The Right to be Granted Access over the Property of Others in Order to Enter Prospecting or Mining Areas: Revisiting Joubert v Maranda Mining Company (PTY) LTD [2009] 4 ALL SA 127 (SCA)
mineral, mineral right, mining area, prospecting, custodian, access, enterAbstract
A new mineral law regime was introduced when the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 (MPRDA) commenced. Common law mineral rights were abolished and replaced by statutorily created rights to minerals. Prospecting rights and mining rights granted in terms of the MPRDA entitle their holders, amongst other things, to enter the designated prospecting or mining area in order to commence with and conduct prospecting or mining activities. This contribution focusses on the question whether the entitlement to "enter" the land to which a specific prospecting or mining right relates automatically includes the ancillary right to be granted access over the property of others in order to enter the designated prospecting or mining area. It is important to determine the source or origin of the right to access in the new regime and to differentiate between "access" and "entry". It would not be just or justifiable summarily to accept that legal principles that developed under a completely different regime apply unchanged in a new regime.
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Internet Sources [used on 26/12/2016] [used on 26/12/2016] [used on 26/12/2016]
Copyright (c) 2019 Elmarie van der Schyff

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