Thinking-of-the-Animal-Other with Emmanuel Levinas




Emmanuel Levinas, animal ethics, animal rights theory


This article situates the texts in which Emmanuel Levinas directly addresses questions of animality against the backdrop of his larger oeuvre and argues that, despite an explicit attempt to arrange a privileged ethical (dis)position for humans, Levinas' ethical logic opens onto a deeper conception of ethics without boundaries or a priori content. Juxtaposing Levinas' ethical subjectivity with the relational structure underlying the prominent models of animal rights, it proceeds to examine the implications of Levinas' ethics for a theory of animal rights. The article concludes that Levinas' theory is not logically consistent with a thematisation of the ethical claims of animals in the language of rights and that it is best utilised as a framework within which to deconstruct the inherent anthropocentric character of current models of animal rights.



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How to Cite

De Villiers, J.-H. (2020). Thinking-of-the-Animal-Other with Emmanuel Levinas. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 23, 1-18.

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