Justice Froneman and Transformative Delict





Justice Johan Froneman, delict, transformative constitutionalism, critical jurisprudence


In this article the Constitutional Court judgments of Justice Johan Froneman are analysed with the aim of assessing his contribution to the South African law of delict. It is argued that traditional delict scholarship in South Africa is common-law centric in the sense that the common-law rules and principles that regulate the discipline are regarded as "delict proper" while constitutional considerations, statutes, and the customary law of injuries are effectively side-lined as "delict improper". Justice Froneman's approach to adjudicating delictual (or delict adjacent) matters has the effect of de-centring the common law's hegemony in our discipline. Instead, Froneman encourages those who work with delict to: Infuse it with constitutional spirit continuously; respect the legislature's important democratic role that should not be forced into common-law categories of thinking; take up the challenge of Africanising the common law through a healthy exchange with customary law; and see delict as a discipline that has restorative-justice potential. In this contribution, it is argued that these common law de-centring principles in Justice Froneman's delictual jurisprudence is transformative and critical in nature. As such, those seeking to merge the basic tenets of transformative constitutionalism, South African critical legal studies, and legal practice, may find great value in Froneman's delictual jurisprudence.


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Author Biography

  • Emile Zitzke, University of Witwatersrand

    Associate Professor of Law, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. 




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Case law

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Democratic Alliance v African National Congress 2015 2 SA 232 (CC)

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H v Fetal Assessment Centre 2015 2 SA 193 (CC)

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Mhlongo v Mhlongo 1937 NAC (N&T) 124

Mhlongo v Mhlongo 1938 (1) PH R29

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of South Africa: In re ex parte President of the Republic of South Africa 2000 2 SA 674 (CC)

Steward v Botha 2008 6 SA 310 (SCA)

The Citizen 1978 v McBride 2011 4 SA 191 (CC)


Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Electoral Act 73 of 1998

Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998

Reform of Customary Law of Succession and Regulation of Related Matters Act 11 of 2009

Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996





Special Edition: A Tribute to Justice Froneman

How to Cite

Zitzke, E. (2024). Justice Froneman and Transformative Delict. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 27, (Published on 11 June 2024) pp 1-24. https://doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2024/v27i0a16888

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