Reasonable and Probable Cause in the Law of Malicious Prosecution: A Review of South African and Commonwealth Decisions


  • Chuks Okpaluba University of Fort Hare



Malicious prosecution, instigation or continuation of prosecution, absence of reasonable and probable cause, whether distinguishable from reasonable ground to suspect, arrest without warrant, whether amounts to abuse of process, proof of animus iniuriandi


The requirement that the plaintiff in an action for malicious prosecution must prove a lack of reasonable and probable cause to initiate, instigate or continue the prosecution on the part of the instigator or prosecutor is one of the four elements of that cause of action. It is a vital link between the lawfulness of the prosecution and the state of mind of the defendant. Again, whether a prosecution is wrongful or lawful depends on whether there was a reasonable and probable cause coupled with the animus iniuriandi of the defendant in instigating, initiating or continuing it. It is not whether the prosecutor possessed evidence to secure a conviction since that is for the trial court to decide after the conclusion of evidence; but, the honest belief by the prosecutor that, having carefully collected and objectively assessed the available information, the plaintiff was probably guilty of the crime. In coming to that decision the prosecutor must have grappled with both the subjective and objective elements in the exercise of that discretion. The Australian High Court judgment in A v New South Wales 2007 230 CLR 500 (HCA) has brought clarity to this aspect of the problem. However, as this paper contends, the ten-point guidelines enunciated by that court in that case and designed to provide the courts with a seemingly less complicated formula for determining if the prosecutor lacked reasonable and probable cause do not appear to have provided the panacea to the problem. Meanwhile, the distinct nature of the requirement of reasonable and probable cause is made clearer when it is compared with reasonable ground to arrest in the case of wrongful arrest and the tort of abuse of process. Also problematic and equally challenging is identifying where a reasonable and probable cause inquiry stops and malice begins. This is brought out in the attempt by the Supreme Court of Canada to unravel the tension between the proof of the existence of malice and reasonable and probable cause in the law of malicious prosecution in Miazga v Kvello Estate 2009 3 SCR 339 (SCC). The extent to which the guidelines laid down in these recent cases would have resolved the confusion in this field of the law is yet to be realised.


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American Law Institute Torts

American Law Institute Restatement of the Law: Torts 2nd ed (American Law Institute St Paul, Minn 1965-)

Bullen and Leake Precedents of Pleadings

Bullen E and Leake SM Precedents of Pleadings in Actions in the Superior Courts of Common Law 3rd ed (Stevens & Sons London 1868)

Burchell Personality Rights

Burchell JM Personality Rights and Freedom of Expression: The Modern Actio Iniuriarum (Juta Cape Town 1998)

Clerk, Lindsell and Dugdale Torts

Clerk JF, Lindsell WBH and Dugdale AM Clerk and Lindsell on Torts 19th ed (Sweet & Maxwell London 2006)

Neethling, Potgieter and Visser Law of Delict

Neethling J, Potgieter JM and Visser PJ Law of Delict 6th ed (LexisNexis Butterworths Durban 2010)

Neethling, Potgieter and Visser Law of Personality

Neethling J, Potgieter JM and Visser PJ Neethling’s Law of Personality 2nd ed (LexisNexis Butterworths Durban 2005)

Robertson and Jastrzebski Halsbury’s Laws of England

Robertson M and Jastrzebski J (eds) Halsbury’s Laws of England Vol 45(2): Torts 4th ed (Butterworths London 1994)

Rogers Winfield and Jolowicz on Tort

Rogers WVH (ed) Winfield and Jolowicz on Tort 18th ed (Sweet & Maxwell London 2010)

Register of cases


A v New South Wales 2007 230 CLR 500 (HCA)

Birchmeier v Council of Municipality of Rockdale 1934 51 WN (NSW) 201

Coleman v Buckingham’s Ltd 1963 63 SR (NSW)

Commonwealth Life Assurance Society Ltd v Brain 1935 53 CLR 343 (HCA)

Crowley v Glissan 1905 2 CLR 744 (HCA)

Daniels v Telfer 1933 34 SR (NSW)

George v Rocket 1990 170 CLR 104 (HCA)

Hathaway v State of New South Wales 2009 NSWSC 116

Landini v State of New South Wales 2008 NSWSC 1280

Mitchell v John Heine and Son Ltd 1938 38 SR (NSW) 466

Noye v Robbins and Crimmins 2007 WASC 98, 2010 WASCA 83

Ruddock v Taylor 2005 222 CLR 612 (HCA)

Sharp v Biggs 1932 48 CLR 81 (HCA)

State of New South Wales v Hathaway 2010 NSWCA 188

State of New South Wales v Landini 2010 NSWCA 157

Thomas v State of New South Wales 2008 NSWCA 316

Trobridge v Hardy 1955 94 CLR 147

Zaravinos v NSW 2005 214 ALR 234 (NSWCA)

Zreika v State of New South Wales 2011 NSWDC 67


Chartier v Quebec (Attorney General) 1979 2 SCR 474 (SCC)

Collins v Brantford Police Services Board 2001 204 DLR (4th) 669 (OntCA)

Hill v Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Police Services Board 2007 3 SCR 129 (SCC)

Hudson v Brantford Police Services Board 2001 204 DLR (4th) 645 (OntCA)

Miazga v Kvello Estate 2009 3 SCR 339 (SCC), 2008 282 DLR (4th) 1 (Sask CA)

Nelles v Ontario 1989 2 SCR 170 (SCC)

PHE v Ottawa-Carleton (Region) Police Service 2003 OJ No 3512 (SCJ)

Proulx v Quebec (Attorney General) 2001 206 DLR (4th) 1 (SCC)

R v Duarte 1990 65 DLR (4th) 240 (SCC)

R v Golub 1997 34 OR (3d) 743 (ONCA)

R v Hall 1995 22 OR (3d) 289 (Ont CA)

R v Storrey 1990 1 SCR 241, 1990 53 CCC (3d) 316 (SCC)

R v Wilson 1990 1 SCR 1291 (SCC)

Wiche v Ontario 2001 CanLII 28413 (ON SC)


A v Secretary of State for the Home Department 2003 1 All ER 816 (CA)

Abbott v Refuge Assurance Co Ltd 1961 3 All ER 1074

Abrath v The North Eastern Railway Company 1882-1883 11 QBD 440

Al Fayeed v Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis 2004 EWCA Civ 1579 (CA)

Alford v Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire Police 2009 EWCA Civ 100

Bradshaw v Waterlow and Sons Ltd 1915 3 KB 527

Broad v Ham 1839 5 Bing NC 722

Castorina v Chief Constable of Surrey 1996 LGR 241 (CA)

Dallison v Caffrey 1964 3 WLR 385 (CA)

Fitzjohn v Mackinder 1861 Eng R 293

Gibbs v Rea 1998 AC 786

Gilding v Eyre 1861 142 ER 584

Glinski v McIver 1962 AC 726 (HL)

Goldsmith v Sperrings Ltd 1977 2 All ER 566

Grainger v Hill 1882-1883 11 QBD 440

Gregory v Portsmouth City Council 2000 1 All ER 560 (HL)

Herniman v Smith 1938 AC 305

Hicks v Faulkner 1878 8 QBD 167

Holgate-Mohammed v Duke 1984 AC 437 (HL)

Howarth v Gwent Constabulary 2011 EWHC 2836 (QB)

Hussien v Chong Fook Kam 1970 AC 942 (HL)

Land Securities Ltd v Fladgate Fielder 2010 2 All ER 741 (CA)

Lister v Perryman 1870 LR 4 HL 521

Martin v Watson 1996 AC 74 (HL)

Metall and Rohstoff v Donaldson Luflein and Jenrette Inc 989 3 All ER 14 (CA), 1990 1 QB 391

Moulton v Chief Constable of the West Midlands 2010 EWCA Civ 524

O’Hara v Chief Constable of RUC 1997 AC 286 (HL)

Quartz Hill Consolidated Mining Co v Eyre 1881-1885 All ER Rep Ext 1474 (CA)

Re A Debtor 1955 2 All ER 65

Riches v DPP 1973 2 All ER 935 (CA)

Savill v Roberts 1698 12 Mod Rep 208, 88 ER 1267

Speed Seal Products Ltd v Paddington 1986 1 All ER 91

New Zealand

Attorney General v Hewitt 2000 2 NZLR 110 (HC)

Caie v Attorney General 2005 NZAR 703 (HC)

Commercial Union Assurance Co of New Zealand Ltd v Lamont 1989 3 NZLR 187

Duffy v Attorney General 1985 CRNZ 599

Hussien v Chong Fook Kam 1970 AC 942 (PC)

Neilsen v Attorney General 20013 NZLR 433 (CA)

Niao v Attorney General High Court, Rotorua CP 22/96, 11 June 1998

Police v Anderson 1972 NZLR 233

Zaoui v Attorney General 2004 NZCA 228 (CA)

South Africa

Bayett v Bennett 2012 ZAGPJHC 9

Beckenstrater v Rottcher & Theunissen 1955 1 SA 129 (A)

Birch v Johannesburg City Council 1949 1 SA 231 (T)

Charles v Minister of Safety and Security 2007 2 SACR 137 (W)

Donono v Minister of Prisons 1973 4 SA 259 (C)

Duncan v Minister of Law and Order 1986 2 SA 805 (A)

Gellman v Minister of Safety and Security 2008 1 SACR 446 (W)

Heyns v Venter 2004 3 SA 200 (T)

Highstead Entertainment (Pty) Ltd t/a ‘The Club’ v Minister of Law and Order 1994 1 SA 387 (C)

Joubert v Nedbank Ltd 2011 ZAECPEHC 28

Lederman v Moharal Investments (Pty) Ltd 1969 1 SA 190 (A)

Le Roux v Minister of Safety and Security 2009 4 SA 491 (KZP)

Louw v Minister of Safety and Security 2006 2 SACR 178 (T)

Mabona v Minister of Law and Order 1988 2 SA 654 (SE)

Maharaj v Government of RSA 2012 ZAKZDHC 6

Minister of Justice v Hofmeyr 1993 3 SA 131 (A)

Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development v Moleko 2008 3 All SA 47 (SCA)

Minister of Law and Order v Hurley 1986 3 SA 568 (A)

Minister of Law and Order v Pavlicevic 1989 3 SA 679 (A)

Minister of Safety and Security v Sekhoto 2011 1 SACR 315 (SCA)

Moaki v Reckitt & Colman (Africa) Ltd 1968 3 SA 98 (A)

Mvu v Minister of Safety and Security 2009 6 SA 82 (GSJ)

National Director of Public Prosecutions v Zuma 2009 2 SA 277 (SCA)

Newman v Prinsloo 1973 1 SA 125 (T)

R v van Heerden 1958 3 SA 150 (T)

Ramphal v Minister of Safety and Security 2009 1 SACR 211 (E)

Relyant Trading (Pty) Ltd v Shongwe 2007 1 All SA 375 (SCA)

Rosseou v Boshoff 1945 CPD 145

Rudolph v Minister of Safety and Security 2007 3 All SA 271 (T), 2009 5 SA 94 (SCA)

Russel v Minister of Safety and Security 2008 ZAECHC 161

S v Khanyapa 1979 1 SA 824 (A)

S v Lubaxa 2001 2 All SA 107 (A)

S v Shininda 1986 1 SA 573 (T)

S v Suhuping 1983 2 SA 119 (B)

Smit v Meyerton Outfitters 1971 1 SA 137 (T)

Thompson v Minister of Police 1971 1 SA 371 (E)

Todt v Ipser 1993 3 SA 577 (A)

Tsose v Minister of Justice 1951 3 SA 10 (A)

Visagie v Minister of Safety and Security 2009 ZAECHC 2

Zealand v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development 2008 4 SA 458 (CC)

Trinidad and Tobago

Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago v Ramanoop 2005 2 WLR 1324 (PC)

Baptiste v Seepersad and Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago HC 367 of 2001 (unreported)

Kennedy Cecil v Morris Donna and Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago 2005 TTCA 28 (T&T CA)

Mahadeo Sookhai v Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago 2007 TTHC 47

Mohamed Amin v Jogendra Kumar Bannerjee 1947 AC 322 (PC)

Rambajan Baboolal v Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago 2001 TTHC 17

United States

Chatfield v Comerford 1866 4 F & F 1008

Fink et al v Sharwangunk Conservancy Inc 790 NYS 2d (10 February 2005)

Register of legislation

Canadian Criminal Code, 1985

Crime Act, 1961 (New Zealand)

Crimes Act 1900-24 (Australia)

Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 (RSA)

Police and Criminal Evidence Act, 1984 (UK)






How to Cite

Okpaluba, C. (2017). Reasonable and Probable Cause in the Law of Malicious Prosecution: A Review of South African and Commonwealth Decisions. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 16(1), 240-279.

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