Gendered Violence in Intimate Relationships in the Context of Law, Culture and Religion in Nigeria
Intimate partner violence, bridewealth, religion, marriage, cultureAbstract
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a serious human rights violation whose resilience against comprehensive laws calls for a reappraisal of the interplay of the key factors that influence its persistence. What is the link between the resilience of GBV and socio-economic forces such as religion, culture and tradition? This paper is inspired by the death of a popular Nigerian gospel singer, Mrs Osinachi Nwachukwu, on 8 April 2022. Although the real cause of her death was not confirmed through an official autopsy, there was widespread speculation that her death arose from intimate partner violence (IPV). It sparked a heated debate among Nigerians, especially the Christian community, on the issue of GBV, especially the role of religious authorities in combatting IPV. Her death also raised concerns about the institution of marriage, bridewealth, women's marginalisation, and the role of the law. Using a literature review and drawing from the best legislative and institutional practices from Kenya, South Africa, and Rwanda, this paper highlights challenges in the legal framework and its implementation, as well as harmful norms and religious beliefs that prompt and perpetuate IPV in Nigeria.
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