The Right to Freedom of Association and the Protection of Employees against Victimisation in the Workplace
freedom of association, trade union, victimisation, trade union security arrangements, prejudice, international labour standards, detriment, trade union lawful activitiesAbstract
This article deals with employees' right to freedom of association and their protection against victimisation when exercising this right in the workplace. First it explains the concepts of "freedom of association" and "victimisation". It then considers the protection of employees against victimisation for exercising the right to freedom of association internationally and domestically, however, only in the employment context. It considers the protection of the right to freedom of association in South Africa in terms of the Constitution and its regulation under various sections of the LRA. It also looks at limitations on the right to freedom of association and the remedies available to employees who experience victimisation because of exercising this right. It further considers the regulation of the right to freedom of association in the UK. It argues that although this right is well protected internationally and domestically, employees still experience victimisation as a result of exercising it. It further argues that the protection of this right and its exercise by employees is necessary to bring a balance to an uneven relationship between employers and employees in the workplace. It concludes that trade unions together with employers have a responsibility to ensure that employees exercise their constitutional right to freedom of association with no fear of victimisation.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ernest Manamela

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.