Differences between Members and Shareholders of a Friendly Society and the Payment of Dividends: A South African–Australian Perspective





shareholder, friendly society, friendly society benefits, friendly society loss ratio, committee of officers, shares, dividends, member


This article focusses on a very specific problem statement, namely how shareholder society relationships are viewed in Australia and South Africa. Friendly societies are special "legal creatures" enjoying legal personality from the date and time of their registration (not as companies). In South Africa friendly societies have been in existence for more than 160 years, with the latest legislation being promulgated in 1956. As an unregistered company, the friendly society forms part of the South African business enterprise landscape and has both members and shareholders. The legal relationships between members and shareholders and the payment of a dividend are unclear in the Friendly Society Act, 1956, and are generally regulated by the constitution or memorandum of incorporation of the friendly society. In Australia friendly societies developed approximately 200 years ago. In 1999 friendly society legislation was repealed by the Financial Sector Reform Act, 1999, in terms of which friendly societies had to convert to companies either as companies limited by guarantee or public companies as regulated by the Corporations Act, 2001. Prior to 1999, friendly societies were largely regulated by the Queensland Friendly Society Act, 1997 as unregistered companies. The Code regulated the relationships between members and shareholders and the payment of dividends. In this article we also focus on Australian friendly societies after 1999 and how they compare with South African friendly societies with regard to the member/shareholder relationships and the payment of dividends.


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South Africa

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Corporations Act, 2001

Financial Sector Reform (Queensland) Act 27 of 1999

Financial Sector (South Australia) Act, 1999

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Friendly Societies (South Australia) Act, 1997

Friendly Societies (Tasmania) Act, 1888

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Friendly Societies (Queensland) Act, 1913

Friendly Societies (Queensland) Act (and Code), 1997

Friendly Societies (Victoria) Act (and Code), 1996

Life Insurance Act, 1995

Private Health Insurance Act, 2007

South Africa

Cape Colony Friendly Society Act 5 of 1892

Close Corporations Act 69 of 1984

Companies Act 61 of 1973

Companies Act 71 of 2008

Friendly Societies Act 25 of 1956

Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998

Mutual Banks Act 124 of 1993

Natal Friendly Society Act 20 of 1862

Pension Funds Act 24 of 1956

Pension Funds Amendment Act 11 of 2007

Short-Term Insurance Act 53 of 1998

Transvaal Companies Act 31 of 1909

Transvaal Societies and Associations Incorporation Ordinance, 1903

Government publications

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Special Edition: Corporate and Financial Markets 2021

How to Cite

Kilian, N. (2021). Differences between Members and Shareholders of a Friendly Society and the Payment of Dividends: A South African–Australian Perspective. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 24, 1-32. https://doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2021/v24i0a10733

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