Commercial Appropriation of a Person's Image: Wells V Atoll Media (Pty) Ltd (Unreported 11961/2006) 2009 ZAWCHC 173 (9 November 2009)
Identity, image rights, publicity rights, personality rights, delict, tortAbstract
Our modern society has become transfixed with celebrity. Business people and marketers also endeavour to cash in on the popularity enjoyed by the stars and realise the value of associating merchandise or trademarks with the rich and famous. This leads to difficulties when the attributes of a person are apparently used without consent, which poses new questions to the law: should the law protect the individual against the unlawful use of his or her image? If so, to what extent should such protection be granted? These were some of the questions which the court had to answer in Wells v Atoll Media (Pty). The judgment in Wellshas redefined the right to identity and provided some clarity on what the infringement of that right would amount to. When the attributes of a person are used without consent, the right to identity can be violated in one of four ways. A person's right to identity can be infringed upon if the attributes of that person are used without permission in a way which cannot be reconciled with the true image of the individual concerned, if the use amounts to the commercial exploitation of the individual, if it cannot be reconciled with generally accepted norms of decency, or if it violates the privacy of that person.
Beverley-Smith Personality
Beverley-Smith H The Commercial Appropriation of Personality (Cambridge University Press Cambridge 2002)
Borkowski Roman Law
Borkowski A Roman Law (Oxford University Press Oxford 2003)
Burdick Torts
Burdick FM The Law of Torts: A Concise Treatise on the Civil Liability at Common Law (Beard Books Washington 1905)
Cornelius 2008 TSAR
Cornelius SJ "Die Reg op Identiteit en die Kommersiële Ontginning van die Individu se Openbare Beeld" 2008 TSAR 645-668
Cornelius 2008 ISLRP
Cornelius SJ "A Comparative Analysis of Sports Image Rights in South Africa" 2008 ISLRP 424-452
Glenn Privacy
Glenn RA The Right to Privacy: Rights and Liberties Under the Law (ABC-CLIO Santa Barbara 2003)
Jenks History
Jenks E Short History of English Law 3rd ed (Little, Brown and Co Boston 1924)
Lunny and Oliphant Tort
Lunny M and Oliphant K Tort Law (Oxford University Press Oxford 2008)
Neethling Persoonlikheidsreg
Neethling J Persoonlikheidsreg (Butterworths Durban 1998)
Neethling, Potgieter and Visser Deliktereg
Neethling J, Potgieter JM and Visser PJ Deliktereg (Lexis Nexis Durban 2006)
Reeves History
Reeves J History of the English Law from the Saxons to the End of the Reign of Philip and Mary 3rd ed (Reed and Hunter London 1814)
Van Zyl History
Van Zyl DH History and Principles of Roman Private Law (Butterworths Durban 1983)
Warren and Brandeis1890 HLR
Warren SD and Brandeis LD "The Right to Privacy" 1890 HLR 193-220
Zimmermann Obligations
Zimmermann The Law of Obligations: Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition (Juta Cape Town 1990)
Bibliography of old authorities
Durandus Speculum Iuris
Lessius De Iustitia et Iure, Ceterisque Virtutibus Cardinalis Libri Quatuor
Pothier Traité des Obligations
Ubaldi Commentaria Corpus Iuris Civilis
Voet Commentarius ad Pandectas
Register of cases
Abdul-Jabbar v General Motors Corp 75 F 3d 1391
Allison v Vintage Sports Plaques 136 F 3d 1443
Arnold Vanderlijde 1994 NJ 658
Benally v Hundred Arrows Press Inc 614 F Supp 969
Candebat v Flanagan 487 S 2d 207
Carson v Here's Johnny Portable Toilets Inc 698 F 2d 831
Carson v National Bank of Commerce 501 F 2d 1082
Chimarev v TD Waterhouse Investor Services Inc 280 F Supp 2d 208
Cox v Hatch 761 P 2d 556
Crump v Beckley Newspapers Inc 320 SE 2d 70
De slag om het voetbalgoud 1974 NJ 415
Douglas v Hustler Magazine Inc 769 F 2d 1128
Elvis Presley International Memorial Fund v Crowell 733 SW 2d 89
Fergerstrom v Hawaiian Ocean View Estates Inc 441 P 2d 808
Flake v Greensboro News Co 195 SE 55
Foster-Milburn Co v Chinn 120 SW 364
Freihofer v Hearst Corporation 65 NY 2d 135
Gee v CBS Inc 612 F 2d 572
Gilham v Burlington Northern Inc 514 F 2d 660
Grütter v Lombard 2007 4 SA 89 (SCA)
Haelan Laboratories Inc v Topps Chewing Gum 202 F 2d 866
Haith v Model Cities Health Corp 704 SW 2d 684
Harlow v Buno Co 36 Pa D&C 101
Hirsch v SC Johnson and Sons Inc 280 NW 2d 129
In re Dora P 418 NYS 2d 597
Johnson v Boeing Airplane Co 262 P 2d 808
Kidson v SA Associated Newspapers Ltd 1957 3 SA 461 (W)
Kiss v County of Putnam 398 NYS 2d 729
KNB Enterprises v Matthews 78 Cal App 4th 362
Lawrence v AS Abell Co 475 A 2d 448
Mabry v Kettering 117 SW 746
Mapp v Ohio 367 US 643
Martin Luther King Jr Center for Social Change Inc v American Heritage Products Inc 296 SE 2d 697
Martinez v Democrat-Herald Publishing Co 669 P 2d 818
McCormack v Oklahoma Publishing Co 613 P 2d 98
Messenger ex rel Messenger v Gruner Jahr Printing and Publishing 94 NY 2d 436
Michaels v Internet Entertainment Group Inc 5 F Supp 2d 823
Myskina v Conde Nast Publications Inc 386 F Supp 2d 409
National Bank of Commerce v Shaklee Corp 503 F Supp 533
Novel v Beacon Operating Corporation 446 NYS 2d 118
Olan Mills Inc v Dodd 353 SW 2d 22
Pavesich v New England Life Insurance Co 50 SE 68
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals v Berosini Ltd 895 P 2d 1269
Pirone v MacMillan 894 F 2d 579
Porten v University of San Francisco 64 Cal App 3d 825
Prudhomme v Proctor and Gamble Co 800 F Supp 390
Reeves v United Artists Corp 765 F 2d 79
Smith v Suratt 1926 WL 1024
Staruski v Continental Telephone Co 581 A 2d 266
't Schaep met de Vijf Pooten 1979 NJ 383
Teddy Scholten 1961 NJ 160
Thayer v Worcester Post Co 187 NE 292
Vassar College v Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co 197 F 982
Vassiliades v Garfinckel's Brooks Bros 492 A 2d 580
Venturi v Savitt Inc 468 A 2d 933
Vondelpark 1988 NJ 1000
Wells v Atoll Media (Pty) Ltd (unreported 11961/2006) [2009] ZAWCHC 173 (9 November 2009)
Zim v Western Publishing Co 573 F 2d 1318
Register of legislation
Auteurswet 1912 (Netherlands)
California Civil Code Section 3344
Florida Statutes Section 540.08
Illinois Right of Publicity Act 765 ILCS 1075
Kentucky Statutes Section 391.170
Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 20-202
Nevada Revised Statutes Section 597-770
New York Civil Rights Act 1964
Oklahoma Statutes Section 1449
Tennessee Code Section 47-25-1101
Texas Property Code Section 26.001
Utah Code Section 76-9-407
Wisconsin Statutes Section 895.50
Copyright (c) 2017 Steve Cornelius

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.