Towards the Legal Recognition and Governance of Forest Ecosystem Services in Mozambique


  • Simon Norfolk University College, London
  • Michaela Cosijn University of Cape Town



Ecosystem services, Mozambique, legal framework for ecosystem services, cooperative governance and ecosystem services, government institutions and ecosystem services, adaptive governance and ecosystem services, forest ecosystem services and resilience


Within the context of Mozambique, this paper examines the state of forest ecosystem services, the dependency of the population on these systems for their well-being, if an adaptive governance regime is being created which will ensure the resilience of the forest ecosystem services including the legal framework, the institutions operating within this framework, the tools available and their functioning, and how cooperative governance is operating.



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How to Cite

Norfolk, S., & Cosijn, M. (2017). Towards the Legal Recognition and Governance of Forest Ecosystem Services in Mozambique. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 16(2), 121-183.

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