Deterministic Application of Process-centric Law to the System-centric Requirements of Procurement Procedures


  • David John Wickens Independent Technology Procurement Consultant South Africa



Public procurement regulation, disqualification, tenders, auction, procurement system, constitutional procurement, exclusion, decision theory


South Africa's public procurement system is accorded constitutional status, establishing fundamental requirements for the operation of the system. The application of these constitutional system requirements and their interpretation in the judicial adjudication of procurement cases have highlighted the tension between the administrative, or process-centric, legal requirements and the system-centric nature of procurement procedures. The importance of a deterministic approach for procurement decision-making can be considered from two angles – the certainty of the procurer in the conformity of its own conduct and external certainty to diminish the risk of unnecessary challenge.

This article revisits the foundational rationale for system-based procurement procedures and associated decision-making for its potential for finding a deterministic approach to balancing the legal requirements, both system- and process-based. These principles are tested against a selection of adjudicated outcomes to formulate practical recommendations for practitioners aimed at deterministic decision-making in the procurement process.



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List of Abbreviations

All SA All South Africa Law Reports

BCLR Butterworths Constitutional Law Reports

GG Government Gazette

GN Government Notice

JOL Judgements Online

PAJA Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000

PELJ Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal

PFMA Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999

PFMAR GN R225 in GG 27388 of 15 March 2005

PPPFA Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000

PPPFAR 2011 GN R502 in GG 34350 of 8 July 2011

PPPFAR 2001 GN R725 in GG 22549 of 10 August 2001

PPPFAR 2017 GN R32 in GG 40553 of 20 January 2017

SA South African Law Reports






How to Cite

Wickens, D. J. (2021). Deterministic Application of Process-centric Law to the System-centric Requirements of Procurement Procedures. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 24, 1-33.

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