The Marketing of Consumer and Mortgage Credit as a Responsible Lending Tool: A Comparison of South African, European and Belgian Law: Part 1




Marketing, consumer credit, compulsory information, prohibited advertising, civil remedies, administrative sanctions, prohibited marketing techniques


The vulnerability of prospective credit consumers to over-committing their resources and the inherent dangers posed by credit advertising in particular necessitate the proper regulation of credit marketing. It is therefore not unsurprising that responsible marketing forms part of the responsible lending (and borrowing) measures of various jurisdictions – including South Africa and the Member States of the European Union – with the aim of preventing the extension of credit to consumers who cannot afford it. In this article the credit marketing laws that the South African, European (mainly in the Consumer Credit and Mortgage Credit Directives) and Belgian legislators have enacted are considered and compared, with a focus on the information to be included in advertising, prohibited advertising and prohibited marketing techniques. The ultimate aim is to determine whether South African law contains sufficient guarantees to protect consumers with respect to credit marketing and its consequences.




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Author Biography

  • Reinhard Steennot, Ghent University
    LLM (Ghent) LLD (Ghent)


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How to Cite

Renke, S., & Steennot, R. (2020). The Marketing of Consumer and Mortgage Credit as a Responsible Lending Tool: A Comparison of South African, European and Belgian Law: Part 1. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 23, 1-26.

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