Planning and Arun's (not so Straight and Narrow) Roads


  • Jeannie Van Wyk UNISA



Subdivision of land, public roads, deprivation, expropriation.


Arun Property Development (Pty) Ltd wished to subdivide portions of the farm Langeberg 311, Durbanville. The 1988 structure plan for the area had indicated that certain roads would traverse the property. These and other roads all formed part of a new subdivision known as Sonstraal Heights. As is customary, the ownership of the roads in the subdivision vested in the municipality in terms of section 28 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance 15 of 1985 (C) (LUPO) on the date of approval of the subdivision. Central to this provision is that no compensation is payable to the developer if the provision of the public roads is based on the normal need therefor arising from the subdivision. Since the developer was of the opinion that the roads it had provided exceeded the normal need, the issue that had to be resolved was whether compensation must be paid for roads beyond what would normally be required for a subdivision. The main issue that the courts, from the Western Cape High Court to the Constitutional Court in Arun Property Development (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town 2015 2 SA 584 (CC), had to deal with was whether the vesting of roads beyond the normal need therefor arising from the subdivision amounted to an expropriation of land for which compensation is payable in terms of section 25(2) of the Constitution. This case note looks at the different stages of the case, and in the process highlights the historical and legislative background and the subdivision process. It shows that the vesting of the ownership of roads in the municipality is similar to the payment of a development contribution, both of which can be categorised as deprivations of property in terms of the constitutional property clause. On 1 July 2015 LUPO was effectively superseded by the new Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 (SPLUMA) and the Western Cape Land Use Planning Act 3 of 2014 (LUPA). Since SPLUMA does not and LUPA does contain a reference to the "normal needs" provision, the implications of Arun for the new legislative dispensation are addressed.


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Badenhorst, Pienaar and Mostert Silberberg and Schoeman's Law of


Badenhorst PJ, Pienaar JM and Mostert H Silberberg and Schoeman's

The Law of Property 5th ed (Durban LexisNexis Butterworths 2006)

Pienaar 1992 Obiter

Pienaar JM "Die Regsaard van Dorpstigtingsvoorwaardes"1992 Obiter1-

Pienaar Land Reform

Pienaar JM Land Reform (Juta Cape Town 2015)

Underwood Statement

Underwood GC Statement by GC Underwood, Registered Professional

Planner in Connection with Arun Property Developments (Pty) Ltd

(supplied to the author)

Van der Walt Constitutional Property Law

Van der Walt AJ Constitutional Property Law 3rd ed (Juta Cape Town 2011

Van Wyk Planning Law

Van Wyk J Planning Law 2nd ed (Juta Cape Town 2012)

Case law

South Africa

Arun Property Development (Edms) Bpk v Stad Kaapstad 2005 ZAWCHC

(15 November 2005)

Arun Property Development (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town 2012 ZAWCHC

(31 October 2012)

Arun Property Development (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town 2015 2 SA 584


City of Cape Town v Arun Property Developments (Pty) Ltd2014 ZASCA

(16 April 2014)

City of Cape Town v Helderberg Park Development (Pty) Ltd 2008 6 SA


Club Mykonos Langebaan Ltd v Langebaan Country Estate Joint Venture

3 SA 546 (C)

Ehlers v MEC: Dept of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

1 All SA 576 (C)

Esterhuyse v Jan Jooste Family Trust 1998 4 SA 241 (C)

eThekwini Municipality v Brooks 2010 ZASCA 74 (27 May 2010)

Groenewald v Pieters 2009 ZAGPPHC 60 (15 May 2009)

Hayes v Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Western Cape

4 SA 598 (C)

Hayes v Minister of Housing, Planning and Administration, Western Cape

4 SA


Herbert Holbrow (Pty) Ltd v Cape Divisional Council 1988 1 SA 387 (C)

Huisman v Minister of Local Government, Housing and Works (House of

Assembly) 1996 1 SA 836 (A)

Lagoon Bay Lifestyle Estate (Pty) Ltd v The Minister of Local Government,

Environmental Affairs and Development Planning of the Western Cape

4 All SA 270 (WCC)

Municipality of Stellenbosch v Shelf-Line 104 (Pty) Ltd 2012 1 SA 599


Reflect-All 1025 CC v MEC for Public Transport, Roads and Works,

Gauteng Provincial Government 2009 6 SA 391 (CC)

South African National Roads Agency Ltd v Chief Registrar of Deeds 2009

ZAGPPHC 160 (31 March 2009)

South Peninsula Municipality v Malherbe 1999 2 SA 966 (C)

Waenhuiskrans Arniston Ratepayers Association v Verreweide

Eiendomsontwikkelings (Edms) Bpk 2011 3 SA 434 (WCC)

United States of America

Dolan v City of Tigard 512 US 374 (1994)

Nollan v California Coastal Commission 483 US 825 (1987)


Constitution of the Republic of South Africa , 1996

Expropriation Act 63 of 1975

KwaZulu-Natal Planning and Development Act 6 of 2008

Land Use Planning Ordinance 15 of 1985 (Cape)

Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000

Northern Cape Planning and Development Act 7 of 1998

Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000

South African National Road Agency and National Roads Act 7 of 1998

Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance 15 of 1986 (Transvaal)

Townships Ordinance 9 of 1969 (Orange Free State)

Western Cape Land Use Planning Act 3 of 2014

Government publications

GN R239 in GG 38594 of 23 March 2015 (Spatial Planning and Land Use

Management Act Regulations)

GN R1886 in GG 12688 of 3 August 1990 (Township Development

Regulations for Towns)

GN R1897 in GG 10431 of 12 September 1986 (Regulations for the

Administration and Control of Townships in Black Townships)

LAN 57 in PG 2517 of 8 June 2015 (Limpopo) (Thulamela Local

Municipality Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-laws)

LAN 79 in PG 2503 of 10 July 2015 (Mpumalanga) (Mbombela Local

Municipality By-law on Spatial Planning and Land Use Management)

PN 1047 in PG 4563 of 5 December 1988 (Cape) (LUPO Regulations)

Proc R293 of 1962 in GG 373 of 16 November 1962 (Regulations Relating

to Township Establishment and Land Use)

Internet sources

Anon 2015


Anon 2015 Vesting Transfers and Expropriations http://www.ghost accessed

August 2015

City of Cape Town 2013



City of Cape Town 2013 Development Charges Policy for Engineering

Services for the City of Cape Town


g_Serv_Oct_202013.pdf accessed 5 September 2015

City of Cape Town 2014


City of Cape Town 2014 Draft Municipal Planning By-law

al_planning_bylaw_draft_complete.pdf accessed 25 August 2015

City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality Develop




City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality 2015 Draft Land Use

Management By-law



ement%20By-Law%202015.pdf accessed 26 August 2015

Schwartz Date Unknown


Schwartz BK Date Unknown Development Agreements

lr/28_4/12_TXT.htm accessed 25 August 2015

Stellenbosch 2014


Stellenbosch 2014 Draft By-law on Municipal Land Use Planning

on-municipal-land-use-planning-june-2014/file accessed 20 August 2015

Umlazi Local Municipality 2015


Umlazi Local Municipality 2015 Spatial Planning and Land Use

Management By-law

draft_spluma_kzn_model.pdf accessed 13 March 2016

Umgungundlovu District Municipality 2015


Umgungundlovu District Model Spatial Planning and Land Use

Management By-laws

bylaws/2015/umdm-by-laws.pdf accessed 13 March 2016





Case Notes

How to Cite

Van Wyk, J. (2017). Planning and Arun’s (not so Straight and Narrow) Roads. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 19, 1-29.

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