Challenge and Opportunity: the ALI/III Global Principles Project
This article deals with an international project to establish the extent to which it is feasible to achieve a worldwide acceptance of the Principles of Cooperation among the NAFTA Countries together with the Guidelines Applicable to Court-to-Court Communications in Cross-Border Cases. This contribution explains the process whereby the American Law Institute and the International Insolvency Institute (1) developed principles of cooperation with regard to cross-border insolvency; (2) established acceptance of these principles in jurisdictions across the world, subject to any necessary local modifications; and (3) obtained the endorsement of leading domestic associations, courts, and other groups in those jurisdictions. This article may contribute to the development the South African cross-border insolvency law. The inclusion of the challenges of harmonisation of private international law is also contributing to current debate.
ALI Canadian Bankruptcy Law
American Law Institute Transnational Insolvency: Co-operation among the NAFTA Countries – International Statement of Canadian Bankruptcy Law” (Juris Publishing Inc Huntington 2003)
ALI Mexican Bankruptcy Law
American Law Institute Transnational Insolvency: Co-operation among the NAFTA Countries – International Statement of Mexican Bankruptcy Law” (Juris Publishing Inc Huntington 2003)
ALI Principles of Cooperation
American Law Institute Transnational Insolvency: Co-operation among the NAFTA Countries – Principles of Cooperation among the NAFTA Countries” (Juris Publishing Inc Huntington 2003)
ALI US Bankruptcy Law
American Law Institute Transnational Insolvency: Co-operation among the NAFTA Countries – International Statement of United States Bankruptcy Law” (Juris Publishing Inc Huntington 2003)
Collins et al (eds) Conflict of Laws
Collins L et al (eds) Dicey, Morris and Collins on The Conflict of Laws 14th rev ed (Sweet & Maxwell London 2007)
Fletcher Challenge and Opportunity
Fletcher IF "Challenge and Opportunity: the ALI/III Global Principles Project" Paper presented at INSOL Annual Europe, Africa & Middle East Conference (Cape Town South Africa 17-21 March 2007)
Fletcher Insolvency in Private International Law
Fletcher IF Insolvency in Private International Law 2nd ed (Oxford University Press Oxford 2005)
Omar Taxonomy
Omar PH Taxonomy of Guidelines and Principles in International Insolvency Unpublished
Westbrook 2002 Am Bankr LJ 1
Westbrook JL "Multinational Enterprises in General Default: Chapter 15, the ALI Principles, and the EU Insolvency Regulation" 2002 (76) American Bankruptcy Law Journal 1-42
Westbrook and Ziegel 1997 Brook J Int’l L 7-24
Westbrook JL and Ziegel JS "The American Law Institute NAFTA Insolvency Project" 1997 (23) Brooklyn Journal International Law 7-24
Westbrook Managing Defaulting Multinationals
Westbrook JL "Managing Defaulting Multinationals within NAFTA" in Fletcher IF, Mistelis L and Cremona M (eds) Foundations and Perspectives of International Trade Law (Sweet & Maxwell London 2001)
Register of court cases
Re Eurofood IFSC Ltd [2006] ECR I-4137; [2006] BCC 397 (ECJ) 2 May 2006
Klempka and others (Administrators of ISA Daisytek SAS) v ISA Daisytek SA [2003] BCC 984 (Court of Appeal, Versailles) 4 September 2003
Re Daisytek-ISA Ltd [2003] BCC 562 (Ch D Leeds Registry) 16 May 2003
Register of treaties and conventions
EC Convention: Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations 19 June 1980
EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings 2002
Istanbul Convention of the Council of Europe
Register of Internet resources
UNCITRAL Legislative Guide 19 Feb
UNCITRAL Legislative Guide [Found on internet] [Date of use 19 February 2008]
UNCITRAL Model Law 31 Aug
UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency 1997 [Found on internet] [Date of use 31 August 2007]
UNCITRAL Report of 39th Session 11 Mar
UNCITRAL Report of 39th Session UN Doc A/61/17 [Found on internet] [Date of use 11 March]
Copyright (c) 2017 IF Fletcher

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.