Re-partnering as a Contingency Deduction in Claims for Loss of Support Comparing South African and Australian Law
In a claim for loss of support by the spouse of the deceased breadwinner, the claim will be influenced by the probable remarriage of the surviving spouse. In light of the recent extension of the traditional concept of family and ‘husband and wife’, the wider term ‘re-partnering’ is suggested, instead of remarriage. If the widow has already entered into a new relationship during the course of the trial, it is taken into account as a proven fact and not as a contingency, according to the theory on compensating advantages. The right to a claim for loss of support is not automatically lost due to the re-partnering. The income and life expectancy of the new partner will be taken into account in calculating the extent of the claim. In three Australian jurisdictions, the Northern Territories, Victoria and Queensland, the legislature has promulgated legislation forbidding the use of remarriage as a contingency deduction in a claim for loss of support, irrespective of whether the re-partnering is a reality or just a probability. In general it can be stated that South African courts tend to over-emphasize the influence of probable re-partnering by a widow. In contrast to this, the manner in which re-partnering as a contingency is handled in Australian case law can be recommended as realistic and appropriate. In the recent decision in De Sales v
Ingrilli, the High Court of Australia held that in cases where remarriage has not yet occurred, it should only be taken into consideration as part of the ‘standard’ adjustment (general contingency adjustment) for uncertain future events, and could no longer be applied as a specific contingency, which tends to be higher than the mentioned general contingency adjustment. The court determined that the general contingency adjustment, which incorporated the remarriage of the widow, should only be five percent.
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AA Tegel Pty Ltd v Madden [1985] 2 NSWLR 591 (SC)
Amod v Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accident Fund (Commission for Gender Equality Intervening) 1999 4 SA 1319 (SCA)
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Budget Rent-A-Car Systems Pty Ltd v Van der Kemp [1984] 3 NSWLR 303
Burns v National Employers General Insurance Co Ltd 1988 3 SA 355 (C)
Chisholm v East Rand Proprietary Mines Ltd 1909 TH 297
Clair v Port Elizabeth Harbour Board 1886 EDC 311 318
Constantia Versekeringsmaatskappy Bpk v Victor 1986 1 SA 601 (A)
Cooke and Cooke v Maxwell 1942 SR 133
Cremona v RTA [2000] NSWSC 556 par 64
De Jongh v Gunther 1975 4 SA 78 (W)
De Sales v Ingrilli [2002] 212 CLR 338 (HC)
De Wet v Odendaal 1936 CPD 103
Dominish v Astill [1979] 2 NSWLR 368
Du Plessis v Road Accident Fund 2004 1 SA 359 (SCA)
Du Toit v Minister of Welfare and Population Development 2003 2 SA 198 (CC) Faulkner v Keffalinos [1970] 45 ALJR 80 (HC)
Glass v Santam Insurance Ltd 1992 1 SA 901 (W)
Goodburn v Thomas Cotton Ltd [1968] 1 QB 845 (CA)
Herman v Johnston [1972] WAR 121
Hewitt v Tonkin [2003] WADC 203 par [21] (unreported, 29 September 2003) Hollebone v Greenwood (1968) 71 SR (NSW) 424 (CA)
Hulley v Cox 1923 AD 234
J and another v Director General, Department of Home Affairs 2003 5 BCLR 463 (CC)
Jones v Schiffmann [1971] 124 CLR 303 (HC)
Kennedy v Port Elizabeth Harbour Board (1886) 5 EDC 311
Knight v Anderson (1997) 17 WAR 85
Kuhlewein v Fowke [2000] QSC 404 (unreported, 10 November 2000)
Lamb v Brandt [1984] 56 BCLR 74 (CA)
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Mahoney v Dewinter (unreported, Supreme Court of Queensland, Court of Appeal, 15 March 1993)
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McIntosh v Williams [1979] 2 NSWLR 543 (SC)
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Munarin v Peri-Urban Areas Health Board 1965 1 SA 545 (W)
Nochomowitz v Santam Insurance Co Ltd 1972 1 SA 718 (T) Ongevallekommissaris v Santam Bpk 1999 1 SA 251 (SCA)
Parity Insurance Co Ltd v Van den Bergh 1966 4 SA 463 (A)
Paterson v South African Railways and Harbours 1931 CPD 289
Peri-Urban Areas Health Board v Munarin 1965 3 SA 367 (A)
Public Trustee v Paniens [1971] 1 SASR 297 (SC)
Roberts v London Assurance Co Ltd (3) 1948 2 SA 841 (W) Robinson v Volks [2004] 2 All SA 61 (C) Rodda v Boontjie Pty Ltd (unreported, Supreme Court of Queensland, 27 May 1993) Santam Bpk v Henery 1999 3 SA 421 (A) Santam Insurance Co Ltd v Fourie 1997 1 SA 611 (A) Satchwell v President of the Republic of South Africa 2002 6 SA 1 (CC) Shield Insurance Co Ltd v Booysen 1979 3 SA 953 (A) Smart v SAR&H 1928 NPD 361 Snyders v Groenewald 1966 3 SA 785 (C) Trimmel v Williams 1952 3 SA 786 (C) Waring & Gillow Ltd v Sherborne 1904 TS 340 Willis v The Commonwealth (1946) 73 CLR 105 Zimnat Insurance Co Ltd v Chawanda 1991 2 SA 825 (ZS) Register of legislation Acts Amendment (Equality of Status) Act 2003 (Western Australia) Black Laws Amendment Act 76 of 1963 Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 (Australian Capital Territory) Civil Liability Act 1936 (Southern Australia) Civil Unions Act 17 of 2006 Compensation (Fatal Injuries) Act 1974 (Northern Territories) Compensation to Relatives Act 1897 (New South Wales) Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996 Discrimination Law Amendment Act 2002 (Queensland) Fatal Accidents Act 1934 (Tasmania) Fatal Accidents Act 1950 (Western Australia)
Fatal Accidents Act 1976 (England) Law Reform (Gender, Sexuality and De facto Relationships Act 2003 (Northern Territory) Property (Relationships) Legislation Amendment Act 1999 (New South Wales) Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998 Relationships (Consequential Amendments) Act 2003 (Tasmania) Supreme Court Act 1995 (Queensland) Wrongs (Dependants) Act 1982 (Victoria) Wrongs Act 1958 (Victoria)
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