Authority by Representation – A New Form of Authority?
law of agency, ostensible authority, estoppel, stare decisisAbstract
The majority decision in Makate v Vodacom (Pty) Ltd recognises a new form of actual authority – authority by representation. However the decision is based on a misinterpretation of English law and is inconsistent with an extensive body of South African case law and the view held by several South African text–book writers. It remains to be seen whether the decision will be regarded as binding authority. If the it is accepted as binding, the principle of agency by representation which it establishes will need to be clarified and developed in certain respects to ensure that it does not operate unfairly.
De Villiers and Macintosh Agency
De Villiers JE and Macintosh JC The Law of Agency in South Africa 3 ed (Juta Cape Town 1981)
De Wet and Van Wyk Kontraktereg
De Wet JC and Van Wyk AH Die Suid–Afrikaanse Kontraktereg en Handelsreg vol 1 4ed (Butterworths Durban 1978)
Du Bois Wille’s Principles
Du Bois F (ed) Wille’s Principles of South African Law 9 ed (Juta Cape Town 2007)
Hahlo and Kahn Union 30
Hahlo HR and Kahn E The Union of South Africa, The Development of its Laws and Constitution (Juta Cape Town 1960)
Joubert Verteenwoordigingsreg
Joubert DJ Die Suid–Afrikaanse Verteenwoordigingsreg (Juta Cape Town 1979)
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Sonnekus Estoppel
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Wille Mercantile Law
Wille G Wille and Millin’s Mercantile Law of South Africa 18 ed (Hortors Johannesburg 1984)
Case law
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Benjamin v Gurewitz 1973 1 SA 418 (A)
Broderick Motors Distributors (Pty) Ltd v Beyers 1968 2 SA 1 (O)
Cecil Nurse (Pty) Ltd v Nkola 2008 2 SA 441 (SCA)
Central South African Railways v James 1908 TS 221
Clifford Harris (Rhodesia) Ltd and Another v Todd NO 1955 3 SA 302 (SR)
Connocks (SA) Motors Co Ltd v Sentrale Westelike Ko-Operatiewe Maatskappy Bpk 1964 2 SA 47 (T)
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Covary v Registrar of Deeds and Others 1948 3 SA 183 (C)
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Glofinco v Absa Bank 2002 6 SA 470 (SCA)
Glofinco v ABSA Bank Ltd (t/a United Bank) and Others 2001 2 SA 1048 (W)
Heidrich v Henckert 1930 SWA 26
Hely–Hutchinson v Brayhead Ltd and Another [1968] 1 QB 549 (CA) 583
Hlobo v Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund 2001 2 SA 59 (SCA)
HNR Properties CC and Another v Standard Bank of SA Ltd 2004 4 SA 471 (SCA)
In Re Reynolds Vehicle and Harness Factory Limited (1906) 23 SC 703
Insurance Trust & Investments v Mudaliar 1943 NPD 45
Inter–Continental Finance and Leasing Corporation (Pty) Ltd v Stands 56 and 57 Industria Ltd and Another 1979 3 SA 740 (W)
Kergeulen Sealing and Whaling Co Ltd v Commissioner for Inland Revenue 1939 AD 487
Lucey & Co Ltd v Martial & Son 1931 NPD 47
Mahomed v Padayachey 1948 1 SA 772 (A)
Makambi v MEC for Education, Eastern Cape 2008 5 SA 449 (SCA)
Maytham v Logan 1917 SR 80
Mineworkers’ Union v Cooks 1959 1 SA 709 (W)
Monzali v Smith 1929 AD 382
Natal Bank Ltd v Parsons 1906 TH 102
National Board (Pretoria) (Pty) Ltd v Swanepoel 1975 1 SA 904 (W)
NBS Bank Ltd v Cape Produce Company Pty Ltd and Others 2002 1 SA 396 (SCA)
Nel v South African Railways and Harbours 1924 AD 30
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Peddie and Drummond v Heydorn 1913 OPD 102
Peri–Urban Areas Health Board v Breet NO 1958 3 SA 783 (T)
Phillips v Commissioner for Inland Revenue 1942 AD 35
Reed NO v Sager’s Motors (Pvt) Ltd 1970 1 SA 521 (RA)
Saambou–Nasionale Bouvereniging v Friedman 1979 3 SA 978 (A)
Sonap Petroleum (SA) (Pty) Ltd (formerly known as Sonarep (SA) (Pty) Ltd v Pappadogianis 1992 3 SA 234 (A) 241
Sealandair Shipping and Forwarding v Slash Clothing Co (Pty) Ltd 1987 2 SA 635 (W)
South African Broadcasting Corporation v Coop and Others 2006 2 SA 217 (SCA)
Southern Life Association Ltd v Beyleveld NO 1989 1 SA 496 (A)
Steyn v LSA Motors Ltd 1994 1 SA 49 (A) 61
Strachan v Blackbeard & Son 1910 AD 282
The Mine Workers’ Union v JJ Prinsloo; The Mine Workers’ Union v JP Prinsloo; The Mine Workers’ Union v Greyling 1948 3 SA 831 (A)
Trade Fairs and Promotions (Pty) Ltd v Thomson 1984 4 SA 177 (W)
Tuckers Land and Development Corporation (Pty) Ltd v Perpellief 1978 2 SA 11 (T)
Van Blommenstein v Holliday (1904) 21 SC 11
Van Ryn Wine and Spirit Co v Chandos Bar 1928 TPD 417
Welgedacht Exploration Co Ltd v Transvaal and Delegoa Bay Investment Co Ltd 1909 TH 90
West v De Villiers 1938 CPD 96 103
West v Pollak & Freemantle 1937 TPD 64
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