The Extension of "Safeguard Measures" in South Africa Within and Outside the Framework of the Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area
safeguard measures, AfCFTA Protocol om Trade in Goods, Customs and Excise Act, International Trade Administration Act, WTO Agreement on Safeguards, extension of safeguard measures, ITAC, Amended Safeguard RegulationsAbstract
Safeguard measures in the form of either a duty or a quota or both, function as safety valves for countries when a certain industry is suffering or there is a threat of serious injury to the industry due to a sudden, sharp and recent flood of imports of a product into their market. In essence, safeguard measures allow a country to suspend its obligations to other World Trade Organisation (WTO) Members for a specified period, normally three years. The imposition of safeguard measures is uncontroversial, but they are an extraordinary measure as they are not imposed as a response to unfair trade. However, there is no discernible process for the extension of safeguard measures both under the WTO and South African international trade law framework. Yet the extension of safeguard measures has serious financial implications for the affected industry and thus requires a clear investigative process. The aborted litigation in Macsteel Services Centre SA (Pty) Ltd v ITAC (Case No 55450/20) laid out the problems arising out of this gap in the law. The Amended Safeguard Regulations, the WTO Agreement on Safeguards and the Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Protocol on Trade in Goods are silent on this issue. In light of the recent commencement of trade by South Africa under the AfCFTA, it has become necessary to explore how this issue is regulated both within and outside the framework of the of the AfCFTA. Consequently, this paper explores the regime for the extension of safeguard measures in South Africa within and outside the framework of the AfCFTA
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Government publications
Amended Guidelines and Conditions Relating to Extension of Safeguard Measures (N 542 in GG 45131 of 10 September 2021)
Amended Safeguard Regulations (GN R662 in GG 27762 of 8 July 2005)
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GN R829, R830 and R831 in GG 41038 of 11 August 2017
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International instruments
AfCFTA Protocol on Trade in Goods (2020)
Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (2018)
Agreement on Safeguards (Contained in Annex 1A of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organisation) (1995)
Agreement on the Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (1995)
Annex 9 on Trade Remedies: AfCFTA Protocol on Trade in Goods (2020)
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General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994)
Revised Treaty of the Economic Community of West African States (1993)
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Safeguards - Report by the Chairman of the Council to the Fortieth Session of the Contracting Parties WTO Doc MDF/4, 31S/136 MDF/4, 31S/136 (1984)
Internet sources
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International Trade Administration Commission 2017 Investigation Report No 551: Investigation into Remedial Action in the Form of a Safeguard Against the Increased Imports of Certain Flat Hot-Rolled Steel Products: Final Determination accessed 3 December 2024
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