Recent Developments Regarding South African Common and Customary Law of Succession
This article will concentrate on the development in the common law of succession and administration of estates versus the customary law of succession and inheritance as well as the winding up of estates pursuant to constitutional tendencies, case law, and statutory reform over the last ten years. The principles of customary law of succession and inheritance have become a contentious issue since the commencement of the Constitution and Bill of Rights which provide for a human rights dispensation in South Africa. As a pluralistic legal system was retained, the inevitable conflict between the principles of customary law of succession and the Constitution soon came to the fore. Although the South African Law Reform Commission reported on this issue and submitted their recommendations to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, the report was never formally published. Aspects of intestate succession and the administration of estates of deceased blacks were challenged in court on constitutional grounds. This eventually lead to a number of principles of customary law being declared unconstitutional, and consequently invalid, by the Courts who had no choice but to provide relief until such time as the legislature enacted a lasting solution. As far as the intestate succession is concerned, the Intestate Succession Act 81 of 1987 was extended to all persons in South Africa, including those adhering to a system of customary law. No distinction will, for purposes of succession, be made in future between legitimate and illegitimate children, between a first born son and other siblings or between men and women. Notwithstanding several court judgments in this regard, the Intestate Succession Act has not been amended by the Legislature as yet. As far as the historical discrepancy in the winding up and administration of estates is concerned, all estates, including intestate estates of black persons that have to devolve under customary law, in the future will be administered by the Master. Magistrates no longer will be responsible for supervising and administering customary estates.
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Cronjé 2004 Master's Policy and Procedure Manual
Cronjé T Master's Policy and Procedure Manual: Administration of Intestate Deceased Estates at Service Points (SALRC Pretoria 2004)
Corbett et al Succession
Corbett MM, Hofmeyr G and Kahn E The Law of Succession in South Africa 2nd ed (Juta Cape Town 2001)
De Waal and Schoeman-Malan Succession
De Waal MJ and Schoeman-Malan MC Introduction to the Law of Succession 3rd ed (Juta Cape Town 2003)
Kerr AJ “The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Law of succession 2006 (1) SPECULUM JURIS 1
Kerr AJ “The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Law of succession (1)” 2005 (2) SPECULUM JURIS 181
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Mbatha L “Reforming the Customary Law of Succession” 2002 SAJHR 262
Olivier et al Indigenous Law
Olivier NJJ, Bekker JC, NJJ Olivier (Jnr), Olivier WH Indigenous Law (LexisNexis Butterworths Durban 2004)
Palmer Mixed jurisdictions
Palmer VV Mixed jurisdictions worldwide: The third legal family (Cambridge University Press Cambridge 2001)
SALC 1998 Report on Customary Marriages
South African Law Commission Report on Customary Marriages (Project 90) 1998
SALRC 2005 Administration of Estates
South African Law Reform Commission Administration of Estates Discussion Paper 110 (Project 134) 2005
SALRC 2004 Customary Law of Succession
South African Law Reform Commission Customary Law of Succession Discussion Paper 93 (Project 90) 2004
SALRC 2003 Draft Interim Report
South African Law Reform Commission Draft Interim Report on the Review of the Black Administration Act 38 of 1927 (Project 90) 2003
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South African Law Reform Commission Customary Law: Administration of Estates Discussion Paper 95 (Project 90) 2001
SALRC 2000 Customary Law: Succession Discussion
South African Law Reform Commission Customary Law: Succession Discussion Paper 93 (Project 90) 2000
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South African Law Reform Commission The Harmonisation of the Common Law and Indigenous Law: Report on Conflicts of law (Project 90) 1999
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Van der Merwe and Rowland Succession
Van der Merwe NJ and Rowland CJ South Africa Law of Succession 6th ed (JP van der Walt Pretoria 1990)
Register of legislation
Administration of Estates Act 66 of 1965
Administration of Estates Amendment Act 47 of 2002
Amendment of the Regulations for the Administration and Distribution of Estates GN R1501 of 2002
Black Administration Act 38 of 1927
Black Areas Land Regulations Proclamation R188 of 1969
Child Care Act 74 of 1983
Citation of Constitutional Laws Act 5 of 2005
Civil Unions Act 17 of 2006
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 200 of 1993
Customary Law of Succession Amendment Bill 109 of 1998
Government Gazette no 28726 of 12 April 2006
Government Gazette no 29067 of 25 July 2006
Intestate Succession Act 1981 of 1987
Judicial Matters Amendment Act 22 of 2005
Land Tenure Rights Act 112 of 1991
Law of Succession Amendment Act 43 of 1992
Maintenance of the Surviving Spouses Act 27 of 1990
Marriage and Matrimonial Property Amendment Act 3 of 1988
Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984
Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000
Recognition of Customary Marriage Act 120 of 1998
Regulations for the Administration and Distribution of the Estates of Deceased Blacks GN R200 of 1987
Repeal of the Black Administration Act and Amendment of Certain Laws Act 28 of 2005
Repeal of the Black Administration Act and Amendment of Certain Laws Act 8 of 2006
Wills Act 7 of 1953
Register of court cases
Bhe and Others v Magistrate, Khayelitsha, and Others 2004 (1) BCLR 27 (C); 2004 2 SA 544 (C)
Bhe v Magistrate, Khayalitsha; Shibi v Sithole; South African Human Rights Commission v President of the Republic of South Africa 2005 1 580 (CC)
Fraser v Children’s Court, Pretoria North and Others 1997 2 SA 261 (CC)
Gory v Kolver NO and Others 2006 (5) SA 145 (T)
Gory v Kolver NO and Others CCT 28/06 23 November 2006
Minister of Education v Syfrets Trust Ltd NO 2006 4 SA 205 (C)
Moseneke and Others v The Master and Another 2001 2 SA 18 (CC)
Mthembu v Latsela and Another 1997 2 SA 936 (T); 1998 2 SA 675 (T); 2000 3 SA 867 (SCA).
Nwamitwa v Phillia and Others 2005 3 SA 536 (T)
President of the Republic of South Africa and Anor v Hugo 1997 4 SA 1 (CC)
Shibi v Sithole Case No 7292/01 (TPD) unreported case 19 November 2003
Zondi v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others 2000 2 SA 49 (N)
Register of Internet resources
Barratt and Snyman 2002 LLRX 11 Dec
Barratt A and Snyman P “Researching SA Law" 2002 LLRX 1 October [Found on internet] [Date of use 11 December 2006]
Tetley 1999 ULR 20 Apr
Tetley W "Mixed Jurisdictions: Common law v Civil law” 1999 Uniform Law Review [Found on internet] articles/1999-3.htm [Date of use 20 April 2007]
List of conventions
European Convention on the legal status of children born out of wedlock 1975
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1993
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