Add your ORCID iD to your PER profile!


What is ORCID®?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identification) is an open, not-for-profit organisation with the aim of supplying a persistent and unique identifier - an ORCID iD - to any individual who is involved in research, scholarship and innovation activities.

Why do I need to register for ORCID®?

Besides being a handy tool to keep record of your research output, the NRF requires an ORCID iD when submitting funded research outputs as well as applying for funding opportunities. The NRF repository will use this unique identifier to link to publications and datasets in the future.

How do I register for ORCID®?

Follow this link to visit the ORCID iD website to register yourself. If you are unsure whether you already have an ORCID iD, search the ORCID registry on their website for your name.

Link your unique ORCID iD to your PER profile to update your PER publications automatically.