A Note on Sentencing Practices for the Offence of the Unlawful Possession of Semi-Automatic Firearms





Minimum sentencing, semi-automatic firearm, substantial, compelling circumstances


Violent crimes in South Africa are often accompanied by the possession or use of semi-automatic firearms. The Criminal Law Amendment Act 105 of 1997 (the CLA) provides for the imposition of minimum sentences for certain firearms-related offences. The question whether the minimum sentencing regime actually applies to the offence of the unlawful possession of a semi-automatic firearm has led to a number of conflicting judicial decisions by different High Courts. This note discusses the statutory interpretation challenges the courts had to grapple with regarding the interplay between the CLA and South Africa's successive pieces of firearms legislation. The Supreme Court of Appeal ultimately found that the offence of the unlawful possession of a semi-automatic firearm must indeed be met with the prescribed minimum sentence. The recent sentencing practices of South African courts in respect of the unlawful possession of semi-automatic firearms within the framework of the CLA are analysed. From the investigation it is evident that courts are more likely to impose the minimum sentence in cases where the accused is also convicted of other serious offences such as murder and robbery. In such cases little attention is given to the firearm-related offences as the courts are more concerned with the cumulative effect of the sentences imposed on different counts. In cases where the accused is convicted of the stand-alone offence of the unlawful possession of a semi-automatic firearm, the courts are nevertheless taking an increasingly unsympathetic stance towards offenders, and terms of imprisonment in the range of 7 to 10 years are commonly imposed. In addition to the accused's personal circumstances, one of the most important factors in deciding on an appropriate sentence is the explanation of how the unlawful possession came about. It seems that the judicial sentiment increasingly does not support the view that the possession of an unlicensed firearm should be treated as serious only if the weapon has been used for the commission of a serious crime.




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Sloth-Nielsen J and Ehlers L "Assessing the Impact: Mandatory and Minimum Sentences in South Africa" 2005 SA Crime Quarterly 15-21

Terblanche S A Guide to Sentencing in South Africa 3rd ed (LexisNexis Durban 2016)

Terblanche S and Mackenzie G "Mandatory Sentences in South Africa: Lessons for Australia?" 2008 Aust NZ J Criminol 402-420

Case law

Baartman v S 2011 2 SACR 79 (WCC)

Calvin v The State 2014 ZASCA 145 (26 September 2014)

Dladla v S 2016 ZAKZPHC 74 (25 August 2016)

Dlodlo v S 2016 ZAFSHC 18 (18 February 2016)

Luvuno v S 2018 ZAGPJHC 591 (2 November 2018)

Mchunu v S 2017 ZAGPJHC 252 (12 September 2017)

Mokhobo v S 2017 ZAFSHC 104 (15 June 2017)

Motaung v S 2005 ZAFSHC 130 (18 August 2005)

Nieuwenhuizen v S 2015 ZASCA 90 (29 May 2015)

Radebe v S 2017 ZAGPPHC 233 (11 May 2017)

Rontlai v S 2018 1 SACR 1 (SCA)

S v Asmal 2015 ZASCA 122 (17 September 2015)

S v Bhadu 2011 1 SA 487 (ECG)

S v Delport 2016 2 SACR 281 (WCC)

S v Dodo 2001 3 SA 382 (CC)

S v Dube 2012 2 SACR 579 (ECG)

S v Khonye 2002 2 SACR 621 (T)

S v Legoa 2003 1 SACR 13 (SCA)

S v Madikane 2011 2 SACR 11 (ECG)

S v Malgas 2001 1 SACR 469 (SCA)

S v Matyityi 2011 1 SACR 40 (SCA)

S v Molahi 2016 ZAGPJHC 74 (21 April 2016)

S v Mokomela (TPD) (unreported) case number A751/2002 of 17 February 2003

S v Mooleele 2003 2 SACR 255 (T)

S v Motloung 2015 1 SACR 310 (GJ)

S v Motloung 2016 2 SACR 243 (SCA)

S v Mukwevho 2010 1 SACR 349 (GSJ)

S v Radebe 2006 2 SACR 604 (O)

S v Rossouw 2014 1 SACR 390 (WCC)

S v Sukwazi 2002 1 SACR 619 (N)

S v Swartz 2016 2 SACR 268 (WCC)

S v Thembalethu 2008 3 All SA 417 (SCA)

Sibande v S 2017 ZAGPPHC 754 (10 November 2017)

Sukazi v S 2014 ZAGPPHC 728 (16 September 2014)

Tau v S 2017 ZAFSHC 42 (23 March 2017)

Witbooi v S 2015 ZAWCHC 185 (8 December 2015)


Arms and Ammunition Act 75 of 1969

Criminal Law Amendment Act 105 of 1997

Firearms Control Act 60 of 2000

Magistrates' Court Act 32 of 1944

Internet source

Cameron E 2017 Imprisoning the Nation: Minimum Sentences in South Africa - University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Law: Dean's Distinguished Lecture https://www.concourt.org.za/images/phoca

download/justice_cameron/UWC-Deans-distinguished-lecture-19-October-2017--Minimum-Sentences.pdf accessed 4 April 2019






How to Cite

Du Toit, P. G. (2020). A Note on Sentencing Practices for the Offence of the Unlawful Possession of Semi-Automatic Firearms. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 23, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2020/v23i0a6237

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