Unpacking the Law and Practice Relating to Parole in South Africa





parole, release, prisoners, right, non-parole period, courts, punishment


The possibility of the early release of offenders on parole is meant to act inter alia as an incentive to ensure that prisoners behave meritoriously while serving their sentences. The South African Correctional Services Act No.111 of 1998 deals with the release of offenders on parole. This article discusses the jurisprudence emanating from South African courts dealing with various aspects of parole. In particular, the article deals with the following issues: parole as a privilege; the role of the executive and the legislature in the parole system; the period to be served before an offender is paroled; the stipulated non-parole period; and the courts’ intervention in releasing prisoners on parole.



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How to Cite

Mujuzi, J. D. (2017). Unpacking the Law and Practice Relating to Parole in South Africa. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 14(5), 204-228. https://doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2011/v14i5a2602

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