Concepts of Justice and National Context Outlining Legal Comparisons Between the Federal Republic of Germany, the United States of America, and the People's Republic of China




Justice, comparative law, culture, history, geography, constitution, penalty level, liberal and social market economy, role of the courts, Party of the People's Republic of China, paternalism, freedom of contract, convergence theory


Comparative law holds the promise of improving knowledge. Looking at other legal systems enables a nuanced understanding of the rules of one's own country. While comparative law traditionally starts with a concrete issue, the purpose of this paper is to explore why concepts of justice often differ widely from country to country. The following article compares three major economic powerhouses: the United States, the People's Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany. It will discuss the differences between a liberal and a social market economy, as well as the role of the constitution in society. The outline concludes by looking at the question of when different concepts of justice might converge.


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Author Biography

  • Thomas MJ Möllers

    Professor of Civil Law, Commercial Law, European Law, International Private Law and Comparative Law, University of Augsburg, Germany.




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Enmund v Floridas 1982 458 US 782

Jackson v City of Joliet 1983 715 F2d 1200 (7th Cir)

Lochner v New York 1905 198 US 45

Obergefell v Hodges 2015 135 SCt 2584 – Same-sex partnership as marriage

Roe v Wade 1973 410 US 113 – Abortion

Roper v Simmons 2005 543 US 551 – Death penalty for juvenile offenders

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co v Campbell 2003 538 US 408

Washington v Glucksberg 1997 521 US 702

West Coast Hotel Co v Parrish 1937 300 US 379

Williamson v Lee Optical of Oklahoma 1955 348 US 483


Bavarian Constitution, 1818

Chinese Consumer Protection Law, 31 October 1993

Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, 28 May 2020

Constitutio Criminalis Theresiana, 1768

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Constitution of the United States of America, 4 July 1776

Criminal Code for the Kingdom of Baiern, 1813

Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on Certain Aspects of the Sale of Consumer Goods and Associated Guarantees [1999] OJ L171/12

Directive (EU) 2019/771 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 on Certain Aspects Concerning Contracts for the Sale of Goods, Amending Regulation (EU) 2017/2394 and Directive 2009/22/EC, and Repealing Directive 1999/44/EC [2019] OJ L136/28

Directive (EU) 2020/1828 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2020 on Representative Actions for the Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers and Repealing Directive 2009/22/EC [2020] OJ L409/1

General Prussian Land Law, 1794

German Basic Law, 23 May 1949

German Civil Code, 2 January 2002

German Criminal Code, 13 November 1998

Imperial Recess of the Imperial Diet of Augsburg, 25 September 1555

Introductory Act to the German Civil Code, 21 September 1994

International instruments

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (2000)

European Convention on Human Rights (1950)

Protocol No 6 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Concerning the Abolition of the Death Penalty (1983)

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

Internet sources

Blakemore E 2019 How the East India Company Became the World’s Most Powerful Business

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Gusbeth S 2021 Wie China die Marktmacht seiner Tech-Konzerne brechen will accessed 14 January 2022

Henriques DB 2009 Madoff is Sentenced to 150 Years for Ponzi Scheme accessed 14 January 2022

The National Archives Date unknown Magna Carta, 1215 accessed 14 January 2022





Special Edition: Festschrift - Charl Hugo

How to Cite

Möllers, T. (2022). Concepts of Justice and National Context Outlining Legal Comparisons Between the Federal Republic of Germany, the United States of America, and the People’s Republic of China. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 25, (Published on 27 October 2022) pp 1 - 49.

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