Good Governance in Public Procurement: A South African Case Study


  • Rolien Roos North West University(Potchefstroom Campus)
  • Stephen de la Harpe North West University(Potchefstroom Campus)
  • C Rijken North West University(Potchefstroom Campus)



In this article good governance in public procurement, with particular reference to accountability is discussed. The principle of providing adequate remedies in public procurement is put under the spotlight. This is done with reference to the decision in Steenkamp NO v Provincial Tender Board, Eastern Cape. In this case the Constitutional Court had to consider whether an initially successful tenderer could lodge a delictual claim for damages to compensate for expenses incurred after conclusion of a contract, which was subsequently rendered void on an application for review of the tender award. The applicable principles of good governance and the applicable provisions of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement and the WTO plurilateral Government Procurement Agreement are analysed. This is done to enable an evaluation of the decision by the Constitutional Court in the above case. It is concluded that the South African public procurement system does in this instance comply with the basic principles of good governance with regard to accountability.



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Commission of the European Communities White Paper

Commission of the European Communities White Paper on European Governance 25 July 2001 final 428 (COM Brussels 2001)

Commission on Global Governance Our Global Neighborhood

Commission on Global Governance Our Global Neighborhood (Oxford University Press Oxford1995)

Curtin and Dekker Good Governance

Curtin D and Dekker I “Good Governance: The concept and its application by the European Union” in Curtin D and Wessel R (eds) Good Governance in the European Union (Intersentia Antwerpen 2005)

EC White Paper 200

European Commission White Paper on Administrative Reform, March 2000 volume I and II COM (2000) 200

World Bank Report Sub-Saharan Africa

World Bank Report Sub-Saharan Africa: Crisis to sustainable growth (World Bank Washington DC 1989)

Wouters and Ruyngaert “Good Governance"

Wouters J and Ruyngaert C “Good Governance: Lessons from International Organizations” in Curtin D and Wessel R (eds) Good Governance and the European Union (Intersentia Antwerpen 2004)

Wouters and Ruyngaert Working Paper

Wouters J and Ruyngaert C Working Paper no 54 Institute for International Law (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2004)

Register of legislation

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 200 of 1993

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996

Government Gazette 25767 of 5 December 2003

Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003

Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000

Provincial Tender Board Act 2 of 1994 (Eastern Cape)

Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999

Register of court cases

Cash Paymaster Services (Pty) Ltd v Eastern Cape Province and Others 1999 1 SA 324 (CC)

Dunn v Minister of Defence and Others 2006 2 SA 107 (T)

Fose v Minister of Safety and Security 1997 3 SA 786 (CC)

Knop v Johannesburg City Council 1995 2 SA 1 (A)

Minister of Finance and Others v Gore NO 2007 1 SA 111 (SCA)

Minister of Safety and Security v Von Duivenboden 2002 6 SA 431 (SCA)

Olitzki Property Holdings v State Tender Board and Another 2001 3 SA 1247 (SCA)

Steenkamp NO v Provincial Tender Board, Eastern Cape 2006 3 SA 151 (SCA)

Steenkamp NO v Provincial Tender Board, Eastern Cape 2007 3 SA 121 (CC)

Stovin v Wise (Norfolk County Council, Third Party) 1996 3 All ER 801 (AC)

Stovin v Wise (Norfolk County Council, Third Party) [l996] AC 923 (HL) 1996 3 All ER 801 (AC)

Register of Internet resources

APEC 21 Feb

Asia-Specific Economic Co-operation Government Procurement Experts' Group [Found on internet] [Date of use 21 February 2008]

Commission on Human Rights 21 Feb

Commission on Human Rights The role of good governance in the promotion of human rights Resolution 2000/64 [Found on internet] [Date of use 21 February 2008]

DAC 17 Jul

Development Assistance Committee “Guidelines and Reference Series Harmonising Donor Practices for Effective Aid Delivery” Volume 3: Strengthening Procurement Capacities in Developing Countries [Found on internet] [Date of use 17 July 2008]

OECD 21 Feb

OECD About Public Governance and Management [Found on internet],2337,en_2649_37405_1_1_1_1_37405,00.html [Date of use 21 February 2008]


United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific What is Good Governance? [Found on internet] [Date of use 21 February 2008]

World Bank 21 Feb

World Bank Assessment of Country's Public Procurement System [Found on internet] PROCUREMENT/0,,print:Y~isCURL:Y~contentMDK:20108359~menuPK:84285~pagePK:84269~piPK:60001558~theSitePK:84266,00.html [Date of use 21 February 2008]

Register of treaties and international documents

Non-Binding Principles on Government Procurement 2006/SOM3/GPEG/005

UN Doc A/53/1



How to Cite

Roos, R., de la Harpe, S., & Rijken, C. (2017). Good Governance in Public Procurement: A South African Case Study. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 11(2), 124–169.


