Crossborder jurisdiction and assistance in insolvency: The position in Malaysia and Singapore
Malaysia and Singapore are members of the common law family and have 'inherited' their company and insolvency law from models in use in the United Kingdom with influences from Australia. It is the purpose of this article to outline the law in relation to cross-border insolvency, particularly the winding up of foreign companies, the co-operation provisions in bankruptcy and insolvency as well as more recent moves to redevelop insolvency through UNCITRAL and Asian Development Bank initiatives.
Bidin 2004 ICCLR 344
Bidin A “Insolvency and Corporate Rescues in Malaysia” 2004 (15) International Company and Commercial Law Review 344
Blom-Cooper 1954 ICLQ 604 (part 1)
Blom-Cooper L “Bankruptcy in English Private International Law” 1954 (3) ICLQ 604 (part 2)
Blom-Cooper 1955 ICLQ 1 (part 2)
Blom-Cooper L “Bankruptcy in English Private International Law” 1955 (4) ICLQ 1
Blom-Cooper 1955 ICLQ 170 (part 3)
Blom-Cooper L “Bankruptcy in English Private International Law” 1955 (4) ICLQ 170
Collins et al (eds) Conflict of Laws 1150
Collins L et al (eds) Dicey and Morris on The Conflict of Laws (Stevens and Sons London 1987)
Cooper and Jarvis (eds) Cross-Border Insolvency
Cooper N and Jarvis R (eds) Recognition and Enforcement of Cross-Border Insolvency: A Guide to International Practice (Wiley London 1997)
Dawson 1999 Co Law 304
Dawson K “Jurisdiction to wind up a foreign company and cross-claims: Re Latreefers Inc” 1999 (20) Co Law 304
Dine 1988 Co Law 30
Dine J “Jurisdiction to wind up a foreign company” 1988 (9) Co Law 30
Grace 1986 ICLQ 689
Grace AD “Law of Liquidations: The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Liquidation Orders in Canada and Australia - A Critical Comparison” 1986 (35) ICLQ 664
Graham 1989 CLP 225
Graham D “Cross-Border Insolvency” 1989 CLP 217
Graham 2001 IIR 159
Graham D “Discovering Jabez Henry: Cross-Border Insolvency Law in the 19th century” 2001 (10) IIR 153
Lipstein 1949 ModLR 454
Lipstein K “Jurisdiction in Bankruptcy” 1949 (12) ModLR 454
Markham Victorian Insolvency 295-296
Markham LV Victorian Insolvency (Clarendon Press Oxford 1995)
Moss 2006 Insolv Int 123
Moss G “Common Law Assistance comes of age” 2006 (19) Insolv Int 123
Nadelmann 1947 ModLR 154
Nadelmann K “Solomons v Ross and International Bankruptcy Law” 1947 (9) ModLR 154
North and Fawcett Private International Law
North P and Fawcett JJ Cheshire and North’s Private International Law 12th ed (Butterworths London 1992)
Omar 1996 MalLJ
Omar PJ “Co-operation in International Insolvencies” 1996 (2) Malayan Law Journal i
Omar 1998 MalLJ
Omar PJ “Co-operation in International Insolvencies” 1998 (4) Malayan Law Journal cxxi
Roberts-Wray Commonwealth and Colonial Law 554-555
Roberts-Wray K Commonwealth and Colonial Law (Stevens and Sons London 1966)
Smart 1996 ICLQ 177
Smart P “Jurisdiction to Wind Up Companies Incorporated in Northern Ireland” 1996 (45) ICLQ 177
Stewart “UNCITRAL Model Law"
Stewart G “UNCITRAL Model Law and Cross-Border Insolvency” (unpublished paper delivered at conference on Legal Aspects of Cross-Border Insolvency BIICL London 14 July 1998)
Topham 1903 LQR 295
Topham A “A Defect in Our Law of International Bankruptcy” 1903 (14) LQR 295
Walters 2007 Co Law 73
Walters A “Judicial Assistance in Cross-Border Insolvency at Common Law” 2007 (28) Co Law 73
Wessels Cross-Border Insolvency Law
Wessels B Cross-Border Insolvency Law: International Instruments and Commentary (Kluwer Alphen aan den Rijn 2007)
Wood Principles of International Insolvency 250
Wood P Principles of International Insolvency (Sweet and Maxwell London 1995)
Woon and Hicks Companies Act of Singapore
Woon W and Hicks A The Companies Act of SingapoRe An Annotation (Butterworths Asia Singapore 1994)
Woon Company Law
Woon W Company Law 2nd ed (Sweet and Maxwell Asia Petaling Jaya 1999)
Wu Malaysian Legal System 14-16
Wu MA The Malaysian Legal System 2nd ed (Longman Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 1999)
Register of legislation
Anglo-Siam Treaty 1909
Application of English Law Act 1993
Bankruptcy (Amendment) Act A1197 of 2003
Bankruptcy (Ireland) Act 1872
Bankruptcy Act 15 of 1995
Bankruptcy Act 1849 (UK)
Bankruptcy Act 1869 (UK)
Bankruptcy Act 1883 (UK)
Bankruptcy Act 1914
Bankruptcy Ordinance of Sarawak
Bankruptcy Ordinance of the States of Malaya
Cap 20 of the Statutes of Singapore (2000 rev ed)
Cap 43 of the Statutes of Singapore (1988 rev ed)
Cap 50 of the Statutes of Singapore (2006 rev ed)
Cap 7A of the Statutes of Singapore (1993 rev ed)
Charter of Justice 1807
Charter of Justice 1826
Civil Law (Extension) Ordinance 1951
Civil Law Act 1956
Civil Law Enactment 1937
Civil Law Ordinance 1878
Civil Law Ordinance 1938 (rev 1951)
Companies (Consolidation) Act 1908 (UK)
Companies (Winding-Up) Act 1890 (UK)
Companies (Winding-Up) Rules 1890 (UK)
Companies (Winding-Up) Rules 1972 (Malaysia)
Companies Act 125 of 1965
Companies Act 1862 (UK)
Companies Act 1929 (UK)
Companies Act 1948 (UK)
Companies Act 1967
Companies Act 1985
Companies Act 2006
Companies Code
Companies Code 1981
Companies Enactment 1897 (rep 1917)
Companies Ordinance 1940
Company Ordinance 1950
Company Ordinance 1956
Corporations Act 1989 (retitled Corporations Law)
Corporations Act 2001
Corporations Legislation Amendment Act 1990
Criminal Procedure Code 1902
Enterprise Act 2002
European Insolvency Regulation: Council Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 29 May 2000
Greek Decree 1949
Indian Companies Ordinance 1866
Insolvency Act 1986 (UK)
Insolvency Ordinance of Sabah
Insolvency Rules 1986 (UK)
Joint Stock Companies Act 1848 (UK)
Law of Sarawak Ordinance 1928 (rev 1949)
Malayan Union Companies Ordinance 1946
Malaysian Act 1967
Malaysian Constitution
Penal Code 1905
Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad Act 587 of 1998
Singapore Constitution
Statute of Westminster 1931
Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 1930
Uniform Companies Act 1961
United States Bankruptcy Code
Register of court cases
Amos William Dawe v Development and Commercial Bank [1981] MLJ 230
Banque des Marchands de Moscou v Kindersley [1951] 1 Ch 112
British South Africa Company v Companhia de Mocambique [1893] AC 602
Callender Sykes and Co v Colonial Secretary of Lagos [1891] AC 460
Cambridge Gas Transport Group Corp v The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Navigator Holdings PLC [2006] UKPC 26
Clunies-Ross v Totterdell (1988) 98 ALR 245
Felixstowe Dock and Railway Co v United States Lines [1988] 2 All ER 77
Galbraith v Grimshaw [1910] AC 508
Gibbs and Sons v Société Industrielle et Commerciale des Métaux (1890) 25 QBD 399
Government of India v Taylor [1955] AC 491
International Westminster Bank PLC v Okeanos Maritime Corp [1987] BCLC 450
Interpool Ltd v KKL and others 102 BR 373 (1988)
Lazard Brothers and Co v Midland Bank Ltd [1933] AC 289
Lindner Fund Inc v Polly Peck International PLC 143 BR 807 (1992)
Logan v Bank of Scotland (No 2) [1906] 1 KB 141
Mareva Compania Naviera SA v International Bulkcarriers SA, The Mareva [1975] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 509
Metliss v National Bank of Greece and Athens SA [1958] AC 509
Mills v Mills (1938) 60 CLR 150
New Hampshire Insurance Co v Rush and Tompkins Group PLC and another [1998] 2 BCLC 471
Radich v Bank of New Zealand (1993) 116 ALR 676
Re A Company (No 00359 of 1987) [1988] 1 Ch 210
Re A Company (No 007946 of 1993) [1994] 2 WLR 438
Re A Debtor (ex parte the Viscount of the Royal Court of Jersey) [1980] 3 All ER 665
Re A Debtor [1981] Ch 384
Re Alfred Shaw and Co (1897) QLJ 93
Re Allobrogia Steamship Corporation [1978] 3 All ER 425
Re Atlantic Isle Shipping Co Inc (1988) 6 ACLC 992
Re Australian Life and General Assurance Company [1931] VLR 317
Re Azoff-Don Commercial Bank [1954] Ch 315
Re Banco Ambrosiano Overseas Ltd Bkrtcy 25 BR 621 (1982)
Re Banque des Marchands de Moscou (Koupetschetsky) (Royal Exchange Assurance v Liquidator) [1952] 1 All ER 1269; Idem (Ouchkoff v Liquidator) [1954] 2 All ER 746
Re Buildmat (Australia) Pty Ltd (1981) CLC 40-714
Re China Underwriters Life and General Insurance Co Ltd [1988] 1 MLJ 409
Re Commercial Bank of India (1868) LR 6 Eq 517
Re Commercial Bank of South Australia (1886) 33 Ch D 174
Re Compania Merabello San Nicholas SA [1973] 1 Ch 75
Re Eloc Electro-Optieck and Communicatie BV [1982] 1 Ch 43
Re English, Scottish and Australian Chartered Bank [1893] 3 Ch 385
Re Federal Bank of Australia (1893) 62 LJ Ch 56
Re Fogarty (1904) QWN 67
Re Gibbons (1960) Irish Jurist 60
Re Graham [1928] 4 DLR 375
Re Greenaway (1910) WN (NSW) 112
Re Griffin Securities Corporation [1999] 3 SLR 346
Re Hibernian Merchants Ltd [1957] 3 All ER 97
Re Jackson (1973) NILR 67
Re James [1977] 1 All ER 364
Re Jarvis (1895) 11 TLR 373
Re Kailis Groote Eylandt Fisheries Pty Ltd [1977] 2 ACLR 574
Re Latreefers Inc [1999] 1 BCLC 271
Re Matheson Brothers Ltd (1884) 27 Ch D 225
Re Maundy Gregory (1934) 103 LJ Ch 267
Re Mercantile Bank of Australia [1892] 2 Ch 204
Re Nall (1899) 20 NSWR 25
Re Norfolk Shipping Line Pty Ltd (1988) 6 ACLC 990
Re Osborne [1931-32] 15 B & CR 189
Re P MacFadyen and Co, ex parte Vizianagaram Company Limited [1908] 1 KB 675
Re Russian Bank for Foreign Trade [1933] 1 Ch 745
Re Suidair International Airways Ltd [1951] 1 Ch 165
Re Syria Ottoman Railway Company (1904) 20 TLR 217
Re Trepca Mines [1960] 3 All ER 304
Re Vocalion (Foreign) Ltd [1932] 2 Ch 196
Re Wallace Smith Group Ltd [1992] BCLC 989
Real Estate Development Co [1991] BCLC 210
Russian and English Bank v Baring Bros and Co [1936] AC 405
Schemmer and Others v Property Resources Ltd and Others [1975] 1 Ch 273
Sill v Worswick (1781) 1 H Bl 665
Solomons v Ross (1764) 1 Hy Bl 131n, 126 ER 79
Spiliada Maritime Corp v Cansulex Ltd [1987] AC 480
Stocznia Gdanska SA v Latreefers Inc [2000] EWCA Civ 36 (9 February 2000)
Tharsis Ltd v La Société des Métaux (1889) 58 LJ QB 435
The Atlantic Star [1974] AC 436
Tohru Motorbayashi v Official Receiver [2000] 4 SLR 529
Tong Aik (Far East) Ltd v Eastern Minerals and Trading (1959) Ltd [1965] 2 MLJ 149
United Kingdom Tobacco (1929) Ltd v Malayan Tobacco Distributors Ltd [1933] MLJ 1
Yeap Cheah Neo v Ong Cheng Neo (1875) LR 6 PC 381
Register of Internet resources
ADB Blake Dawson Waldron and PwC 31 Aug
Asian Development Bank: Blake Dawson Waldron and PricewaterhouseCooper “Asian Development Bank: Promoting Regional Cooperation in the Development of Insolvency Law Regimes” 2005 Final Report (RETA 5975) [Found on internet] [Date of use 31 August 2007]
ADB Office of the General Council 31 Aug
Asian Development Bank: Office of the General Council “Law and Policy Reform at the Asian Development Bank” 2000 (RETA 5975) [Found on internet] [Date of use 31 August 2007]
Bte Abdullah 31 Aug
Bte Abdullah RA “Paper on Malaysian Position in the Session on Recent Developments on Insolvency Laws and Business Rehabilitation – National and Cross Border Issues” 8th General Assembly of the Asean Law Association 29 November - 2 December 2003 Singapore [Found on internet] [Date of use 31 August 2007]
CCM 31 Aug
Companies Commission of Malaysia “Strategic Framework for the Corporate Law Reform Programme” [Found on internet] [Date of use 31 August 2007]
Chang 31 Aug
Chang W “Legal Systems in ASEAN – Singapore, Chapter 1 Historical Overview” 6 [Found on internet] [Date of use 31 August 2007)
Danaharta Final Report 31 Aug
Danaharta Final Report 30 September 2005 [Found on internet] [Date of use 31 August 2007]
Insolvency Asia 21 Aug
Insolvency Asia [Found on internet] [Date of use 21 August 2007]
Lee 31 Aug
Lee EB “Paper on Singapore Position in the Session on Recent Developments on Insolvency Laws and Business Rehabilitation – National and Cross Border Issues” 8th General Assembly of the Asean Law Association 29 November - 2 December 2003 Singapore [Found on internet] [Date of use 31 August 2007]
Omar 31 Aug
Omar N “Statement on Agenda Item 148, Report of UNCITRAL on the Work of its Thirtieth Session” (6 October 1997) [Found on internet] [Date of use 31 August 2007]
Report of the Review Committee on Insolvency Law and Practice [Cmnd 8558] (1982)
UN Res No 52/158 31 Aug
UN Res No 52/158 [Found on internet] [Date of use 31 August 2007]
UNCITRAL "Status of Texts section" [Found on internet] [Date of use 31 August 2007]
UNCITRAL Model Law 31 Aug
UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency 1997 [Found on internet] [Date of use 31 August 2007]
Copyright (c) 2017 Paul Omar

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