A Comparative Analysis of the Application of the 1951 Refugee Convention to Victims of Sexual Violence in South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda
Access to courts, refugees, sexual violenceAbstract
This article seeks to ascertain whether refugees who are victims of sexual violence in contracting states enjoy access to courts per Article 16 of the United Nations (UN) Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (1951 Refugee Convention). It does so by comparing the situation of urban refugees in South Africa with that of refugees in camps in Tanzania and settlements in Uganda, beginning with a description of what "accessing courts" entails in the respective domestic criminal justice systems and of what mechanisms are in place for addressing sexual offences. It further uses the qualitative analysis of documented prosecuted cases of sexual violence in South African, Tanzanian and Ugandan courts between 2013-2017, 2009-2016 and 2013-2017 respectively to establish if these countries prosecute cases of sexual violence suffered by their citizens and whether claims of such violations affecting refugees also enjoy the same treatment. The enquiry found that of 328 documented prosecuted cases of sexual offences in South Africa, victims who were citizens were a majority in number. In Tanzania there appeared to be few prosecuted cases of sexual violence against refugees, but given that limited documentation is available, it is difficult to assess the actual figures. In Uganda the 187 recorded prosecuted cases of sexual offences in the years of investigation all related to citizens, despite the introduction of a mobile court to refugee settlements. Overall, this paper recommends that the countries under review adopt measures to ensure the prompt prosecution of cases of sexual violence against refugees and thereby enable them to access courts and testify against their assailants.
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List of Abbreviations
AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency Syndrome
AJPS American Journal of Political Science
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
IFLA The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
NG0 Non-governmental Organisations
PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder
STD Sexually transmitted disease
STI Sexually transmitted infections
UN United Nations
UNCHR United Nations High Commossioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations International Chilren’s Emergency Funds
Copyright (c) 2020 DR Oghenerioborue Esther Eberechi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.