Dilemma of Muslim women regarding divorce in South Africa
On a daily basis people enquire about the dissolution of Islamic marriages, in terms of South African law In South Africa. There exist no legal grounds for obtaining a divorce in a South African court, for persons married in terms of the Islamic law only. The reason for this is due to the fact that Muslim marriages are currently not recognised as valid marriages in terms of South African law. The courts have stated that the non-recognition of Islamic marriages is based on the fact that such marriages are potentially polygamous.
In South Africa, marriages may be dissolved by the death of one of the spouses or by divorce. In terms of the Divorce Act, a decree of divorce will be granted by a court of law.
Islam grants the husband the right of divorce and also grants the wife the right to request and apply to dissolve the marriage through what is known as Khula, the woman also has the right to a delegated divorce. If the husband dissolves the marriage by divorcing his wife, he cannot retrieve any of the gifts he has given her. Islam further makes provision for the "reasonable maintenance" of divorced women.
The non-recognition of Islamic marriages has the effect that a person married in terms of Shari'ah only, has no right to approach a court of law for a decree of divorce and, unless a husband divorces his wife in terms of the Shari'ah, the wife is trapped in a marriage, even if the marriage has broken down irretrievably. Thus a custom in South Africa has developed, whereby Muslim husbands refuse to divorce their wives in terms of Islamic law, so as to punish the wife. The wife in turn cannot make use of the South African
judiciary to obtain a divorce, because of the non-recognition of her marriage. This is a burden, which is in direct conflict with Islamic law.
In 2000 a Bill was drafted by the South African Law Commission. This act will recognise Islamic family law within a constitutional framework. This article deals with the dilemma that a Muslim woman is faced with in South Africa with regards to divorce.
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Doi Shari'ah
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Hahlo HR The South African Law of Husband and Wife (Juta Cape Town 1963)
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Holy Qur'an
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SALC Islamic Marriages and Related Matters
South African Law Reform Commission Project 59 Discussion Paper 101 on Islamic Marriages and Related Matters (Pretoria 2001)
SALC Report on Islamic Marriages and Related Matters
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Register of Cases
Amod v Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund (Commission for Gender Equality Intervening) 1994 2 SA 1319 (A)
Ismail v Ismail 1983 1 SA 1006 (W)
Juleiga Daniels v Robin Grieve Campbell NO (unrep CPD case no 1646/01 of 24 June 2003)
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Register of Legislation
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996
Divorce Act 70 of 1979
Divorce Amendment Act 95 of 1996
Intestate Succession Act 81 of 1987
Maintenance of Surviving Spouse Act 27 of 1990 Prevention of Family Violence Act 116 of 1998
Register of Internet resources
Alinaam http://www.alinaam.org.za/misc/mpl-const.htm 19 May
Alinaam [Found on Internet] http://www.alinaam.org.za/misc/mpl-const.htm [Date of use 19 May 2003]
Islamic Society http://www.unn.ac.uk/societies/islamic/about /women/judochri.htm 19 May
Islamic Society [Found on Internet] http://www.unn.ac.uk/societies/islamic/about /women/judochri.htm [Date of use 19 May 2003]
SALC Islamic Marriages and Related Matters (Issue Paper 15) http://www.law.wits.ac.za/salc/issue/ip15.pdf 1 Nov
South African Law Reform Commission Islamic Marriages and Related Matters
(Issue paper 15: Project 59 May 2000) [Found on Internet]
http://www.law.wits.ac.za/salc/issue/ip15.pdf [Date of use 1 Nov 2004]
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