The Potential of Spatial Planning as a Tool for Cities' Pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 11 in Zimbabwe




Sustainable Development Goal 11, local authorities, Spatial planning, law and policy, Zimbabwe


This article analyses the extent to which the applicable legal and policy frameworks in Zimbabwe enable cities to use spatial planning to pursue the vision encapsulated in SDG 11. This article argues that although the existing legal framework makes adequate provision for features that can hypothetically guide cities to use spatial planning to pursue the vision envisaged in SDG 11, their potential is constrained by diverse factors such as lack of effective public participation in local governance, the inability of local authorities to generate sufficient revenue, systemic corruption in spatial planning processes, and under-utilisation of a flexible and accommodating legal framework. The research is based on an integrated analysis of primary and secondary sources of law.


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Author Biographies

  • Liberty Masekesa, University of South Africa

    Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Public, Constitutional and International Law (CLAW), University of South Africa (UNISA)

  • Oliver Fuo, Faculty of Law at the North-West University

    Dr. Oliver Fuo is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus. His areas of expertise include: Local Government Law; Socio-Economic Rights Law; and Constitutional Environmental Law. He has published several peer reviewed papers on issues that cut accross his areas of specialisation in DHET accredited journals and has presented several papers in national and international conferences.




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SARChi CLES Series on Cities, Law and Environmental Sustainability

How to Cite

Masekesa, L., & Fuo, O. (2024). The Potential of Spatial Planning as a Tool for Cities’ Pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 11 in Zimbabwe. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 27, (Published on 8 July 2024) pp 1-35.

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