Key Considerations for Traditional Residential Universities Intending to Offer Bachelor of Laws (LLB) through the Distance Mode of Tuition: A Case Study




Distance learning, distance tuition, higher education, LLB, quality, Teaching and learning


This case study aims to provide key considerations that traditional residential universities should consider when deciding to offer a distance tuition programme alongside an existing contact tuition programme. The University of the Free State is the only residential university to offer the Bachelor of Laws through both contact and distance modes of tuition. Therefore, an evaluation of this programme serves as an ideal case study to extract specific and essential considerations that other institutions, faculties or departments may use when deciding to offer a distance tuition programme in addition to its contact programme.

The case study suggests that it is not feasible to merely duplicate an existing contact tuition programme and present it as a distance programme. A distinct pedagogical approach must be followed. It entails training, redesign of material, and rethinking assessment policies.

Faculties should weigh the potential benefits of presenting a distance LLB against the labour-intensive nature of distance tuition and its probable limited success in realising broader access and student success. The funding model for distance tuition remains problematic and is financially unfeasible and unsustainable for many higher education institutions. Rethinking the funding model will be one step closer to achieving the objectives set out in the distance tuition policy framework.


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Author Biography

  • Manie Moolman, University of the Free State

    Senior lecturer in the Department Mercantile Law, University of the Free State, South Africa




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How to Cite

Moolman, H., & Du Plessis, A. (2021). Key Considerations for Traditional Residential Universities Intending to Offer Bachelor of Laws (LLB) through the Distance Mode of Tuition: A Case Study. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 24, 1-36.

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