Local Government Empowerment and Collaborative Approaches in the Electricity Sector: A Constitutional Analysis
Local government, electricity, multilevel government, Decentralization, MunicipalitiesAbstract
This article explores the constitutional provisions and legislative aspects governing the role of local governments in generating and distributing electricity in South Africa. It encompasses the constitutional framework, which grants municipalities specific powers and responsibilities, highlighting the significance of these "original powers" derived directly from the Constitution. The article emphasises the need for intergovernmental cooperation at national, provincial, and local government levels to effectively address the complexities of electricity provision, taking into account related services such as water, sanitation, and environmental rights. The article further assesses recent amendments to the Electricity Regulation Act 4 of 2006, which grant municipalities greater involvement in electricity generation and procurement from independent power producers. While these amendments are seen as positive, the article highlights the need for financial resources and technical capacity building to empower municipalities to undertake these new responsibilities effectively. Ultimately, it emphasises the critical role of local governments in ensuring a sustainable and reliable supply of electricity for their communities while calling for comprehensive support from higher government levels to realise this goal.
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