Director and Officer Liability in the Zone of Insolvency; A Comparative Analysis
It is the duty of the directors of a company to run the business of the company in the best interests of the company and its shareholders. In principle, the company, alone, is responsible for the debts incurred in the running of the company and the creditors are, in principle, precluded from looking to the directors or shareholders for payment of any shortfall arising as a result of the company's insolvency. This principle has, in a number of jurisdictions undergone statutory change such that in certain circumstances, the directors and others who were concerned with the management of the company may be made liable to contribute, personally, to meet the payment – in part or entirely – of the company's debts. This paper aims to explore this statutory jurisdiction. It also seeks to describe succinctly the process by which the shift from unlimited to limited liability trading was achieved. It will end by examining briefly a comparatively new phenomenon, namely that of a shift in the focus of the directors' duties from company and shareholders to the creditors as the company becomes insolvent and nears the stage of a formal declaration of its insolvent status – the so-called 'zone of insolvency'.
Alexander 1992 Harv L Rev 415
Alexander J "Unlimited Shareholder Liability Through a Procedural Lens" 1992 (106) Harv L Rev 387
Ballantine Corporations 303
Ballantine HW Corporations Rev ed (Callaghan New York 1946)
Berle 1947 Colum L Rev 349-353
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Campbell 1975 Ky LJ 53
Campbell RB "Limited Liability for Corporate Shareholders: Myth or Matter-Of-Fact" 1975 (63) Kentucky Law Journal 23-27
Cheng Wai Yuen 2002 Sing LR 104
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Cohen 1998 Oklahoma Law Review 438
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Easterbrook F and Fischel DR The Economic Structure of Corporate Law (Harvard University Press Cambridge 1991)
Formoy Historical Foundations of Company Law 32-36
Formoy RR The Historical Foundations of Company Law (Sweet & Maxwell London 1923)
Davies and Gower Principles of Modern Company Law
Davies PL and Gower LCB Gower and Davies: Principles of Modern Company Law 7th ed (Sweet & Maxwell London 2003)
Davies and Gower Gower's Principles
Davies PL and Gower LCB Gower's Principles of Modern Company Law 6th ed (Sweet & Maxwell London 1997)
Hamilton 1971 Texas LR 985-989
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Havenga "Directors' Fiduciary Duties Under Our Future Company Law Regime" 1997 (9) SA Mercantile LJ 310, 318ff
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Lin L "Shift of Fiduciary Duty upon Corporate Insolvency" 1993 (46) Vanderbilt Law Review 1485 at 1512
McCulloch Considerations on Partnerships with Limited Liability 10-11
McCulloch JR Considerations on Partnerships with Limited Liability (Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans London 1856)
Pennington 1960 Mod LR 630
Pennington RR "The Genesis of the Floating Charge" 1960 Modern Law Review 630-646
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Sigwadi 2003 SA Mercantile LJ 303
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Thompson 1991 Cornell L Rev 1065
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Ziegel 1993 UTLJ 511
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Register of legislation
Business Corporations Act (Ca)
Close Corporations Act 69 of 1984 (SA)
Companies Act 1862 (UK)
Companies Act 1929 (UK)
Companies Act 2006 (UK)
Companies Act 61 of 1973 (SA)
Corporations Act 2001 (Aust)
Enterprise Act 2002 (UK)
Insolvency Act 1986 (UK)
Joint Stock Companies Act 1844
Limited Liability Act 1855
Limited Partnership Act 1907
Partnership (Amendment) Act 1854 (Bovill's Act)
Partnership Act 1890
Register of court cases
Broderip v Salomon [1895] 2 Ch 323
Colin Gwyer & Associates Ltd & Anor v London Wharf (Limehouse) Ltd & Ors [2003] BCC 885
Edwards v Standard Rolling Stock Syndicate [1893] 1 Ch 574
Facia Footwear Ltd (in admin) v Hinchliffe [1998] 1 BCLC 218
Grace v Smith (1775) 96 ER 587, 588; 2 Wm Bl 997
Hallett v Dowdall (1852) 21 LJ QB 98
Harri and Others NNO v On-Line Management CC & Others 2001 (4) SA 1097
In re Mortgage America Corporation 714 F 2d 1266
In Re Victoria Steamboats, Limited [1897] 1 Ch 158
Inland Revenue Commissioners v Goldberg [1972] Ch 498
JH Rayner Mincing Lane Ltd and Others v Department of Trade and Industry and Others [1987] BCC 413
Kinsela & Anor v Russell Kinsela Pty Ltd (in liquidation) [1986] 4 NSWLR 722; (1986) 4 ACLC 215
L & P Plant Hire BK en andere v Bosch en andere 2002 (2) SA 662
Lawrence v West Somerset Mineral Railway Company [1918] 2 Ch 250
Lordon NO v Dusky Dawn Investments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) 1998 (4) SA 519
Makins v Percy Ibotson & Sons [1891] 1 Ch 133
Nicholson v Permakraft (NZ) Ltd [1985] 1 NZLR 242
Peek v Trinsmaran Iron Company 2 Ch D 115
People's Department Stores Inc v Wise 244 DLR (4th) 564
Pressma Services (Pty) Ltd v Schuttler and another 1990 (2) SA 411
Queensland Bacon Pty Ltd v Rees (1966) 115 CLR 266
Re Darby [1911] 1 KB 95
Re MDA Investment Management Ltd [2005] BCC 783
Re New York Taxicab Company Limited [1913] 1 Ch 1
Re Panama, New Zealand and Australian Royal Mail Company (1870) 5 Ch app 818
Re Sea Fire and Life Assurance Company (Greenwood's case) (1854) 3 De GM&G 459, 43 ER 180
Re Tilt Cove Copper Company Limited [1913] 2 Ch 58
Salomon v Salomon & Co Ltd [1897] AC 22
Timothy Brown (as Liquidator of Cityspan Limited) v Nicholas Clark 2007 EWHC 751 (Ch)
Victoria Steamboat [1897] 1 Ch 158
Walker v Wimborne [1975] 137 CLR 1
Waugh v Carver (1793) 126 ER 525, 2 Hy Bl 235
West Mercia Safetywear Ltd (in liquidation) v Dodd [1988] BCLC 250
Westminster Corporation v Haste [1950] Ch 442
Wood v Dummer 30 F Cas 435 (D Me 1824) (No 17,994)
Register of Internet resources
Bentham Manual of Political Economy 27 Feb
Bentham J Manual of Political Economy [Found on internet] [Date of use 27 February 2008]
Copyright (c) 2017 Harry H Rajak

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