Legal Implications relating to being "Entitled to Serve" as a Director: A South African–Australian Perspective




De facto director, De jure director, director liability, board of directors, decisions of the board of directors, contractual condition, entitled to serve, written authority, estoppel


This article focusses on an Australian piece of legislation and interesting case law, as well as on how the Federal Court of Australia has applied Australia's Corporations Act, 2001 to characterise a person as a de facto director – that is, as a professed director whose appointment as such was defective. In this regard, the decisions of that Court will, as envisaged in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 constitute persuasive authority. The Australian decision to be discussed in this article is significant in that the South African Companies Act 71 of 2008 does not contain substantively similar provisions to those of Australia's Corporations Act 2001. For example, section 66(7) of South Africa's Companies Act, 2008 contains the phrase "entitled to serve" as a director. This article explains the legal implications relevant to that expression, including whether it imposes a statutory condition precedent. This article also considers the validity of decisions taken by a person who is not "entitled to serve" as a director.



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Case law

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Browne v La Trinidad (1887) 37 Ch D 1

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Alienation of Land Act 68 of 1981

Corporations Act, 2001 (Australia)

Companies Act 31 of 1909

Companies Act 46 of 1926

Companies Act 61 of 1973

Companies Act 71 of 2008

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Companies Consolidation Act, 1908 (Ireland)

Real Estate Property Act 25 of 1900 (New South Wales)

Private Security Industry Regulation Act 56 of 2001

Companies Act, 1948 (United Kingdom)

Internet sources

Department of Trade and Industry 2007 Companies Bill 2007 accessed 2 April 2019

Lash M 2018 What is a De Facto Director and what are the Risks? accessed 5 September 2019






How to Cite

Kilian, N. (2020). Legal Implications relating to being "Entitled to Serve" as a Director: A South African–Australian Perspective. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 23, 1-27.

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