The Trial of Civilians Before Courts Martial in Uganda: Analysing the Jurisprudence of Ugandan Courts in the Light of the Drafting History of Articles 129(1)(d) and 210(a) of the Constitution
courts martial; Uganda; civilians; jurisdiction; UPDF; independence and impartiality;Abstract
Unlike in the constitutions of other African countries such as Botswana and Lesotho, where the relationship between the High Court and courts martial is stipulated, the Ugandan Constitution 1995 (the Constitution) does not deal with this relationship. The Constitution is also silent on the question of whether courts martial have jurisdiction over civilians. The Uganda Peoples' Defence Forces Act (the UPDF Act) creates different types of courts martial with varying jurisdictions (section 197). The Act also provides (section 119) for the circumstance in which the General Court Martial has jurisdiction over civilians and appeals against the decisions of the General Court Martial lie to the Court Martial Appeal Court, which is the final appellate court except in cases where the offender is sentenced to death or life imprisonment. According to Regulation 20(2) of the UPDF (Court Martial Appeal Court) Regulations, in case an offender is sentenced to death or life imprisonment and his/her sentence is upheld by the Court Martial Appeal Court, he/she has a right to appeal to the Court of Appeal. Since 2003, Ugandan courts have grappled with the issues of whether courts martial are courts of judicature within the meaning of article 129(1) of the Constitution or organs of the UPDF and, therefore, part of the Executive under article 210 of the Constitution and whether courts martial have jurisdiction over civilians. Judges of the Supreme Court Constitutional Court and Court of Appeal have often disagreed on these issues. In this article the author relies on the drafting history of Articles 129 and 210 to argue that courts have erred by holding that courts martial are not courts of judicature under article 129(d) of the Constitution; and that courts martial are subordinate to the High Court. The author also relies on the drafting history of the Constitution and on international human rights law to argue that courts martial in Uganda should not have jurisdiction over civilians because they lack the necessary independence and impartiality and were established for the single purpose of enforcing military discipline.
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Uganda Constituent Assembly Proceedings of the Constituent Assembly (The Assembly Entebbe 1995)
Uganda Constitutional Commission Report of the Uganda Constitutional Commission: Analysis and Recommendations (The Commission Kampala 1993)
Case law
Attorney General v Joseph Tumushabe (Constitutional Appeal-2005/) [2018] UGSC 32 (9 July 2018)
Attorney General v Kabaziguruka (Constitutional Application 5 of 2021) [2021] UGSC 21 (5 August 2021)
Bazibu Bruno Francis v Attorney General (Miscellaneous Cause No 110 of 2021) (24 January 2022)
Buchanan v Attorney General (Miscellaneous Cause-2019/266) [2020] UGHCCD 11 (13 March 2020)
Bukeni v Attorney General (Miscellaneous Cause-2021/10) [2021] UGHCCD 12 (16 March 2021)
Bukenya Church Ambrose v Attorney General (Constitutional Petition 26 of 2010) [2011] UGCC 5 (20 March 2011)
Civil Liberties Organization v Ghana (Decision, Comm 218/98) (ACmHPR, 7 May 2001)
Dr Kizza Besigye v Attorney General (Constitutional Petition-2007/7) [2010] UGSC 6 (12 October 2010)
Forum of Conscience v Sierra Leone (Decision, Comm 223/98) (ACmHPR, 6 November 2000)
Foundation for Human Rights Initiatives v Attorney General (Constitutional Appeal 3 of 2009) [2018] UGSC 46 (26 October 2018)
In Re: Muhindo Herbert (HCT-05-CV-MA-2012/42) [2012] UGHC 96 (29 May 2012) DOI:
Interights v DRC (Decision, Comm 274/03 and 282/03) (ACmHPR, 5 November 2013)
Joseph Tumushabe v Attorney General (Constitutional Petition No 6/2004) (8 December 2004)
Kasozi v Attorney General (Constitutional Petition 37 of 2010) [2015] UGCC 2 (29 September 2015)
Kiiza Besigye v Attorney General (Constitutional Petition 13 of 2009) [2016] UGCC 1 (29 January 2016)
Kipoi v Attorney General (Miscellaneous Application-2018/230) [2019] UGHCCD 44 (8 February 2019)
Kitata v Uganda (Miscellaneous Application-2018/) [2018] UGHCCRD 130 (6 June 2018)
Law Office of Ghazi Suleiman v Sudan (Decision, Comm 222/98; 229/99) (ACmHPR, 29 May 2003)
Lt Steven Misango and Lt Omar Obongo v Uganda (Criminal Appeal-2001/52) [2007] UGCA 2 (21 March 2007)
Lujila v O/C Kigo Rrison (Miscellaneous Cause-2013/86) [2013] UGHCCD 134 (7 October 2013)
Male Mabirizi v Attorney General [2018] UGCC 4 (26 July 2018)
Media Rights Agenda v Nigeria (Decision, Comm 224/98) (ACmHPR, 6 November 2000)
Mgwanga Gunme v Cameroon (Decision, Comm 266/2003) (ACmHPR, 27 May 2009)
Michael Kabaziguruka v Attorney General (Constitutional Petition No 45 of 2016) (1 July 2021)
Namugerwa v Attorney General (Civil Appeal-2012/4) [2013] UGSC 20 (19 June 2013)
Okiring v Uganda (Decision, Comm 339/2007) (ACmHPR, 7 August 2017) DOI:
Oloka-Onyango v Attorney General (Constitutional Petition 8 of 2014) [2014] UGSC 14 (1 August 2014)
Thomas Kwoyelo alias Latoni v Uganda (Constitutional Petition 36 of 2011) [2011] UGCC 10 (22 September 2011)
Tusingwire v Attorney General (Constitutional Appeal 4 of 2016) [2017] UGSC 11 (5 May 2017)
Uganda Law Society v Attorney General (Constitutional Application No. 7/2003)
Uganda Law Society v Attorney General of the Republic of Uganda (Constitutional Petition-2005/18) [2006] UGSC 10 (30 January 2006)
Working Group on Strategic Legal Cases v DRC (Decision, Comm 259/2002) (ACmHPR, 24 July 2013)
Zachary Olum v Attorney General (Constitutional Petition 6 of 1999) [1999] UGCC 7 (02 December 1999)
Constitution of Botswana, 1966
Constitution of Lesotho, 1993
Constitution of Uganda, 1995
Penal Code Act, 1950 (Ch 120)
Uganda Peoples' Defence Forces Act, 2005
Uganda Peoples' Defence Forces (Court-Martial Appeal Court) Regulations, Statutory Instrument 307-7
International instruments
Human Rights Committee General Comment No 32 (Article 14: Right to Equality Before Courts and Tribunals and to a Fair Trial) UN Doc CCPR/C/GC/32 (2007)
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966)
Internet sources
Tumusiime B and Wesaka A 2021 Museveni yet to Drop Kayihura Military Charges accessed 16 August 2021
Copyright (c) 2022 Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi

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