Judicial Mandate in Safeguarding Environmental Rights from the Adverse Effects of Mining Activities in Zambia





Environmental rights, mining, James Nyasulu, Martha Muzithe Kangwa, Zambia


The protection of the environment from the effects of mining activities, though cardinal, has been a daunting task in Zambia. A polluted environment affects the rights of those who depend on a clean one for their survival. In remedying the pollution caused by mining activities, numerous legislative and policy frameworks have been put in place and institutions responsible for ensuring compliance operationalised. Notwithstanding such interventions, the problem of pollution emanating from mining activities has persisted. This has led individuals and spirited non-governmental organisations to bring legal actions firstly against erring mining companies for their failure to comply with environmental regulations, and secondly against the government for its failure to ensure compliance by the mining companies. The courts before whom such matters have been brought have seemingly prioritised the supposed development brought by investment in the mining sector over the environmental rights of those whose livelihood is anchored in a clean environment. The article underscores the mandate of the courts in safeguarding the environmental rights of persons whose survival is dependent on a clean environment. In doing so the article critically examines the cases which have come before the courts and how these cases have been dealt with in relation to the protection of the environment and ultimately an individual's environmental rights.


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Author Biography

  • Chipasha Mulenga, University of Law

    Executive Dean, School of Law




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How to Cite

Mulenga, C. (2019). Judicial Mandate in Safeguarding Environmental Rights from the Adverse Effects of Mining Activities in Zambia. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 22, 1-33. https://doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2019/v22i0a5414

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