The 2011 Green Paper on Land Reform: Opportunities and Challenges - The National African Farmers Union (NAFU SA)
The National African Farmers' Union (NAFU SA) was established in 1991 with the aim of creating a "home" for thousands of black farmers who had previously been excluded from mainstream agriculture. At the time of its formation there was no farmer organisation operating at national level in South Africa.
Atkinson Going for Broke
Atkinson D Going for Broke: The Fate of Farm Workers in Arid South Africa (HSRC Press Cape Town 2007)
Binswanger, Bourguignon and Brink Agricultural Land Redistribution
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Carruthers 2008 Trans R Soc S Afr
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Cotula Land Grab
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DBSA Development Report
Development Bank of Southern Africa Development Report: Prospects for South Africa's Future (DBSA Midrand 2012)
DLA White Paper
Department of Land Affairs White Paper on South African Land Policy. (Government Printer Pretoria 1997)
DRDLR Green Paper
Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Green Paper on Land Reform (Government Printer Pretoria 2011)
DRDLR Framework Document
Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Framework Document: Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (The Department Pretoria 2009)
Du Toit Great South African Land Scandal
Du Toit P The Great South African Land Scandal (Legacy Centurion 2004)
Ewert and Hamman 1999 Sociologia Ruralis
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Flack 2002 Magnum
Flack PH "Exotic Game - Catching up with Texas?" 2002 Magnum Oct 76-80
Fraser 2007 Social & Cultural Geography
Fraser A "Land Reform in South Africa and the Colonial Present" 2007 Social & Cultural Geography 835-851
Fraser 2008 Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
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Hall Another Countryside
Hall R Another Countryside? Policy Options for Land and Agrarian Reform in Southern Africa (UWC Bellville 2009)
Hall Next Great Trek
Hall R The Next Great Trek? South African Commercial Farmers Move North (UWC Bellville 2011)
Hall and Lahiff Budgeting for Land Reform
Hall R and Lahiff E Budgeting for Land Reform - Policy Brief No 13 (UWC Bellville 2004)
Kariuki 2007 SAJIA
Kariuki S Political "Compromise on Land Reform: A Study of South Africa and Namibia" 2007 SAJIA 99-114
Kariuki "Land and Agrarian Transformation"
Kariuki S "Land and Agrarian Transformation in South Africa" in Foundations for Human Rights Advancing a Human Rights Agenda in South Africa: Perspectives from Civil Society (The Foundation Braamfontein 2009) 134-159
Kariuki "CRDP"
Kariuki S "The Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP): A Beacon of Growth for Rural South Africa?" in Daniel J et al (eds) New South African Review 1: Development or Decline? (Wits University Press Johannesburg 2010) 344-363
Kinsey 1999 JASA
Kinsey BH "Land Reform, Growth Equity. Emerging Evidence from Zimbabwe's Resettlement Programme" 1999 JASA 173-196
Lahiff Policy Brief 17
Lahiff E Policy Brief 17: From 'Willing Seller, Willing Buyer' to a People-Driven Land Reform (PLAAS Bellville 2005)
Liebenberg and Pardey "South African Agricultural Production"
Liebenberg F and Pardey P "South African Agricultural Production and Productivity Patterns" in Alston JM, Babcock BA and Pardey PG The Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Production and Productivity Worldwide (Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center,Iowa State University Ames 2010) 383-408
Matlala 2004 Farmers Weekly
Matlala M "The Challenges of Transformation" 2004 Farmers Weekly 1 October 2004 8
Moyo Land Question
Moyo S The Land Question in Zimbabwe (SAPES Books Harare 1995)
Palmer 1990 Journal of African Affairs
Palmer R "Land Reform in Zimbabwe 1980-1990" 1990 Journal of African Affairs 163-181
Riddell "Agricultural Land Leases"
Riddell J "Agricultural Land Leases and the Development of Effective Land Registration Systems: Reference to FAO Central and Eastern European Member Nations" in Csaki C and Lerman Z Structural Change in the Farming Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe: Lessons for the EU Accession: Second World Bank/FAO Workshop (World Bank Washington DC 2000) pages?
Van der Merwe and Saayman 2003 Koedoe
Van der Merwe P and Saayman M "Determining the economic value of game farm tourism" 2003 Koedoe 103-112
Register of legislation
Agricultural (Commercial) Land Reform Act 6 of 1995 (Namibia)
Agricultural (Commercial) Land Reform Amendment Act 13 of 2002 (Namibia)
Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
Extension of Security of Tenure Act 62 of 1997
Natives Land Act 27 of 1913
Register of Stats SA publications
Abstract of Agricultural Statistics (2011)
Census of Commercial Agriculture (2002 and 2007)
General Household Surveys (2002 to 2009)
Labour Force Survey March Series (2001 to 2007)
Survey of Large Scale Agriculture (2005)
Trends in the Agricultural Sector (2002 to 2010)
Register of internet sources
Agricultural Digest 2005-2006
Agricultural Digest 2005-2006 National African Farmers' Union [NAFU] [date of use 22 Apr 2011]
Child 2012
Child K 2012 SA Farmers Go Out into Africa [date of use 21 Jun 2012]
Commercial Farmers Union of Zimbabwe Date Unknown
Commercial Farmers Union of Zimbabwe Date Unknown 99 Year Lease Pamphlet [date of use 21 Jun 2012]
De Jager 2011
De Jager T 2011 Government Pressure Forces Game Farmers Abroad [date of use 22 Apr 2011]
Human Rights Watch 2011
Human Rights Watch 2011 Ripe with Abuse Human Rights Conditions in South Africa's Fruit and Wine Industries
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Integrated Regional Information Network 2009 In-Depth: Land Reform in Southern Africa. Southern Africa: [date of use 22 Mar 2011]
NPC 2011
National Planning Commission 2011 National Development Plan: Vision for 2030
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Odendaal and Werner 2010
Odendaal W and Werner W 2010 Livelihoods after land reform Policy Brief No 2 – Financing Resettlement and Securing Tenure: Are Leasehold Agreements the Key to Success? [date of use 22 Mar 2011]
Walker 2010
Walker S 'Boer farmers head for new home in Georgia' The Independent 9 November 2010 [date of use 28 Feb 2012]
Zuma 2012
Zuma JG 2012 State of the Nation Address by his Excellency, Jacob G Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa, at the joint sitting of Parliament, Cape Town [date of use 28 Feb 2012] /index.php/southern-africa/ making- farming-work-beyond-South-Africa's-borders
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