"Fair" Mathematics in Assessing Delictual Damages
Delictual damages, actuary, expert witness, evidence, burden of proof, judicial discretion, contingencies, probabilityAbstract
In assessing delictual damages the plaintiff is burdened with the duty to prove loss with a preponderance of probability, including uncertain future loss. In quantifying such a claim an actuary is often used to make actuarial calculations based on proven facts and realistic assumptions regarding the future. The role of the actuary is to guide the court in the calculations to be made. Relying on its wide judicial discretion the court will have the final say regarding the correctness of the assumptions on which these calculations are based. The court should give detailed reasons if any assumptions or parts of the calculations made by the actuary are rejected. It should preferably refrain from making its own calculations if an actuary is involved and should rather instruct the actuary to do recalculations if necessary. It does, however, fall within the wide discretion of the court to make a general contingency adjustment after the basic calculations have been accepted. In assessing delictual damages it is the duty of the court to ensure that both objective and subjective factors are considered in such a manner that the assessment may be regarded as an application of "fair" mathematics.
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Paterson v South African Railways and Harbours 1931 CPD 289
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Turkstra Ltd v Richards 1926 TPD 276
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Union Government v Clay 1913 AD 385
Waring & Gillow Ltd v Sherborne 1904 TS 340
Register of legislation
Prescription Act 68 of 1969
Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996
Copyright (c) 2017 Loma Steynberg

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