The Righteous Bankruptcy Trustee: The influence of creditors on the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee from a Netherlands perspective.
In this contribution the topic of integrity of the bankruptcy trustee is being dealt with from a Dutch perspective, more specifically from the point of view of the creditors and their (lack of) influence on the appointment of the trustee. In this respect various questions are addressed: what does integrity or righteousness mean in the context of the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee and what do we mean when we are talking about a righteous trustee; why do we need a righteous trustee; and how do we reach our goal? After investigating the existing safeguards to prevent non-righteous persons to be enrolled or appointed as trustee, the position of the creditors is dealt with, especially with respect to their influence on the appointment of the trustee. A quick glance on various neighbouring jurisdictions, demonstrates that not much has been regulated in the Netherlands. As to the question whether or not more creditor involvement in the appointment process is required or desired, it is argued that there is no need to increase their influence because it is not to be expected that such influence will enhance the integrity of bankruptcy trustees.
Disciplinary Board Leeuwarden 1988 Advocatenblad
Disciplinary Board Leeuwarden "Disciplinary rulings: 27 March 1987" Advocatenblad (22 January 1988)
Disciplinary Board Leeuwarden 1992 Advocatenblad
Disciplinary Board Leeuwarden "Disciplinary rulings: 15 March 1991" Advocatenblad (16 January 1992)
Omar Reforms 111-150
Omar PJ "Reforms to the Framework of Insolvency Law and Practice in France: 1996-2006" in Broc GK and Parry R (eds) Corporate Rescue: An Overview of Recent Developments 2nd ed (Kluwer Deventer 2006)
Van der Feltz Geschiedenis 324
Van der Feltz GW Geschiedenis van de Faillissementswet I (De Erven F Bohn Haarlem 1896)
Vriesendorp 2005 TvI 11
Vriesendorp RD "Transparantie en zelfregulering: VIA Insolad naar VIS?" 2005 TvI 11
Vriesendorp Invloed van Crediteuren 41-50
Vriesendorp R "De Invloed van Crediteuren op de Aanstelling van een Integere Curator" in De Ranitz SH et al (ed) De Integere Curator Insolad Yearbook 2007 (Kluwer Deventer 2007)
Register of legislation
Advocatenwet (Dutch Law on the Bar)
Code de Commerce (CdC) (French Commercial Code)
Faillissementswet (BFw) (Belgian Bankruptcy Act)
Faillissementswet (NFw) 1896 (Dutch Bankruptcy Act)
Insolvenzordnung (InsO) (German Insolvency Act)
Wet schuldsaneringsregeling natuurlijke personen (Wsnp) (Statutory restructuring proceedings for individuals)
Register of court cases
Arbitragehof 24 March 2004 50/2004
BGH 17.7.2003 – IX ZB 530/02
BGH 25.1.2007 – IX ZB 240/05
Hoge Raad 22 September 2006 LJN AY5700
Rechtbank 21 June 2007 LJN BA7841
Register of Internet resources
AJMJ Charte 27 Feb
Conseil National des Administrateurs Judiciaires Charte Qualite des Administrateurs et des Mandataires Judiciaires [Found on internet] [Date of use 27 February 2008]
AJMJ Devenir mandataire de justice 27 Feb
Conseil National des Administrateurs Judiciaires Devenir mandataire de justice [Found on internet] [Date of use 27 February 2008]
English Insolvency Practitioners Regulations 18 Feb
English Insolvency Practitioners Regulations Statutory Instruments 2005 No 524 [Found on internet] [Date of use 18 February 2008]
Insolad 18 Feb
Insolad Praktijkregels [Found on internet] [Date of use 18 February 2008]
Justitie 18 Feb
Ministerie van Justitie Commissie insolventierecht Voorontwerp Insolventie Wet 2007 [Found on internet] [Date of use 18 February 2008]
NOVA 16 Feb
Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten Disciplinaire uitsprake deur de Raden van Discipline en de Hof van Discipline [Found on internet] [Date of use 16 February 2008]
Rechters-commissarissen in Faillissementen Richtlijnen voor faillissementen en surseances van betaling 2004 [Found on internet] [Date of use 18 February 2008]
Copyright (c) 2017 Reinout D Vriesendorp

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.