Ontwikkeling van die gemenereg in die lig van artikel 39(2) en 173 van die Grondwet
Die onderwerp van hierdie voordrag is wydlopend en voortydig. Toe Professor Wigmore in 1914 met 'n vergelykbare onderwerp genader is, het hy wyslik die aanbod van die hand gewys:[1]
The law is so obviously in a seething change that one might as well expect to analyze a chemical reaction while the test tube is over the flame.
Oor deliktereg (law of torts) het hy bygevoeg:
The old-time doctrines of liability are changing so fast that it is difficult to keep up with them . . . certainly many existing books may be sold for old paper.
'n Mens kan met reg vra of die ius connubiorum van Brouwer en die Law of Husband and Wifevan Professor Hahlo nie nou "Seksuele Verhoudingsreg" geword het nie. Is onregmatigheid en skuld vereistes vir deliktuele aanspreeklikheid of hang dit maar daarvan af of die verweerder die staat is of versekering dra? Leer u nog steeds u studente dat 'n kontrak 'n tweesydige verbintenis is? Dit is mos 'n losse driesydige verhouding waartoe die regter 'n party is? Leer u hulle steeds dat dit op wilsooreenstemming gebaseer is in plaas van willekeur? Die verkorte LLB kan dan nog meer verkort word

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Bork RH The Tempting of America: The political seduction of the law (Free Press New York 1990)
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Hahlo HR en Kahn E The South African Legal System and Its Background (Juta Kaapstad 1968)
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Haynie Judging Black and White
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Huber Liability: The legal revolution and its consequences
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Holmes Common Law
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Martino Trademark dilution
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SALR Application of the Bill of Rights
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Snyman Strafreg
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Register van wetgewing
Algemene Regswysigingswet 76 van 1963
Constitution Act 1982 (Kanada)
Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika 1996
Register van hofsake
Afrox Healthcare Bpk v Strydom 2002 (6) SA 21 (HHA)
Amod (born Peer) and another v Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund [1999] 4 All SA 421 (A)
Amod (born Peer) and another v Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund 1998 (4) SA 753 (KH)
Blaauwberg Meat Wholesalers v Anglo Dutch Meats (Exports) 2004 (3) SA 130 (HHA)
Bock v Duburoro Investments (Pty) Ltd 2004 (2) SA 242 (HHA)
Brisley v Drotsky 2002 (4) SA 1 (HHA)
Carmichele v Minister of Safety and Security 2001 (4) SA 938 (KH)
Carmichele v Minister of Safety and Security 2001 (1) SA 489 (HHA)
Dagenais v Canadian Broadcasting Corp 25 CRR 2d 27 (SCC)
Du Plessis v De Klerk 1996 (3) SA 850 (KH)
Ex parte Minister of Safety and Security: In re S v Walters 2002 (4) SA 613 (KH)
Geldenhuys v Minister of Safety and Security [2002] 3 All SA 82 (K)
Heyns v Venter 2004 (3) SA 200 (T)
Ismail v Ismail 1983 (1) SA 1006 (A)
Janse van Rensburg v Grieve Trust 2000 (1) SA 315 (K)
Jayija v MEC for Welfare 2004 (2) SA 611 (HHA)
Jayija v MEC for Welfare [2003] 2 All SA 223 (HHA)
Juglal NO v Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd [2004] 2 All SA 268 (HHA)
Juglal NO v Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd 2004 (5) SA 258 (HHA)
Khumalo v Holomisa 2002 (5) SA 401 (KH)
Merck en Co Inc v Generics (UK) Ltd [2003] EWHC 2842 (Pat)
Miliangos v George Frank (Textiles) Ltd 1976 AC 443 (HL)
Minister of Safety and Security v Carmichele 2004 (3) SA 304 (HHA)
Minister van Justisie v Ewels 1975 (3) SA 590 (A)
National Media Ltd v Bogoshi 1998 (4) SA 1196 (HHA)
Pakendorf v De Flamingh 1982 (3) SA 146 (A)
Pearl Assurance Co Ltd v Union Government 1934 AD 560
Price Waterhouse Coopers Inc v National Potato Co-op Ltd [2004] 3 All SA 20 (HHA)
Phoebus Apollo Aviation CC v Minister of Safety and Security 2003 (2) SA 34 (KH)
Robinson v Volkes NO 2004 2 All SA 61 (C)
Ryland v Edros 1997 (2) SA 690 (C)
S v M 2004 (3) SA 680 (O)
S v Safatsa 1988 (1) SA 868 (A)
S v Thebus 2003 (6) SA 505 (KH)
SA Forestry Co Ltd v York Timbers Ltd (HHA-uitspraak 9 Sep 2004)
SA Sentrale Ko-op v Shifren 1964 (4) SA 760 (A)
SAUK v O'Malley 1977 (3) SA 394 (A)
Soobramoney v Minister of Health KZN 1998 (1) SA 765 (KH)
Stott v Johannesburg Country Club and Another 2003 (4) SA 559 (T)
Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Trust en Assuransie Maatskappy Bpk v Fondo 1960 (2) SA 467 (A)
Villiers NO v BOE Bank Ltd [2004] 2 All SA 457
Villiers NO v BOE Bank Ltd 2004 (3) SA 1 (HHA)
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