Corruption and Corporate Governance in Namibia: An Analysis of the Strategic Approaches in the 4TH Industrial Revolution




corporate corruption, corporate governance, financial sector regulation, financial crimes, ICT regulation


The advent of new technology and the 4th industrial revolution has introduced new facets of corporate crimes and regulatory challenges for the enforcement of anti-corruption laws. Acknowledging the negative effects of corruption on the private sector, corporate governance mechanisms may help reduce corruption in the private sector by ensuring that corporations are managed in the best interest of the corporation and the shareholders or investors. This article aims to evaluate the adequacy of the regulatory measures intended to promote good corporate governance in Namibia thereby cushioning the Namibian financial market from the negative effects of corporate corruption. It provides an exposition of the concepts corporate corruption and corporate governance by considering the relationship between the two. It further provides an analysis of the Namibian corporate governance regime and the anti-corruption legislative framework. It is submitted that if Namibia is to realise the financial market objectives set out in its policy documents, there is a need for the introduction of robust strategic approaches in corporate governance directed at curbing and/or reducing corporate corruption responsive to the 4th industrial revolution challenges, amongst others.


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13-09-2021 — Updated on 14-09-2021




Special Edition: Corporate and Financial Markets 2021

How to Cite

Asheela-Shikalepo, N. . (2021). Corruption and Corporate Governance in Namibia: An Analysis of the Strategic Approaches in the 4TH Industrial Revolution. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 24, 1-31. (Original work published 2021)

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