Getting Ahead of the 'Game': The Reclassification of Wild Animals Contained in Protected Areas as Res Publicae"
common law, conservation, Development of common law, escape rule, Game Theft Act, Public trust doctrine, property law classification, protected areas, res nullius, res publicae, wild animalsAbstract
The common law "escape rule" determines that if a wild animal escapes from its controlled environment and reverts to its natural state of freedom, it is res nullius and may be acquired by another party by occupatio. To place the owners of game in a more favourable position when their game escapes from its enclosure, the aforementioned common law rule was amended by the Game Theft Act 105 of 1991 (GTA). Sections of the Game Theft Act 105 of 1991 came under discussion in Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency v Medbury (Pty) Ltd (Wildlife Ranching South Africa amicus curiae) 2016 4 SA 457 (ECG) and later in Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency v Medbury (Pty) Ltd t/a Crown River Safari 2018 4 SA 206 (SCA). Two separate issues came before the courts. First, whether a certificate in terms of section 2(2)(a) of the GTA is a prerequisite for the operation of section (2)(1)(a) of the GTA; and second, whether the common law must be developed to provide that wild animals that are sufficiently contained in a protected area managed by an organ of state charged with the management thereof in terms of relevant nature conservation legislation in order to promote conservation, are res publicae owned by such organ of state. Neither one of the cases thoroughly considered the second issue before the court. Therefore, the purpose of this contribution is to investigate the possibility of developing the common law to provide that wild animals that are
sufficiently contained in a protected area managed by an organ of state charged with the management thereof in terms of relevant nature conservation legislation in order to promote conservation are res publicae owned by such organ of state. In Roman Law res publicae were classified as public things that were out of commerce and intended for public use. They are often referred to as state property, but they belong to the entire civil community and their common interests in these things are safeguarded by the state. This proposed development bears some resemblance to the international environmental law principle known as the public trust doctrine. The public trust doctrine determines that a country's sovereign acts as the guardian of the public interest in natural resources by holding them in trust for the benefit of the nation as a whole. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the proposed development of the common law by exploring (a) the significance of biodiversity conservation and protected areas in South Africa; (b) the application of the GTA in the context of protected areas; (c) the concepts of res nullius, res publicae and the public trust doctrine and (d) the development of the common law in South Africa.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Inge Snyman, Frank Philip Bothma

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.