The Genesis of the Common Purpose Doctrine in South Africa




common purpose, socius criminis, criminal liability for participation


This contribution seeks to assess whether the generally accepted narrative of the emergence of the common purpose doctrine in South African law, as set out in Rabie's analysis of the doctrine, is indeed correct. In particular the following questions are examined: (i) Did the common purpose doctrine derive from English roots? (ii) Were the means of entry into South African law the Native Territories Penal Code? (iii) Did the doctrine indeed emerge in South African case law in 1917, in the Appellate Division case of McKenzie v Van der Merwe?


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Author Biography

  • Shannon Hoctor , Stellenbosch University South Africa

     Professor, Department of Public Law, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.




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Case law

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Black High Court Abolition Act 13 of 1954

Courts Act 49 of 1898 (N)

Native Territories Penal Code, Act 24 of 1886 (C)

Extended Jurisdiction of Native High Court Act 30 of 1910 (N)





Special Edition: Legal History

How to Cite

Hoctor, S. (2023). The Genesis of the Common Purpose Doctrine in South Africa. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 26, (Published on 23 November 2023) pp 1 - 29.

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