Shareholder Loans: Fact or Fiction




private companies, Companies Act, creditors, shareholders, Insolvency Act, Shareholders loan accounts


Shareholder loans are often used as an alternative to traditional third-party loans or equity especially for private companies in various jurisdictions, including South Africa, to finance their business activities. These loans provide companies with greater flexibility to meet their financing needs, i.e., there is no need to seek external financing while offering shareholders a potentially profitable investment opportunity. However, the legal nature of shareholder loans could pose complex legal questions and this form of loans may not necessarily be as straightforward as it first appears. This article explores the legal framework and practical considerations surrounding shareholder loans in South Africa in small private companies, with a focus on developments in case law and their implications for companies and shareholders. Amongst other issues, the application of the principle of arbitrium boni viri to the interpretation and enforcement of these agreements will be discussed. The article aims to provide a critical analysis of the legal questions associated with shareholder loans in South Africa.


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Author Biographies

  • Richard Arno Stevens, Stellenbosch University

    BA LLB LLM LLD. Vice-dean, Learning and Teaching, Faculty of Law, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.

  • Liline Steyn, Geneva Graduate Institute

    BA LLB LLM. PhD Candidate in International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute, Switzerland. 




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Case law

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De Bruyn v Du Toit (1162/2015) [2015] ZAWCHC 20 (27 February 2015) DOI:

De Lange v ABSA Makelaars (Edms) Bpk 2010 3 All SA 403 (SCA)

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Erasmus v Senwes Ltd (31964/04) [2005] ZAGPHC 5 (1 January 2005)

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NBS Boland Bank Ltd v One Berg River Drive CC 1999 4 All SA 183 (A)

Praesidium Capital Management (Pty) Ltd v Kay-Davison (17332/2010) [2010] ZAWCHC 531 (8 November 2010)

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South Africa

Close Corporations Act 69 of 1984

Companies Act 61 of 1973

Companies Act 71 of 2008

Insolvency Act 24 of 1936

United Kingdom

Joint Stock Companies Act, 1856

Limited Liability Act, 1855






How to Cite

Stevens, R. A., & Steyn, L. (2024). Shareholder Loans: Fact or Fiction. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 27, (Published on 2 October 2024) pp 1-22.

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