Towards Ingenious Technology and the Robust Enforcement of Financial Markets Laws to Curb Money Laundering in Zimbabwe




technology, financial markets, terrorist financing, money laundering, financial crimes


Technology has positively contributed to the creation of financial markets and the facilitation of payments globally. The effective use of robust technology could enhance the consistent enforcement of financial market laws by curbing financial crimes in any country. This in turn would enhance the integrity of financial markets and promote the viability of financial markets. In relation to this, it appears that Zimbabwe has struggled to comply with international measures to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) since it has poor financial market laws which are inconsistently enforced due inter alia to its poor money laundering detection mechanisms and inadequate resources. For instance, Zimbabwe has to date failed to make satisfactory progress to adopt and enforce adequate risk mitigation measures against money laundering practices in accordance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations. This is evidenced by the increased incidence of money laundering in Zimbabwean financial markets. Furthermore, the inconsistent enforcement of financial market laws has resulted in poor liquidity and the recent suspension of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE). The viability and integrity of the Zimbabwean financial market has thus been compromised. This article discusses the integration and use of robust technology in the Zimbabwean financial market to curb financial crimes such as money laundering and bank fraud. The adequacy of financial market laws and/or regulations will also be discussed vis-à-vis their consistent enforcement by relevant bodies such as the Financial Intelligence Inspectorate Evaluation Unit (FIU) in Zimbabwe. This is done to evaluate the use of technology to curb money laundering and promote a viable economy and financial market in Zimbabwe. It is submitted that the relevant authorities should promote the effective use of technological inventions like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to curb money laundering, bank fraud and other related financial crimes in Zimbabwe.



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Author Biography

  • Howard Chitimira, Faculty of Law at the North-West University

    Senior Lecturer

    North-West University           




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Special Edition: Corporate and Financial Markets 2021

How to Cite

Chitimira, H., & Ncube, M. (2021). Towards Ingenious Technology and the Robust Enforcement of Financial Markets Laws to Curb Money Laundering in Zimbabwe. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 24, 1-47.

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