Keuringspanele ("Screening Panels") as Gepaste Geskilbeslegtingsmetode ter Oplossing van Mediese Wanpraktyks-geskille.
A right only has any value if there is a remedy providing for the acknowledgement and enforcement thereof. An increase in medical malpractice claims can be expected in South Africa in view of the fact that the public is becoming more and more aware of its rights in respect of health services and health care. The public opinion calls for development of dispute resolution proceedings. The fact that the law is not accessible to everyone in South Africa is a matter of concern. High litigation costs, coupled with the time consuming protracted, formal and complicated process, call for a transformation towards an alternative, non-judicial process that is suitable for a particular dispute and apposite to the parties involved. Selection panels, the medical ombudsperson and arbitration clauses incorporated in doctor/patient agreements, are ADR mechanisms that have been proved by American law as suitable for resolution of medical malpractice claims. In this particular article attention is paid to screening panels as pre-trial mechanism with the exclusive purpose to select malpractice disputes, discourage unfounded disputes and to encourage an early settlement in case of a prima facie case.
Several objections have been raised by critics in this regard, for instance, a screening panel infringes on: the right of equal protection/the right of access to the courts/the right to a jury trial/the right to a due process as well as on the trias politica doctrine. These so-called infringements are attended to and eventually a positive conclusion regarding screening panels is made: medical screening panels (consisting generally of a medical doctor, a lawyer and a member of public), based on the American experience, is indeed an appropriate dispute resolution method.
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Register van wetgewing
Wet op Geneeshere, Tandartse en Aanvullende Gesondheidsberoepe 56 van
Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika 1996
Medical Malpractice Act 1976 (VSA)
Register van hofsake
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Attorney General v Johnson 282 Md 274 A 2d 57 appeal dismissed 439 US
Beatty v Akron City Hospital 67 Ohio St 2d 483 NE 2d 586 (1981)
Bernier v Burris 113 Ill 2d 219 497 NE 2d 763 (1986)
Boddie v Connecticut 401 US 371 (1971)
Boucher v Sayeed 459 A 2d 87 93 (RI 1983)
Cardinal Glennon Memorial Hospital v Gaertner 583 SW 2d 107 (Mo 1979)
Carter v Sparkham 335 So 2d 802 (Fla 1976) cert denied 429 US 1041 (1977)
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Comiskey v Arlen 55 AD 2d 304 NY S 2d 122 (NY App Div 1976)
Curtis v Loether 415 US 189 (1974)
Eastin v Broomfield 116 Ariz 576 P 2d 754 (1977)
Everett v Goldman 359 So 2d 1256 (La 1978)
Ex Parte Peterson 253 US 300 (1920)
Firelock Inc v District Ct 766 P 2d 1090 (Colo 1989)
Gist v French 288 P 2d 1003 (Cal Ct App 1955)
Guill v Major of Hoboken 21 NJ 574 122 A 2d 881 (1956)
Heller v Frankston 504 Pa 528 475 A 2d 1291 (1984)
Hoem v State 756 P 2d 780 (Wyo 1988)
Huffman v Lindquist 234 P 2d 34 (Cal 1951)
Jiron v Mahlab 99 NM 425 659 P 2d 311 (1983)
Johnson v St Vincent Hospital 273 Ind 374 404 NE 2d 585 (1980)
Jones v State Board of Medicine 97 Idaho 859 555 P 2d 399 (1976) cert denied
US 914 (1977)
Keyes v Humana Hospital Alaska 750 P 2d 343 (Alaska 1988)
Lacy v Green 428 A 2d 1171 (Del Super Ct 1981)
Linder v Smith 629 P 2d 1187 (Mont 1981)
Mattos v Thompson 421 A 2d 190 (Pa 1980)
Munn v Illinois 94 US 113 (1876)
Ortwein v Schwab 410 US 656 (1973) (per curiam)
Parker v Children's Hospital 483 Pa 106 394 A 2d 932 (1978)
Paro v Longwood Hospital 373 Mass 645 369 NE 2d 985 (1977)
Perna v Pirozzi 92 NJ 446 457 A 2d 431 (1983)
Prendergast v Nelson 199 Neb 97 256 NW 2d 657 (1977)
San Antonio Independant School District v Rodriquez 411 US 1 (1973)
Seoane v Ortho Pharmaceuticals Inc 660 F 2d 146 (5th Cir 1981)
Simon v St Elizabeth Medical Center 3 Ohio Op 3d 164 355 NE 2d 903 (CP 1976)
State Ex Rel Cardinal Glennon Memoral Hospital v Gaertner 583 SW 2d 107 110 (Mo 1979)
State Ex Rel Strykowski v Wilkie 81 Wis 2d 491 261 NW 2d 434 (1978)
Treyball v Clark 65 NY 2d 589 483 NE 2d 1136 493 NY S 2d 1004 (1985)
United States v Kras 409 US 434 (1973)
Woods v Holy Cross Hospital 591 F 2d 1164 (5th Cir 1979)
Wright v Central Du Page Hospital Association 63 Ill 2d 313 347 NE 2d 736
Copyright (c) 2017 AJ Crous

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.