Restorative Justice as an Alternative Response to Student Academic Dishonesty in South African Higher Education Institutions




Academic dishonesty, punitive approach, punitive measures, expulsion, suspension, restorative justice, institution, community, apology


Academic dishonesty among students is a persistent problem in higher education institutions throughout the world, including in South Africa. The traditional methods of dealing with academic dishonesty have not succeeded in curtailing the rise of this phenomenon. Dissatisfied with the methods, some countries have started searching for other ways of responding to academic dishonesty. One such way is restorative justice, which is not a new phenomenon in the history of dealing with disciplinary problems in the education environment. International research shows its potential to enhance academic honesty among students. This article examines restorative justice as an alternative method of dealing with student academic dishonesty in South African higher education institutions. After reviewing the literature the article concludes firstly that restorative justice can reduce academic dishonesty, and secondly, that restorative justice can inculcate a good behaviour among students. The article recommends that restorative justice be adopted as one of measures to deal with academic dishonesty in South African higher education institutions.


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Author Biography

  • Reliance Bongani Mokomane, University of South Africa

    LLB LLM. Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of South Africa. Email:




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How to Cite

Mokomane, R. B. (2024). Restorative Justice as an Alternative Response to Student Academic Dishonesty in South African Higher Education Institutions. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 27, (Published on 24 October 2024) pp 1-35.

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