and decontamination were to be done during the university break. 9

9 Stay at South Point para 3.

That students must vacate their residences during term breaks is a normal procedure for most university residences.

All of the respondents, including those with permission to return, refused to vacate the building at the end of November 2020. 10

10 Stay at South Point para 3.

In response, on 12 January 2021 the appellant tried to use private security to forcibly remove the respondents. 11

11 Stay at South Point para 3. No comment is made about this act, which is clearly unlawful. Whether or not PIE applied, the appellants could not take the law into their own hands to retrieve their possession.

When this failed the appellants approached the High Court for an eviction of the respondents in terms of the rei vindicatio. 12

12 Stay at South Point para 3. The rei vindicatio is a remedy for the owner to regain possession of his/her property. It has three requirements: (1) The person instituting the action must prove his/her ownership of the property. (2) The property must exist and be identifiable. (3) The defendant must have physical control of the property. See Van der Walt and Pienaar Introduction to the Law of Property 164.

The respondents opposed the eviction on the basis that they are protected under section 26(3) of the Constitution and any eviction application must therefore be done in terms of PIE. 13

13 Stay at South Point para 4.

The appellant argued that PIE did not apply, since the residence was not their home. 14

14 Stay at South Point para 4.

In addition, the respondents would not be homeless once evicted. 15

15 Stay at South Point para 4.

The High Court ruled in favour of the respondents and dismissed the eviction application. It is against this order that the appeal was made to the SCA. 16

16 Stay at South Point para 1.

By the time the matter came before the SCA two years later, the case had become moot. 17

17 Stay at South Point para 5.

This is because the respondents had all vacated the building. 18

18 Stay at South Point para 5.

Nevertheless, the court decided that the matter should proceed due to the "wider and far-reaching implications of the eviction of students

from student accommodation" and the fact that "the rights and duties of students provided with accommodation by CPUT is an issue of recurring controversy". 19

19 Stay at South Point para 5. A court would generally hear a moot matter only if a decision would be in the public interest. See Loots "Standing, Ripeness and Mootness" 7-20 – 7-22.

3 Finding of the SCA

The substantive part of the SCA judgment is only four pages long. It starts with an explanation that PIE and the protections against eviction it provides are applicable only to evictions from "homes". This is due to the fact that PIE was enacted to give effect to section 26(3) of the Constitution, a right that is explicitly limited to the protection of the home-interest. 20

20 Stay at South Point paras 6-9. For the finding that PIE applies only to evictions from homes, see Ndlovu v Ngcobo, Bekker v Jika 2002 4 All SA 384 (SCA) para 20.

The court then continued to ask: "What then is a home?" 21

21 Stay at South Point para 10.

However, instead of thoroughly exploring this question, it simply stated: 22

22 Stay at South Point para 10, quoting from Barnett v Minister of Land Affairs 2007 6 SA 313 (SCA) (hereafter Barnett) para 38. This case involved an eviction matter in which the evictees argued that PIE should apply to their holiday houses, since these constituted second homes.

This Court in Barnett held that the sensible and ordinary meaning of home is a place with 'regular occupation coupled with some degree of permanence'.

The SCA then gave three main reasons for finding that student accommodation cannot be a home. 23

23 Stay at South Point para 12.

First, students residing in residences have homes that they came from and can return to. 24

24 Stay at South Point para 12.

The court found that "unless otherwise demonstrated" the student accommodation did not "replace or displace" their homes of origin and the students "have homes other than the residence". 25

25 Stay at South Point para 12.

The court concluded from this that:

There is then no basis to seek the protection of PIE. Eviction does not render the students homeless. 26

26 Stay at South Point para 12.

Secondly, the court found that the nature and purpose of student accommodation is "temporary" and "transitory" and that students are aware of this. 27

27 Stay at South Point para 13.

Thirdly, the court highlighted the importance of student accommodation to the right to education and found that: 28

28 Stay at South Point paras 14-16.

Equity requires that those who have had the benefit of accommodation should yield to those who have not.

This last factor could not have any application on the twenty-one students who had permission to reoccupy the following year.

For these reasons the court found that the residence was not the respondents' home. 29

29 Stay at South Point para 17.

It summarised: "It is a residence, of limited duration, for a specific purpose, that is time-bound by the academic year, and that is, for important reasons, subject to rotation." 30

30 Stay at South Point para 17.

It then made a declaratory order that PIE did not apply and that the appellants were entitled to an eviction of the respondents in terms of the rei vindicatio. 31

31 Stay at South Point paras 18-20.

4 Evaluation of the court's reasoning: five shaky pillars

Several issues emerge from the reasoning that this decision is based on. First, there is the blanket factual assumption that students in student accommodation all have primary residences elsewhere and will not be homeless if evicted. Second is the fact that the court and the appellant seem to believe PIE is applicable only to evictions that will cause homelessness. Third is the notion that the residence is not their home because they have homes of origin. Fourth is the notion that the residence is not their home because of the nature and purpose of the accommodation. Fifth is the notion that the residence is not their home due to equity considerations.

This section critically analyses these five shaky pillars of the decision. In doing so it aims to point out the cracks in the pillars that have the potential of causing the judgment to collapse.

4.1 Blanket factual assumption of alternative accommodation

The first pillar, identified above, is that the court assumed that all students have accommodation elsewhere and will therefore not be homeless if evicted. Such an assumption might make sense theoretically, especially when one considers the fact that the court is making the point in conjunction with the point that the purpose of the accommodation is not for the residence to be a permanent home. However, this assumption is not in line with the reality faced by many South African students and contradicts the students' submission in the High Court that an eviction would leave them homeless. 32

32 Snyman 2022

One can think of many instances where students would be unable to return to their homes of origin. This includes where their parents have moved into retirement homes, where the students came from children's homes or foster care, where their family have become homeless due, for example, to eviction or where they might feel unsafe returning to their parental home.

Moreover, their parents might not want them to move back. 33

33 In such situations the court would have to determine whether people can be considered to have alternative accommodation with their families where their families are not prepared to take them in. This is explored elsewhere and it is concluded that this might be the case in some instances. See Fick 2015 Stell LR 678-690.

Hence, this blanket assumption is faulty.

Perhaps it is more worrying that the court made a blanket assumption regarding the housing situation of ninety-nine students. This contradicts its earlier jurisprudence in City of Johannesburg v Changing Tides 74 (Pty) Ltd 34

34 City of Johannesburg v Changing Tides 74 (Pty) Ltd 2012 6 SA 294 (SCA).

in which it stressed the importance of considering the actual individual circumstances of unlawful occupiers and not making blanket assumptions regarding whether they faced homelessness once evicted. 35

35 See City of Johannesburg v Changing Tides 74 (Pty) Ltd 2012 6 SA 294 (SCA) para 10.

Unlike in Stay at South Point, the North Gauteng High Court in Tshwane University Technology v All Members of the Central Student Representative Council of the Applicant 36

36 Tshwane University Technology v All Members of the Central Student Representative Council of the Applicant (67856/14) [2016] ZAGPPHC 881 (22 September 2016).

found that some students would face homelessness if evicted from student accommodation. 37

37 Tshwane University Technology v All Members of the Central Student Representative Council of the Applicant (67856/14) [2016] ZAGPPHC 881 (22 September 2016) para 2.

This case also involved an application for the eviction of students from student residences. As with Stay at South Point, the court had to decide whether PIE should apply. The court did not make blanket assumptions but found that many students did not have alternative accommodation because they were "unable to afford to return home". 38

38 Tshwane University Technology v All Members of the Central Student Representative Council of the Applicant (67856/14) [2016] ZAGPPHC 881 (22 September 2016) para 2.

4.2 Applicability of PIE to evictions that will not lead to homelessness

The second shaky pillar in Stay at South Point is the court's statement that: 39

39 Stay at South Point para 12.

There is then no basis to seek the protection of PIE. Eviction does not render the students homeless.

This suggests that the respondents should seek the protection of PIE. However, that is not how PIE operates. PIE is an eviction mechanism. It provides the procedure for evicting unlawful occupiers from their homes. 40

40 See the long title of PIE.

The person applying for the eviction cannot decide not to follow PIE

because the person is of the opinion that the occupiers will not be left homeless. This is up to the court. Similarly, the occupiers would not need to raise PIE as a defence. When applicants are allowed to choose which protections respondents are entitled to, they will always opt for the least protection.

Moreover, the court seems to suggest that PIE applies only if the eviction would cause homelessness. This has similarly been alluded to by some academics. 41

41 Cramer and Mostert 2015 Stell LR 591; Viljoen 2020 Stell LR 203.

The basis for this suggestion is Lester v Ndlambe Municipality. 42

42 Lester v Ndlambe Municipality (514/12) [2013] ZASCA 95 (22 August 2013) (hereafter Lester).

In this matter the court found that: 43

43 Lester para 17.

The protection afforded in s 26(3) must therefore always, without exception, be read against the backdrop of the right to have access to adequate housing, enshrined in s 26(1). Thus where a person, facing a demolition order, does not adduce any evidence that he or she would not, in the event of his or her dwelling being demolished by order of a court, be able to afford alternative housing, s 26(1) is of no avail to him or her.

However, it must be kept in mind that Lester was not an eviction matter. It was an application for an order authorising the demolition of the appellant's home. 44

44 The demolition order did not include an order to vacate the building and neither does s 21 of the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act 103 of 1977 authorising the order. See the high court order, Ndlambe Municipality v Lester (92/2011) [2012] ZAECGHC 33 (3 May 2012) para 122.

Had the appellant refused to vacate the property after the order was granted, the state would have had to obtain an eviction order in terms of PIE.

Moreover, the court in Stay at South Point Properties, while referring to Lester, seems to use the matter only as support for the finding that PIE applies only to homes and not to find that PIE applies only when there is a risk of homelessness: 45

45 Stay at South Point para 9, emphasis added.

Although the substantive provisions of PIE reference the occupation of land, it is plain that PIE gives effect to the constitutional protections against the peril of homelessness. It follows that, if the occupation of land does not constitute the home of an occupier, PIE does not find application. Further support for this proposition is found in Lester v Ndlambe Municipality and Another. There, this Court stated that s 26(3) needs to be read against the backdrop of s 26(1), that is, the right of access to adequate housing. It has been found that where one cannot demonstrate that one would be without alternative accommodation, and thus be rendered homeless, the protection of s 26(3) does not find application.

Still, this last statement seems to confuse the matter. That PIE applies only in matters where evictions cause homelessness cannot be correct. As

stated above, while PIE gives effect to section 26(1) and (3) of the Constitution, it also simply provides the procedure for evictions from homes. This is clear from the act's long title. It is the only mechanism available for private persons to evict unlawful occupiers living on their urban properties. 46

46 Section 4(1) of PIE reads: "Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any law or the common law, the provisions of this section apply to proceedings by an owner or person in charge of land for the eviction of an unlawful occupier." More specific acts apply in some cases, primarily with regard to agricultural land, including Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act 3 of 1996 and Extension of Security of Tenure Act 62 of 1997.

The availability of alternative accommodation is not a threshold for the applicability of PIE but a consideration that the court must take into account when applying PIE. This is clear from the fact that it is a factor listed in PIE for courts to take into account when determining whether or not to grant an eviction order. 47

47 Section 6(3)(c) of PIE.

Such a factor would have been redundant had PIE applied only in matters where alternative accommodation was not available. 48

48 Which would be against the presumption against tautology.

Moreover, several cases at the Constitutional Court level have involved discussions about whether homelessness is involved only at the stage of whether an eviction order would be just and equitable. By this time, PIE was already deemed to apply. 49

49 See for example, Port Elizabeth Municipality v Various Occupiers 2005 1 SA 217 (CC) para 59; Occupiers of 51 Olivia Road, Berea Township and 197 Main Street Johannesburg v City of Johannesburg 2008 3 SA 208 (CC) para 46; City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Blue Moonlight Properties 39 (Pty) Ltd 2012 2 SA 104 (CC) paras 16, 39, 40; Occupiers of Erven 87 and 88 Berea v De Wet 2017 5 SA 346 (CC) para 61.

Should PIE be applicable only if an occupier faces homelessness, this would create a strange situation in large-scale evictions where the owner needs to use one mechanism to evict those facing homelessness and another to evict those that do not.

Moreover, the court is enjoined to consider all relevant circumstances before granting an eviction. This suggests that homelessness is not the only factor that may bar an eviction. An eviction (or an immediate eviction) might not be just and equitable, despite the availability of alternative accommodation. Factors such as the location of the alternative accommodation may also play a role. This was confirmed by the court in Grobler v Msimanga, 50

50 Grobler v Msimanga 2008 3 All SA 549 (W).

when it said: 51

51 Grobler v Msimanga 2008 3 All SA 549 (W) para 241.

It will also not be just and equitable that families, and especially school children, are uprooted and removed to a different area which would cause huge disruption to schools and persons travelling to and from their employment.

In fact, PIE emphasises the importance of considering all relevant circumstances, including "the rights and needs of the elderly, children,

disabled persons and households headed by women". 52

52 Sections 4(6) and 4(7) of PIE.

For this reason, PIE should apply to all evictions from homes, and homelessness should be only one of the factors considered in determining whether the eviction would be just and equitable.

This is in line with Barnett, where the SCA supported the notion that a person can have more than one home, thereby insinuating that PIE would apply to an eviction even where there is no risk of homelessness. 53

53 Barnett para 38.

Commenting on this case, Van der Walt 54

54 Van der Walt 2007 JQR 2.3. One could also say the spirit of transformative constitutionalism.

argues that PIE should also apply to evictions of occupiers for whom one feels "little sympathy" (such as those who have second homes), as this "better suits the spirit of the post-apartheid eviction law under s 26(3)", which requires all evictions from homes to be decided by a court, which is enjoined to consider all relevant circumstances.

4.3 Applicability of PIE to second homes

The third shaky pillar to consider is the fact that the court seems to find that PIE cannot be applicable because the respondents have homes elsewhere. However, the same court had previously found that having a home elsewhere does not prevent a finding that the place someone is being evicted from is his/her home. The SCA found in Barnett that: 55

55 Barnett para 38.

I agree with the defendants' argument that one can conceivably have more than one home.

Hence, a finding that the respondents' homes of origins still constitute their homes does not negate a finding that the student residence is their home.

Moreover, applying Barnett to student accommodation, the court in Tshwane University Technology v All Members of the Central Student Representative Council of the Applicant 56

56 Tshwane University Technology v All Members of the Central Student Representative Council of the Applicant (67856/14) [2016] ZAGPPHC 881 (22 September 2016) para 65.

found that:

There can be little doubt that a student residence is not like holiday cottages and satisfy the requirement of a 'home' as so defined. It is the place where they stay for the majority of the year; although they may not regard it from the point of view of their domicile as their permanent home, it is their home for the majority of the year.

In fact many university students leave their parental homes for university never to return, except for social visits. In such a situation their homes of origin might constitute alternative accommodation but cease to be their homes. This would have the effect that the student accommodation

becomes their only home during their university years. The same applies to students who grew up in children's homes or foster care or do not feel safe to go back to their parental homes.

Moreover, the fact that someone has two homes does not mean that an eviction would not cause any hardship. A person's second home might be in another country or may be extremely inadequate, especially when it comes to tertiary studies. This would make it difficult for the person to return to and may affect some of the person’s rights negatively.

4.4 Effect of the nature and purpose of the accommodation on whether a place is a home

The fourth shaky pillar of the decision is the assumption that the nature and purpose of a place is determinative of whether it can be someone's home. That this is not the case is clear from early eviction matters in which PIE applied to evictions from places that were not intended to be anyone's home. This includes City of Cape Town v Rudolph 57

57 City of Cape Town v Rudolph (8970/01) [2003] ZAWCHC 29 (7 July 2003).

in which the land that the people were being evicted from was a public children's playground. The court found: 58

58 City of Cape Town v Rudolph (8970/01) [2003] ZAWCHC 29 (7 July 2003) para 22.

There can be no doubt that the shelters erected by Respondents are their homes.

In City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Blue Moonlight Properties 39 (Pty) Ltd, 59

59 City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Blue Moonlight Properties 39 (Pty) Ltd 2012 2 SA 104 (CC)

the court did not doubt that the "old and dilapidated commercial premises with office space, a factory building and garages" 60

60 City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Blue Moonlight Properties 39 (Pty) Ltd 2012 2 SA 104 (CC) para 1.

that the people were occupying were their homes.

The problem is that some recent court jurisprudence seems to suggest just this – that the nature of the property can exclude it from being classified as a home. This is suggested by the findings of the High Court regarding Airbnb accommodation (short-term home rental). The court, in Yussuf vs Ye Khan Investments CC, 61

61 Yussuf v Ye Khan Investments CC (1355/2011) [2011] ZAWCHC 416 (1 November 2011) (hereafter Yussuf).

found that: 62

62 Yussuf para 5.

I am unpersuaded that a guest house qualifies for protection in terms of the Pie Act because occupants in a guest house are occupying the premises for a fixed period of time with the express consent of the owner or the person in charge of the premises. This is a commercial property, like a hotel, which provides for short term occupation of persons who are visitors and not to

persons who are long term occupiers of land or property because they have nowhere else to live.

In fact, the wording in Stay at South Point Properties is very close to the wording used in Yussuf:

the provision of student accommodation is for a finite period of time and it has a limited and defined purpose, that is, to accommodate students for the duration of the academic year and thereby assist them to study at the university. The arrangement is by its nature temporary and for a purpose that is transitory.

The court in Yussuf seemed to rely heavily on Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v Jardim, 63

63 Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v Jardim 2004 1 SA 14 (O) (hereafter Shoprite Checkers) 502.

finding that: 64

64 Yussuf para 3.

Respondents have referred me to a decision in the matter of Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v Jardim, 2004 (1) SALR p.502 where the Court held that the provisions of the Pie Act are not applicable to ejectment of persons occupying non-residential properties.

However, this reliance is misplaced. The issue in Shoprite Checkers was completely different. It was not whether PIE applied where non-residential properties were being used as homes, but whether PIE applied to evictions from non-residential properties of non-residential occupiers. The court indicated that the property was not being used as a home and this point seemed to be significant to its findings: 65

65 Shoprite Checkers para 13.

Die ruimte wat die onderwerp vorm van die huurkontrak, word nie vir behuisingdoeleindes verhuur of benut nie.

Hence, in Shoprite Checkers the finding was that PIE applies only to homes, not that commercial property cannot be a home. 66

66 See Shoprite Checkers para 13.

Yussuf's misplaced finding should therefore not be used as precedent or support for the finding that the purpose of the property can bar it from being classified as a home.

It is not the nature of the property but the use thereof that should determine whether it is a home. Commenting on Yussuf, Van der Merwe and Pienaar 67

67 Van der Merwe and Pienaar 2014 ASSL 947.


It is submitted that the name of or label attached to the particular premises should not be the distinguishing factor, but that the actual use to which the property is being put should be scrutinized instead.

They also point out that just a few weeks after Yussuf was decided by the High Court, the Supreme Court of Appeal, in City of Tshwane Metropolitan

Municipality v Mamelodi Hostel Residents Association 68

68 City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v Mamelodi Hostel Residents Association (025/2011) [2011] ZASCA 227 (30 November 2011).

found that PIE should have been used in an eviction from a hostel. This overturns the blanket finding in Yussuf that PIE would not apply to guesthouses or hostels. Van der Merwe and Pienaar 69

69 Van der Merwe and Pienaar 2014 ASSL 948.


Excluding or including certain properties per se, on its usual definition, would not suffice.

In the same vein, Cramer and Mostert, 70

70 Cramer and Mostert 2015 Stell LR 595.

writing on determining whether a place is a home for eviction purposes, argue:

In South Africa, with its broad socio-economic spectrum, a circumstantial understanding of the concept, rather than a hard-and-fast definition, is prudent. Standards as to what constitutes a home should vary depending on the circumstances.

That said, the nature and purpose of the property is not irrelevant to the determination of whether a place is a home. It might help to determine this question. Places that are ordinarily not occupied as homes may be less likely to be someone's home. Within that category a distinction can also be made between places that were never intended to accommodate persons (such as office buildings) and those specifically intended to be used as temporary accommodation. The nature of these places weighs on the side of them not being considered homes. 71

71 Like in Stay at South Point and Yussuf.

Furthermore, the fact that the occupiers consented to staying for only a short period may be a relevant circumstance to be considered weighing in favour of the landowner. 72

72 When considering the relevant circumstances and determining whether an eviction would be just and equitable, courts must balance the rights and interests of the unlawful occupiers and the owner. See for example Government of the Republic of South Africa v Grootboom 2001 1 SA 46 (CC) para 74; Port Elizabeth Municipality v Various Occupiers 2005 1 SA 217 (CC) paras 23, 37. Also see Chenwi 2015 J L & Social Pol'y 80; Boggenpoel and Mahomedy 2023 PELJ 7-8; Wilson 2009 SALJ 278.

However, this should just be one factor in determining whether a place is a home and not an aspect that should bar the finding that a place is someone's home. The facts could still prove that such places were used as homes, despite their nature, such as the accommodation of office buildings by indigent persons. 73

73 City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Blue Moonlight Properties 39 (Pty) Ltd 2012 2 SA 104 (CC) para 1.

Another point to consider is that it is unlikely that the short-term, student-accommodation nature of a private rental apartment would exclude it from the protection of PIE. This further brings into question this line of reasoning of the court.

4.5 Effect of equity on whether a place is a home

The fifth shaky pillar of the case is the notion that equity can be used to determine whether a place is a home. The court discussed the student housing scarcity in higher education and found that: 74

74 Stay at South Point para 16.

Equity requires that those who have had the benefit of accommodation should yield to those who have not. And nothing about the position of the respondents suggests that this equitable principle should not continue to apply. It is also for this reason, as the amicus reminded us, that student accommodation forms part of the larger policy framework of higher education.

Equity plays an important role in eviction matters. However, the court relied on equity considerations at the incorrect stage of the inquiry. PIE provides that: a "court may grant an order for eviction if it is of the opinion that it is just and equitable to do so, after considering all the relevant circumstances." 75

75 Sections 4(6) and (7) of PIE. Emphasis added. S 6(1) provides the same with slightly different wording. The measure of "just and equitable" gives effect to s 172(1)(b), which reads: "When deciding a constitutional matter within its power, a court…may make any order that is just and equitable."

Equity is the standard used to determine whether an eviction should be granted. Equity considerations cannot determine whether a place is a home. This is a factual determination.

The "equity" considerations that the court took into account had nothing to do with the factual question of whether a residence is a home. Instead, the court seemed to be of the opinion that equity considerations require that it not be considered a home. This type of reasoning muddles the two enquiries - whether the place is a home and whether an eviction would be just and equitable - and should be avoided. As is further discussed below, 76

76 See section 5.3.

considering equity considerations in interpreting the threshold requirement of "home" also unduly limits the protection offered by the right in section 26(3) of the Constitution.

Moreover, its statement that "nothing about the position of the respondents suggests that this equitable principle should not continue to apply" suggests that it was in fact balancing the interests of the parties, something that should occur when applying PIE.

5 Broader questions raised by the case

This section considers the broader questions raised by the Stay at South Point case. Four questions are considered. One, whether faulty reasoning by a court is problematic if the outcome is correct. Two, whether the court is suggesting that some types of properties should be excluded from the

protection of PIE. Three, whether the court's interpretation of "home" is too narrow. Four, whether courts should decide moot matters.

5.1 Is faulty reasoning problematic if the outcome is correct?

It was argued above that equity considerations should not play a role in determining whether a place is a person's "home" and, hence, whether PIE should apply. Instead, equity considerations should be taken into account in the application of PIE when a court is determining whether an eviction would be just and equitable. The equity considerations regarding the nature and purpose of student housing in higher education highlighted by the court suggest that an eviction would be just and equitable. This implies that despite its shaky legal reasoning the outcome of the decision would have been the same had the court found that the residence was the students' home and applied PIE.

One might wonder whether it matters that the court made mistakes in its judgment if it would have led to the same outcome – an eviction. It does matter. It matters because if this case is used as precedent in future cases the outcome might not be the same had PIE applied. In applying equity considerations to the threshold requirement, the court creates precedent for barring all student accommodation from the application of PIE. This is undesirable, as it prevents the courts from considering the relevant circumstances of each case individually, which would better suit "the spirit of the post-Apartheid eviction law". 77

77 Van der Walt 2007 JQR 2.3. Here Van der Walt is suggesting that the court in Barnett should rather allow the application of PIE, even where the place is not a primary home.

5.2 Is the court suggesting that some types of properties should be excluded from PIE?

A further question arising from the case is whether the court is suggesting that evictions from certain places would always be just and equitable and should therefore not have to go through the entire tedious PIE process. This is reminiscent of the application of the housing right in European Convention on Human Rights, where the idea is that the proportionality of evictions need not be determined on a case-by-case basis but rather that the legislature had already performed the balancing act and found that the eviction would be proportional. 78

78 Fick and Vols 2016 EJCL 47-48.

The proportionality of an eviction is therefore assumed and need only be determined by a court if the person being evicted specifically raises it as a defence. 79

79 Fick and Vols 2016 EJCL 47-48.

Respondents would have to show exceptional circumstances for the court to rule in their favour. 80

80 Fick and Vols 2016 EJCL 47-48.

Is this the

direction that the courts are moving in – that evictions from certain properties would always be just and equitable? If this is the case, then the court must clearly state this instead of hiding inside the "home" requirement. Only then could one properly engage with such a development. 81

81 Transposing a European concept such as that into South African law might not be ideal, due to the inequality prevalent in South Africa.

Maybe the answer does not lie in barring the use of PIE for certain types of properties where the delay in eviction would cause great hardship and/or where the type of property suggests that it is unlikely that the property is a person's home. In such circumstances, perhaps the solution should rather be that section 5 of PIE applies to these properties. This section sets out the "urgent proceedings for eviction". 82

82 Title of the section.

I say section 5 "should" apply because it is unclear from section 5 if it would apply to all such urgent matters. Section 5(1) reads:

Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4, the owner or person in charge of land may institute urgent proceedings for the eviction of an unlawful occupier of that land pending the outcome of proceedings for a final order, and the court may grant such an order if it is satisfied that—

(a) there is a real and imminent danger of substantial injury or damage to any person or property if the unlawful occupier is not forthwith evicted from the land;

(b) the likely hardship to the owner or any other affected person if an order for eviction is not granted, exceeds the likely hardship to the unlawful occupier against whom the order is sought, if an order for eviction is granted; and

(c) there is no other effective remedy available.

It is uncertain whether financial hardship or the hardship of new students requiring accommodation would qualify as "substantial injury or damage to any person or property". If not, it is suggested that this section be amended to include such.

5.3 Is the interpretation of "home" too narrow?

Section 26(3) of the Constitution provides that no one may be evicted from their "home" unless a court has ordered the eviction after considering all the relevant circumstances. That the place must be the person's home is therefore a threshold requirement for the protection of the right. The Constitutional Court, in De Reuck v Director of Public Prosecutions (Witwatersrand Local Division), 83

83 De Reuck v Director of Public Prosecutions (Witwatersrand Local Division) 2004 1 SA 406 (CC).

found that, when determining the scope of the protection of a right, the right should be interpreted widely. This is

because the limitation of the rights in the Constitution takes place at another stage, not at the threshold level. 84

84 De Reuck v Director of Public Prosecutions (Witwatersrand Local Division) 2004 1 SA 406 (CC) para 48.

This wide interpretation of rights is in line with the general approach of the Constitutional Court to rights interpretation. 85

85 See S v Zuma 1995 2 SA 642 (CC) para 15; S v Makwanyane 1995 3 SA 391 (CC) para 9.

The court, in De Reuck v Director of Public Prosecutions (Witwatersrand Local Division), did not consider moral values when it included abhorrent behaviour such as the creation and distribution of child pornography as protected under the right to freedom of expression. 86

86 De Reuck v Director of Public Prosecutions (Witwatersrand Local Division) 2004 1 SA 406 (CC) para 50.

This is different from the court's interpretive approach in Stay at South Point. Instead of adopting a wide interpretation, the court excluded several categories of occupiers including persons who do not face homelessness, persons with second homes, persons occupying properties with a certain nature and purpose, and persons occupying properties who should not do so for equity reasons. Perhaps in Stay at South Point the court has interpreted the threshold requirement of "home" too narrowly, thereby unnecessarily limiting the protection of the right. 87

87 Boggenpoel and Mahomedy have similarly argued that "one should be careful not to interpret the term 'home' too narrowly." Boggenpoel and Mahomedy 2023 PELJ 21.

The court's narrow interpretation seems to be out of step with the initial case law limiting PIE to eviction from homes. In Ndlovu v Ngcobo, Bekker and Another v Jika 88

88 Ndlovu v Ngcobo, Bekker v Jika 2002 4 All SA 384 (SCA).

the purpose of limiting the application of PIE to evictions from homes was to bar its application to commercially used property and not to create a more nuanced requirement. The concept of "home" was simply described as "buildings or structures that … perform the function of a form of dwelling or shelter for humans." 89

89 Ndlovu v Ngcobo, Bekker v Jika 2002 4 All SA 384 (SCA) para 20.

This interpretation of "home", without the added nuances, would have classified the student residence as the students' home.

Interestingly, even this interpretation has been criticised as "narrow" in that it excludes the occupation of rudimentary structures or the occupation of land without (permanent) structures from the protection of PIE. 90

90 Boggenpoel and Mahomedy 2023 PELJ 21-23. This excludes persons like the applicants in Ngomane v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality 2020 1 SA 52 (SCA), whose "pile of loose wooden pallets, cardboard boxes and plastic sheets" were confiscated. The applicants used these to create shelter for themselves each night and dismantled them every morning. The court found that "not even the most generous interpretation of the words 'building or structure' … can lead to the conclusion that the material confiscated falls within their meaning. There were simply no buildings or structures." This prevented an interpretation that the place where

It resulted

they slept could be considered their home for the protection of PIE. See paras 7, 16-17 of the case.

in a call for a more nuanced approach in such cases, that advocates for seeing a home as "more than a physical structure that provides shelter from the elements." 91

91 Boggenpoel and Mahomedy 2023 PELJ 22; interpreting Fox O'Mahony Conceptualising Home 4 with reference to Port Elizabeth Municipality v Various Occupiers 2005 1 SA 217 (CC) para 17. See also, Fox O'Mahoney 2013 IJLBE 161-163.

This call should not be used to narrow the interpretation of "home" by excluding from protection "buildings or structures that … perform the function of a form of dwelling or shelter for humans". Rather, it is meant to widen the interpretation of the term to ensure more, not less, protection.

Such an approach would be in line with Van der Walt's 92

92 Van der Walt 2007 JQR 2.3.

reasoning referred to above (commenting on Barnett):

Would it not perhaps be better to accept that PIE also applies to the unlawful occupation of holiday homes or second homes that are occupied only intermittently, and then decide the matter on the equity of allowing the eviction in view of all the circumstances? I prefer the latter approach and I think it better suits the spirit of the post-apartheid eviction law under s 26(3), even (or perhaps particularly) when it applies to occupiers with whom one feels little sympathy, such as in this case.

5.4 Should courts decide moot matters?

A further question raised by Stay at South Point is whether courts should moot matters at all. Stay at South Point was a moot matter. 93

93 Stay at South Point para 5.

This is because all the respondents had vacated the building by the time the matter came before the SCA. 94

94 Stay at South Point para 5.

Nevertheless, the court decided that the matter should proceed due to the "wider and far-reaching implications of the eviction of students from student accommodation" and the fact that "the rights and duties of students provided with accommodation by CPUT is an issue of recurring controversy." 95

95 Stay at South Point para 5.

A court would generally hear a moot matter only if a decision would be in the public interest. 96

96 See Loots "Standing, Ripeness and Mootness" 7-20 – 7-22.

Despite finding that the matter was of such importance that it should be heard regardless of its mootness, the court made a very brief analysis lacking in depth. This is both surprising and unfortunate. It is surprising that the court would hear a matter that it did not have to, if it was not going to commit to an in-depth analysis. It is also unfortunate, because it is very unlikely that a moot matter will be appealed against. Perhaps courts should decide moot matters only if they are willing to commit to providing a

comprehensive decision, taking full cognisance of the fact that an appeal is unlikely and precedent is being created.

6 Conclusion

This note set out to identify five cracks in the pillars upon which the Stay at South Point judgment rested. First, it criticised the blanket factual assumption that students in student accommodation all have primary residences elsewhere and will not be homeless if evicted. Second, it argued that the court's seeming understanding that PIE is applicable only to evictions that will cause homelessness is erroneous. Third, it criticised the notion that the residence is not the students' home because they have homes of origin. Fourth it found fault with the notion that the residence is not their home because of the nature and purpose of the accommodation. Fifth it argued that the equity considerations in determining whether the residence is a home were misplaced.

Apart from these points, the note discussed some broader questions raised by the case. Some recommendations arose from this discussion, that it should be accepted that it is insufficient for a case to have the correct outcome, when the outcome arises from flawed reasoning. Moreover, there is a clear need for expedience in the eviction process, especially if a delay would cause great hardship. Another issue highlighted was the idea that courts should avoid interpreting the term "home" too narrowly, thereby limiting the protection of the right. Finally, the idea was highlighted that courts should refrain from deciding moot matters if they are not prepared to commit to in-depth analyses.



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Boggenpoel ZT and Mahomedy S "Reflecting on Evictions and Unlawful Occupation of Land in South Africa: Where Do Some Gaps Still Remain?" 2023 PELJ 1-23

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Fick 2015 Stell LR

Fick S "Obtaining Alternative Accommodation Through Family: [Discussion of Omar NO v Omar [2011] ZAWCHC 415]" 2015 Stell LR 678-690

Fick and Vols 2016 EJCL

Fick S and Vols M "Best Protection Against Eviction? A Comparative Analysis of Protection Against Evictions in the European Convention on Human Rights and the South African Constitution" 2016 EJCL 40-69

Fox O'Mahony Conceptualising Home

Fox O'Mahony L Conceptualising Home: Theories, Laws and Policies (Hart Oxford 2006)

Fox O'Mahoney 2013 IJLBE

Fox O'Mahoney L "The Meaning of Home: From Theory to Practice" IJLBE 156-171

Loots "Standing, Ripeness and Mootness"

Loots C "Standing, Ripeness and Mootness" in Woolman S and Bishop M (eds) Constitutional Law of South Africa (Juta Cape Town OS 02-05 2013) 7-1 – 7-23

Van der Merwe and Pienaar 2014 ASSL

Van der Merwe CG and Pienaar JM "The Law of Property (Including Real Security)" 2014 ASSL 890-995

Van der Walt and Pienaar Introduction to the Law of Property

Van der Walt AJ and Pienaar GJ Introduction to the Law of Property 7th ed (Juta Cape Town 2016)

Van der Walt 2007 JQR

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Viljoen 2020 Stell LR

Viljoen S "A Systemically Correct Approach in State Evictions" 2020 Stell LR 201-225

Wilson 2009 SALJ

Wilson S " Breaking the Tie: Evictions from Private Land, Homelessness and a New Normality" 2009 SALJ 270-290

Case law

Barnett v Minister of Land Affairs 2007 6 SA 313 (SCA)

City of Cape Town v Rudolph (8970/01) [2003] ZAWCHC 29 (7 July 2003)

City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Blue Moonlight Properties 39 (Pty) Ltd 2012 2 SA 104 (CC)

City of Johannesburg v Changing Tides 74 (Pty) Ltd 2012 6 SA 294 (SCA)

City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v Mamelodi Hostel Residents Association (025/2011) [2011] ZASCA 227 (30 November 2011)

De Reuck v Director of Public Prosecutions (Witwatersrand Local Division) 2004 1 SA 406 (CC)

Grobler v Msimanga 2008 3 All SA 549 (W)

Government of the Republic of South Africa v Grootboom 2001 1 SA 46 (CC)

Lester v Ndlambe Municipality (514/12) [2013] ZASCA 95 (22 August 2013)

Ndlambe Municipality v Lester (92/2011) [2012] ZAECGHC 33 (3 May 2012)

Ndlovu v Ngcobo, Bekker v Jika 2002 4 All SA 384 (SCA)

Ngomane v City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality 2020 1 SA 52 (SCA)

Occupiers of 51 Olivia Road, Berea Township and 197 Main Street Johannesburg v City of Johannesburg 2008 3 SA 208 (CC)

Occupiers of Erven 87 and 88 Berea v De Wet 2017 5 SA 346 (CC)

Port Elizabeth Municipality v Various Occupiers 2005 1 SA 217 (CC)

Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v Jardim 2004 1 SA 14 (O)

Stay at South Point Properties (Pty) Ltd v Mqulwana (UCT Intervening as Amicus Curiae) (1335/2021) [2023] ZASCA 108 (3 July 2023)

S v Makwanyane 1995 3 SA 391 (CC)

S v Zuma 1995 2 SA 642 (CC)

Tshwane University Technology v All Members of the Central Student Representative Council of the Applicant (67856/14) [2016] ZAGPPHC 881 (22 September 2016)

Yussuf v Ye Khan Investments CC (1355/2011) [2011] ZAWCHC 416 (1 November 2011)


Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Extension of Security of Tenure Act 62 of 1997

Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act 3 of 1996

National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act 103 of 1977

Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998

Internet sources

Snyman 2022

Snyman R 2022 CPUT Students Gets a Piece of the Pie accessed 31 October 2023

List of Abbreviations


Annual Survey of


Cape Peninsula University of Technology


European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance


International Journal of Law and the Built Environment

J L & Social Pol'y

Journal of Law and Social Policy


Juta's Quarterly Review


Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal


Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998


South African Law Journal


Supreme Court of Appeal

Stell LR

Stellenbosch Law Review