The Establishment of Kingdoms and the Identification of Kings and Queens in terms of the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act 41 of 2003
The Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act 41 of 2003 provides, amongst others matters, for the recognition of kings and queens and the establishment of a Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims to decide on disputes and claims relating to traditional leadership, including kings and queens.
The author examines the criteria and procedure for the creation of kingdoms and for identifying the rightful incumbents. During the apartheid years the traditional leadership was manipulated for political purposes. The Act goes a long way towards restoring it to conform to precepts of customary law and custom. The author argues, in essence, that this is easier said than done. It would, he submits, be difficult to dismantle the apartheid structures. It would likewise be difficult to identify the rightful incumbents and to resolve new claims. He suggests that the relevant provisions of the Act be revised to provide more clarity on fundamental principles.
Bennett The Constitutional Base
Bennett TW The Constitutional Base of Traditional Rulers in South Africa in d’Engelbronner-Kolff FM, Hinz MO and Sindano JL (eds) Traditional Authority and Democracy in Southern Africa (Windhoek Centre for Applied Legal Studies University of Namibia 1998)
Bennett Customary Law
Bennett TW Customary Law in South Africa (Juta Cape Town 2004)
DPLG Role of Traditional Leaders
Department of Provincial and Local Government The Role of Traditional Leaders in Governance: A Consolidated Set of Policy Instruments (DPLG Pretoria 2004)
Jackson Ethnic Composition
Jackson HO The Ethnic Composition of the Ciskei and Transkei (Government Printer Pretoria 1975)
Koyana 2002 Speculum Juris
Koyana DS "Chieftainship and headmanship are not hereditary" 2002 Speculum Juris 144-160
Mönnig The Pedi
Mönnig HO The Pedi (Van Schaik Pretoria 1967)
Oomen 2000 African Studies
Oomen B “We must go back to our history: Retraditionalisation in a Northern Province Chieftaincy" 2000 (59) African Studies 71-95
Parker and Tommy "Traditional Leadership"
Parker IM and Tommy JL "Traditional Leadership" (Unpublished research report on traditional systems of administration and their role in the promotion of good governance of the Institute for Local Governance and Development Traditional Leadership in Africa undated)
Sansom Traditional Leaders and their Realms
Sansom B Traditional Leaders and their Realms in Hammond-Tooke WD (ed) The Bantu-speaking Peoples of Southern Africa (Routledge & Keegan Paul London 1974)
Skalnik Tribe as Political Category
Skalnik P "Tribe as Political Category" in Boonzaaier E and Sharp J (eds) South African Keywords: The Uses & Abuses of Political Concepts (David Philips Cape Town 1988)
Skweyiya Chieftancy
Skweyiya Z Chieftancy, the Ethnic Question and the Democratisation Process in South Africa Occasional Paper Series (UWC Community Law Centre Cape Town 1993)
Register of legislation
Black Administration Act 38 of 1927
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996
Draft Constitution of KwaZulu-Natal 2004
KwaZulu-Natal Traditional Leadership and Governance Act 5 of 2005
Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act 41 of 2003
Copyright (c) 2017 JC Bekker

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.