Reflections on Judicial Views of uBuntu
Ubuntu, Constitutional value, Restorative justice, CommunalAbstract
Since S v Makwanyane, ubuntu has become an integral part of the constitutional values and principles that inform interpretation of the Bill of Rights and other areas of law. In particular, a restorative justice theme has become evident in the jurisprudence that encompasses customary law, eviction, defamation, and criminal law matters. This contribution explores the scope and content of ubuntu, as pronounced on by the judiciary in various cases, and demonstrates that its fundamental elements of respect, communalism, conciliation and inclusiveness enhance the constitutional interpretation landscape. Two major epochs are highlighted in the development of ubuntu, marked by the constitutional decisions in Makwanyane and PE Municipality respectively. The former carved the central avenue of development for ubuntu, while the latter marked the start of the thematic development of the concept in the direction of restorative justice. Furthermore, the article engages critically with the use of ubuntu, with criticisms levelled against the conceptualisation of ubuntu as a legal notion, ranging from its ambiguity to its redundancy, to perceptions of dichotomies, and issues of exclusion. The paper also questions the manner in which the courts have applied the legal concept of ubuntu uncritically, without reference to African sources to illustrate its meaning in different contexts, and without questioning its compatibility with the Bill of Rights. Finally, it attempts to reveal the connections between ubuntu and the values underlying the Bill of Rights.
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Register of case law
Afri-Forum v Malema 2011 6 SA 240 (EqC)
Barkhuizen v Napier 2007 5 SA 323 (CC)
Bhe v Magistrate, Khayelitsha; Shibi v Sithole; South African Human Rights Commission v President of the Republic of South Africa 2005 1 SA 580 (CC)
Bophuthatswana Broadcasting Corporation v Ramosa 1997 HOL 283 (B)
Bührmann v Nkosi 1999 4 All SA 337 (T)
City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Blue Moonlight Properties 39 (Pty) Ltd 2012 2 SA 104 (CC)
City of Johannesburg v Rand Properties (Pty) Ltd 2007 1 SA 78 (W)
City of Johannesburg v Rand Properties (Pty) Ltd 2007 6 SA 417 (SCA)
Crossley v National Commissioner, SAPS 2004 3 All SA 436 (T)
Dikoko v Mokhatla 2006 6 SA 235 (CC)
Du Plooy v Minister of Correctional Services 2004 3 All SA 613 (T)
Everfresh Market Virginia (Pty) Ltd v Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd 2012 1 SA 256 (CC)
Investigating Directorate: Serious Economic Offences v Hyundai Motor Distributors (Pty) Ltd: In re Hyundai Motor Distributors (Pty) Ltd v Smit 2001 1 SA 545 (CC).
Koyabe v Minister for Home Affairs 2010 4 SA 327 (CC)
Masetlha v President of the Republic of South Africa 2008 1 SA 566 (CC)
Mayelane v Ngwenyama 2013 4 SA 415 (CC).
MEC for Education: Kwazulu-Natal v Pillay 2008 1 SA 474 (CC)
Mineworkers Investment Co (Pty) Ltd v Modibane 2002 6 SA 512 (CC)
New Clicks South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Tshabalala-Msimang; Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa v Minister of Health 2005 3 SA 231 (C)
Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa v Tshabalala-Msimang; New Clicks South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Health 2005 3 SA 238 (SCA)
Port Elizabeth Municipality v Various Occupiers 2005 1 SA 217 (CC)
S v Makwanyane 1995 3 SA 391 (CC)
S v Maluleke 2008 1 SACR 49 (T)
S v Mandela 2001 1 SACR 156 (C)
S v Shilubane 2008 1 SACR 295 (T)
S v Sibiya 2010 1 SACR 284 (GNP)
The Citizen 1978 (Pty) Ltd v McBride 2011 4 SA 191 (CC)
Tshabalala-Msimang v Makhanya 2008 6 SA 102 (W)
Union of Refugee Women v Director: Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority 2007 4 SA 395 (CC)
Van Vuren v Minister of Correctional Services 2012 1 SACR 103 (CC)
Register of legislation
Black Administration Act 38 of 1927
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 200 of 1993
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
Correctional Services Act 8 of 1959
Health Act 63 of 1977
Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965
National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act 103 of 1977
North West Municipal Structures Act 3 of 2000
Prevention of Illegal Conviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998
Private Security Industry Regulation Act 56 of 2001
Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000
Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000
Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act 34 of 1995
Register of internet sources
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Copyright (c) 2017 Chuma Himonga, Max Taylor, Anne Pope

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.