A Note on the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution of Lesotho
Constitution of Lesotho, Ninth Amendment to the Constitution, vote of no confidence, dissolution of parliament, prorogation of parliament, caretaker governmentAbstract
The Constitution of Lesotho has been amended nine times since its adoption in 1993. The latest amendment, styled the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution, was assented into law in May 2020 amidst great controversy. The Amendment makes fundamental changes to the Constitution. Its main thrust is to cushion parliament from early dissolutions necessitated by a motion of no confidence against the government. The Amendment has also introduced other significant changes to the Constitution. Those other changes are on the prorogation of parliament, the Prime Minister's resignation for personal reasons and the caretaker government. All these changes have been inspired by the country's constitutional problems since the advent of coalition politics in 2012. The purpose of this commentary is to critique these changes. The paper contends that the changes brought about by the Ninth Amendment can at best be regarded as interim rather than permanent measures, while the long-lasting constitutional reforms are being prepared for the country.
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