Die aard van wetgewende diskresies by die Suid-Afrikaanse uitvoerende gesag
This article focuses on the nature of legislative discretions in the hands of the executive authority of the state.
Relevant concepts are analysed, followed by an exposition of the position regarding delegation of legislative authority to the executive under the previous constitutional dispensation when the country had a sovereign Parliament. This is followed by a discussion of the legal position in Germany, which shows similarities to the situation in South Africa. It appears that differences in approach to the problem exist worldwide, but one similarity is to be found in all, namely that a complete parliamentary abdication of legislative authority is always disallowed. What follows from this is that South African law seems to follow the German example regarding the delegation of legislative powers. It seems that the South African Constitutional Court considers the delegation of essential legislative authority as undesirable. Limits have to be placed on the extent of Parliament's competencies pertaining to legislative delegation. Furthermore the manner and form requirements in the Constitution must be met when legislation is adopted. This however does not occur in all instances of legislative delegation to the executive authority. When legislative delegation takes place, it is consistently done by granting the executive the authority to adopt subordinate legislation, which in any event has the same legal effect as legislation of Parliament itself.
Next the Transitional Constitution of 1993 is considered against the background of relevant case law. It appears that the legal position was not changed by the promulgation of the ("final") Constitution of 1996. Empowering legislation that delegates any legislative authority must lay down guidelines providing direction regarding the exercise of the delegated authority. Delegated legislation may of course not contain substantive norms.
Like the German Bundesverfassungsgericht, the South African Constitutional Court seems to require empowering legislation to lay down the content, extent and purpose of the empowering provisions before it will enjoy legal effect. This content, extent and purpose will not primarily be evident from the delegated legislation, but must be contained in the empowering legislation itself. If this is not the case, the delegation of authority will have exceeded constitutional limits. Therefore, a wide delegation of legislative authority without limitations regarding its exercise, at least as far as content, extent and purpose are concerned, will without doubt be unconstitutional.
Baxter Administrative Law Baxter L Administrative Law (Juta Kaapstad 1984)
Chaskalson Constitutional Law Chaskalson M ea (reds) Constitutional Law of South Africa (Kenwyn 1996)
Crowther en Hornby Current English Crowther J en Hornby AS (reds) Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English 5e uitg (Claredon Press Oxford 1995)
Davis Chaskalson en De Waal Democracy and Constitutionalism 95 Davis D Chaskalson M en De Waal J "Democracy and Constitutionalism: The Role of Constitutional Interpretation" in Van Wyk D (red) Rights and Constitutionalism: The New South African Legal Order (Juta Kenwyn 1994) 95
De Ville 1993 SAPR De Ville J "Die Legaliteitsbeginsel in die Staats-en Administratiefreg onder 'n Nuwe Grondwetlike Bedeling – 'n Vergelykende Toekomsperspektief" 1993 SAPR 68-85
Devenish Commentary Devenish GE A Commentary on the South African Constitution (Butterworth Durban 1998)
Henning Diskresie in Administratiefreg Henning PJ van R Oor die Begrip Diskresie in die Suid-Afrikaanse Administratiefreg (LLD-Proefskrif PU vir CHO 1967)
Hewitt Delegated Legislation
Hewitt DJ The control of delegated legislation, being a study of the doctrine of ultra vires in relation to the legislative powers of the executive government, with special reference to Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada (Butterworth Sydney 1953)
Hiemstra en Gonin Regswoordeboek Hiemstra VG en Gonin HL Drietalige Regswoordeboek Engels-Afrikaans, Latyn¬Afrikaans-Engels, Afrikaans-Engels 3e uitg (Juta Kaapstad 1992)
Keir en Lawson Constitutional Law Keir DL en Lawson FH Cases on Constitutional Law (Claredon Press Oxford 1954)
Makins English Dictionary Makins M ea (red) Collins English Dictionary 3e uitg (Longman Glasgow 1991)
Malherbe 1996 TSAR Malherbe EFJ "Grondwetlike Oppergesag in Werking Executive Council, Western Cape Legislature v President of RSA 1995 10 BCLR 1289 (KH)" 1996 TSAR 175¬182
Odendal ea Handwoordeboek Odendal FF ea (reds) HAT: Verklarende Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal 3e hers uitg (Perskor Midrand 1994)
Rabie en Erasmus 1989 SALJ Rabie A en Erasmus G "When Delegated Powers Become Plenary Powers" 1989 SALJ 440-449
Rautenbach en Malherbe Staatsreg Rautenbach IM en Malherbe EFJ Staatsreg 2e uitg (Butterworth Durban 1996)
Singh German Administrative Law
Singh MP German Administrative Law in Common Law Perspective (Springer Berlyn 1985)
Swart 1996 SAPR Swart GJ "Constitutional Limitations on the Delegation of Powers of Taxation" 1996 SAPR 446-471
Tribe American Law Tribe LH American Constitutional Law 2e uitg (NY Foundation Press Mineola 1988)
Wiechers Administratiefreg Wiechers M Administratiefreg 2e uitg (Butterworth Durban 1984)
Woolman 1996 SAJHR Woolman S "Coetzee: The limitations of Justice Sachs's concurrence" 1996 SAJHR 99
Yardley British Law Yardley DCM Introduction to British Constitutional Law 6e uitg (Butterworth Londen 1984)
Register van Regspraak
Executive Council, Western Cape Legislature v President of the Repucblic of South Africa and others 1995 4 SA 877 (KH) In re: Certification of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996 1996 10
BCLR 1253 (KH) Kendall v United States ex rel. Stokes 37 US (12 Pet) 524 (1838) Kilbourn v Thompson 103 US 168 191 (1881)
Roman v Williams NO 1998 1 SA 270 (K)
S v Coetzee 70/92 ['n Ongerapporteerde beslissing in die Witwatersrandse plaaslike afdeling op 28 September 1995]
S v Makwanyane 1995 6 BCLR 665 (KH)
Shidiack v Union Government (Minister of the Interior) 1912 AD 642
Ynuico Ltd v Minister of Trade and Industry 1996 (6) BCLR 798 (KH)
Ynuico Ltd v Minister of Trade and Industry and Others 1995 (11) BCLR 1453 (T)
BVerfGE 14
BVerfGE 71
BVerfGE 282
BVerfGE 71
BVerfGE 137
BVerfGE 174
BVerfGE 245
BVerfGE 57
BVerfGE 150
BVerfGE 1
BVerfGE 165
BVerfGE 52
BVerfGE 237
BVerfGE 89
BVerfGE 143
BVerfGE 207
BVerfGE 257
Register van Wetgewing
Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika 108 van 1996 Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika 200 van 1993 Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland Inkomstebelastingwet 58 van 1962
Interpretasiewet 33 van 1957 Oorgangswet op Plaaslike Regering 209 van 1993 Prokl R58 Staatskoerant 16469 7 Junie 1995 Prokl R59 Staatskoerant 16478 8 Junie 1995 Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge 66 van 1995 Wet op die beheer van In- en Uitvoere 45 van 1963 GK R2582 Staatskoerant 11630 23 Desember 1988
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